上传时间: 2013-10-31
设计了一种基于PIC16C71单片机的数字水温配制阀。该配制阀采用NTC热敏电阻作温度传感器,与固定电阻组成简单分压电路作为水温测量电路,利用PIC16C71单片机内置的8位A/D转换器把热敏电阻上的模拟电压转换为数字量,PIC16C71单片机控制直流电机驱动混水阀调节冷热水的混合比例实现水温调节。给出了控制电路图,对水温测量电路的参数选择和测温精度作了详细讨论。实验和分析表明,选用阻值较大的NTC热敏电阻和分压电阻可较好地解决热敏电阻因功耗较大造成的热击穿问题。 Abstract: A digital valve for controlling water temperature based on PIC16C71 was presented in this paper.A bleeder circuit which consisted of a NTC thermistor as temperature sensor and a fixed resistance was designed as water temperature measuring circuit.The analog voltage on the thermistor was converted into digital signal by a 8-bit A/D converter embedded in PIC16C71. Based on the digital signal, the MCU PIC16C71 drived the valve by a DC motor to adjust the water temperature through adjusting the proportion of hot water and cold water.The circuit diagram of controller was given,the principle,the component parameters and the accuracy of measuring temperatures were also dissertated in detail. It was found by experiment and analysis that thermal breakdown of thermistor caused by high power could be solved by selecting thermistor and fixed resistance with high impedance value.
上传时间: 2013-11-08
上传用户:Yue Zhong
The PL2303 USB to Serial adapter is your smart and convenient accessory forconnecting RS-232 serial devices to your USB-equipped Windows host computer. Itprovides a bridge connection with a standard DB 9-pin male serial port connector inone end and a standard Type-A USB plug connector on the other end. You simplyattach the serial device onto the serial port of the cable and plug the USB connectorinto your PC USB port. It allows a simple and easy way of adding serial connectionsto your PC without having to go thru inserting a serial card and traditional portconfiguration.This USB to Serial adapter is ideal for connecting modems, cellular phones, PDAs,digital cameras, card readers and other serial devices to your computer. It providesserial connections up to 1Mbps of data transfer rate. And since USB does not requireany IRQ resource, more devices can be attached to the system without the previoushassles of device and resource conflicts.Finally, the PL-2303 USB to Serial adapter is a fully USB Specification compliantdevice and therefore supports advanced power management such as suspend andresume operations as well as remote wakeup. The PL-2303 USB Serial cable adapteris designed to work on all Windows operating systems.
上传时间: 2013-11-01
电子发烧友网讯:想实时关注世界最hit最前沿技术科技动态?想了解最有价值国外电子设计资讯?想最先了解行业工程师设计的最hot参考案例?请关注电子发烧友网推荐栏目——国外电子,基于此,为电子发烧友网读者奉上国外前沿技术大餐,电子发烧友网特整合推出《最受欢迎电子发烧友网国外电子精华集锦(4月)》,以飨读者。内容精彩,不容错过,请继续关注电子发烧友网后续系列报道。 1、美国FBI秘密跟踪器拆解:震撼的内部结构 这次要拆解的居然是美国联邦调查局FBI用的汽车追踪设备?如果你会很奇怪,这么机密的东西到底从来弄来的呢?其实,这是一位叫Karen Thaomas的女士无意间从她的汽车底下发现的。 该追踪设备包括了用于追踪汽车定位的GPS单元,一个RF发射器,主要用于将其位置发送到FBI,还有一组电池,用于设备电源驱动支持。我们不会光为了了解这些而忽略了视觉的享受吧?!现在就为你揭开FBI汽车追踪仪器的神秘面纱! 上图中,顺时针方向依次为电池组、GPS天线、发射/接收单元和磁力安装支架
上传时间: 2013-10-28
Abstract: This article explains the recent trend in heart-rate and fitness monitors to go wireless toeliminate cables to allow free movement, and allow convenient data collection without the need to plug intheir devices. It details a typical wireless system, using the MAX1472 crystal-referenced phase-lockedloop (PLL) VHF/UHF transmitter.
标签: Heart-RateFitness Monitors Wireless Go
上传时间: 2013-11-11
One of the strengths of Synplify is the Finite State Machine compiler. This is a powerfulfeature that not only has the ability to automatically detect state machines in the sourcecode, and implement them with either sequential, gray, or one-hot encoding. But alsoperform a reachability analysis to determine all the states that could possibly bereached, and optimize away all states and transition logic that can not be reached.Thus, producing a highly optimal final implementation of the state machine.
标签: Synplicity Machine Verilog Design
上传时间: 2013-10-20
The ability to create groups of reports, and grant users access to reports by group. The ability to generate reports as PDF, XLS, HTML, and CSV files. The ability to generate bar, pie and xy charts for inclusion in reports. The ability to schedule and email PDF, XLS, and CSV reports. The ability to define reusable report parameters. Available parameter types include Date, Text, and Query Parameters. The ability to create multiple DataSources for use in generating reports. Support for JNDI DataSources and internal connection pooling via Commons-DBCP is included. The ability to upload and hot deploy new reports. Web based administration of users, groups, reports, parameters, and datasources. Cross platform database support via Hibernate based persistence layer. Available in a preconfigured bundle with Apache Tomcat.
上传时间: 2014-01-14
Addfilter is a command-line application which adds and removes filter drivers for a given drive or volume. It is intended to demonstrate how to insert a filter driver into the driver stack of a device. The sample illustrates how to do this by using the SetupDi APIs. The sample works on both x86 and Alpha platforms. It has only been tested in a 32-bit environment. Since Addfilter is not a driver, it does not deal with Plug and Play or Power Management.
标签: command-line application Addfilter drivers
上传时间: 2013-12-30
The CD Audio sample allows some non-SCSI2 CD ROMs to support audio operations by intercepting the relevant audio ioctls and translating them into the command block(s) expected by the non-compliant cdroms. It supports Plug and Play and Power Management, and is 64-bit compliant.
标签: intercepting operations non-SCSI support
上传时间: 2014-01-03
是对upnp的介绍,UPnP即Universal Plug and Play通用即插即用简称UPNP。UPnP使用标准的TCP/IP和网络协议,使它能够无缝的融入现有网络。是intel、力推的
标签: upnp
上传时间: 2013-12-24