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  • HisTogram equalization using java

    HisTogram equalization using java

    标签: equalization HisTogram using java

    上传时间: 2017-09-14


  • HisTogram, periodogram

    HisTogram, periodogram

    标签: periodogram HisTogram

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • proteus7.8破解版(附带Proteus中文入门教程)

    附件下载proteus7.8破解版包含了Proteus中文入门教程在内 Proteus Pro 7.8 sp2 汉化破解版,该Proteus 汉化破解版解决了7.2版本运行10分钟就自动关闭的问题,是目前最Protus中最高的版本。Proteus 不仅具有其它EDA工具软件的仿真功能,还能仿真单片机及外围器件,它是目前最好的仿真单片机及外围器件的工具。从原理图布图、代码调试到单片机与外围电路协同仿真,一键切换到PCB设计,真正实现了从概念到产品的完整设计。 Proteus 是目前世界上唯一将电路仿真软件、PCB设计软件和虚拟模型仿真软件三合一的设计平台,其处理器模型支持8051、HC11、PIC10/12/16/18/24/30/DsPIC33、AVR、ARM、8086和MSP430等,Proteus为您建立完整的电子设计开发环境。中文系统可用,不需修改 “非unicode程序的语言”设置,不用改区域语言设置,也不要安装其他破解。 proteus7.8破解版安装步骤: 先安装P7.8sp2.exe,再运行"Proteus Pro 7.8 SP2破解1.0.exe"破解,再汉化。这个汉化补丁用7.5的汉化修改而来,覆盖前注意备份原文件,如果汉化报错,就将“汉化报错.exe” 复制到安装文件夹再运行。 Proteus 不仅具有其它EDA工具软件的仿真功能,还能仿真单片机及外围器件,它是目前最好的仿真单片机及外围器件的工具。从原理图布图、代码调试到单片机与外围电路协同仿真,一键切换到PCB设计,真正实现了从概念到产品的完整设计。 Proteus中文入门教程 Proteus ISIS是英国Labcenter公司开发的电路分析与实物仿真软件。它运行于Windows操作系统上,可以仿真、分析(SPICE)各种模拟器件和集成电路,该软件的特点是:①实现了单片机仿真和SPICE电路仿真相结合。具有模拟电路仿真、数字电路仿真、单片机及其外围电路组成的系统的仿真、RS232动态仿真、I2C调试器、SPI调试器、键盘和LCD系统仿真的功能;有各种虚拟仪器,如示波器、逻辑分析仪、信号发生器等。②支持主流单片机系统的仿真。目前支持的单片机类型有:68000系列、8051系列、AVR系列、PIC12系列、PIC16系列、PIC18系列、Z80系列、HC11系列以及各种外围芯片。③提供软件调试功能。在硬件仿真系统中具有全速、单步、设置断点等调试功能,同时可以观察各个变量、寄存器等的当前状态,因此在该软件仿真系统中,也必须具有这些功能;同时支持第三方的软件编译和调试环境,如Keil C51 uVision2等软件。④具有强大的原理图绘制功能。总之,该软件是一款集单片机和SPICE分析于一身的仿真软件,功能极其强大。本章介绍Proteus ISIS软件的工作环境和一些基本操作。 Proteus中文入门教程目  录 第一章  概述 2 一、进入Proteus ISIS 2 二、工作界面 3 三、基本操作 3 图形编辑窗口 3 预览窗口(The Overview Window) 4 对象选择器窗口 5 图形编辑的基本操作 5 参考1 10 参考2作原理图仿真调试 12 四、实例一 16 电路图的绘制 17 KeilC与Proteus连接调试 26 五、实例二 30 使用元件工具箱 30 使用状态信息条 30 使用对话框 30 使用仿真信息窗口 30 关闭Proteus ISIS 30 四、菜单命令简述 31 主窗口菜单 31 表格输出窗口(Table)菜单 33 方格输出窗口(Grid)菜单 33 Smith圆图输出窗口(Smith)菜单 33 直方图输出窗口(HisTogram)菜单 33 第二章 基于51的PID炉温度调节器的硬件设计及仿真 34

    标签: proteus Proteus 7.8 破解版

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • Proteus中文入门基础教程

    Proteus中文入门基础教程 目  录 第一章  概述... 2 一、进入Proteus ISIS. 2 二、工作界面... 3 三、基本操作... 3 图形编辑窗口... 3 预览窗口(The Overview Window)... 4 对象选择器窗口... 5 图形编辑的基本操作... 5 参考1. 10 参考2作原理图仿真调试... 12 四、实例一... 16 电路图的绘制... 17 KeilC与Proteus连接调试... 26 五、实例二... 30 使用元件工具箱... 30 使用状态信息条... 30 使用对话框... 30 使用仿真信息窗口... 30 关闭Proteus ISIS. 30 四、菜单命令简述... 31 主窗口菜单... 31 表格输出窗口(Table)菜单... 33 方格输出窗口(Grid)菜单... 33 Smith圆图输出窗口(Smith)菜单... 33 直方图输出窗口(HisTogram)菜单... 33 第二章           基于51的PID炉温度调节器的硬件设计及仿真(未完成)... 34

    标签: Proteus 基础教程

    上传时间: 2013-10-31


  • This paper studies the problem of categorical data clustering, especially for transactional data ch

    This paper studies the problem of categorical data clustering, especially for transactional data characterized by high dimensionality and large volume. Starting from a heuristic method of increasing the height-to-width ratio of the cluster HisTogram, we develop a novel algorithm – CLOPE, which is very fast and scalable, while being quite effective. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on two real world

    标签: data transactional categorical clustering

    上传时间: 2015-10-24


  • 模式识别学习综述.该论文的英文参考文献为303篇.很有可读价值.Abstract— Classical and recent results in statistical pattern recog

    模式识别学习综述.该论文的英文参考文献为303篇.很有可读价值.Abstract— Classical and recent results in statistical pattern recognition and learning theory are reviewed in a two-class pattern classification setting. This basic model best illustrates intuition and analysis techniques while still containing the essential features and serving as a prototype for many applications. Topics discussed include nearest neighbor, kernel, and HisTogram methods, Vapnik–Chervonenkis theory, and neural networks. The presentation and the large (thogh nonexhaustive) list of references is geared to provide a useful overview of this field for both specialists and nonspecialists.

    标签: statistical Classical Abstract pattern

    上传时间: 2013-11-25


  • 北京大学ACM比赛题目 Write a program to read four lines of upper case (i.e., all CAPITAL LETTERS) text input

    北京大学ACM比赛题目 Write a program to read four lines of upper case (i.e., all CAPITAL LETTERS) text input (no more than 72 characters per line) from the input file and print a vertical HisTogram that shows how many times each letter (but not blanks, digits, or punctuation) appears in the all-upper-case input. Format your output exactly as shown.

    标签: CAPITAL LETTERS program Write

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • 自己编写的一个简单的matlab程序

    自己编写的一个简单的matlab程序,实现图像直方图的均衡化及规定化处理.image HisTogram equalization,HisTogram matching(specification).

    标签: matlab 编写 程序

    上传时间: 2014-11-11


  • The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in

    The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in different modalities together thus forming multimodal images. Component images forming multimodal images should be aligned, or registered so that all the data, coming from the different modalities, are displayed in proper locations. The term image registration is most commonly used to denote the process of alignment of images , that is of transforming them to the common coordinate system. This is done by optimizing a similarity measure between the two images. A widely used measure is Mutual Information (MI). This method requires estimating joint HisTogram of the two images. Experiments are presented that demonstrate the approach. The technique is intensity-based rather than feature-based. As a comparative assessment the performance based on normalized mutual information and cross correlation as metric have also been presented.

    标签: present modalities existence different

    上传时间: 2017-04-03


  • -The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in

    -The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in different modalities together thus forming multimodal images. Component images forming multimodal images should be aligned, or registered so that all the data, coming from the different modalities, are displayed in proper locations. Mutual Information is the similarity measure used in this case for optimizing the two images. This method requires estimating joint HisTogram of the two images. The fusion of images is the process of combining two or more images into a single image retaining important features from each. The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) has become an attractive tool for fusing multimodal images. In this work it has been used to segment the features of the input images to produce a region map. Features of each region are calculated and a region based approach is used to fuse the images in the wavelet domain.

    标签: present modalities existence different

    上传时间: 2014-03-04
