Sinus estimation with 2D periodogram
标签: periodogram estimation Sinus with
上传时间: 2014-01-16
Histogram, periodogram
标签: periodogram Histogram
上传时间: 2014-01-20
Generate 100 samples of a zero-mean white noise sequence with variance , by using a uniform random number generator. a Compute the autocorrelation of for . b Compute the periodogram estimate and plot it. c Generate 10 different realizations of , and compute the corresponding sample autocorrelation sequences , and . Compute the average autocorrelation sequence as and the corresponding periodogram for . d Compute and plot the average periodogram using the Bartlett method. e Comment on the results in parts (a) through (d).
标签: zero-mean Generate sequence variance
上传时间: 2016-03-04
Measuring Frequency Content in Signals I this section we will study some non parametric methods for spectrum estimation of a stochastic process. These methods are described in the literature. All methods are based on the periodogram which is defined for a sequence x[n] with length N according to
标签: parametric Measuring Frequency Content
上传时间: 2017-03-20
ex6_1 ~ ex6_3二项分布的随机数据的产生 ex6_4 ~ ex6_6通用函数计算概率密度函数值 ex6_7 ~ ex6_20常见分布的密度函数 ex6_21 ~ ex6_33随机变量的数字特征 ex6_34 采用periodogram函数来计算功率谱 ex6_35 利用FFT直接法计算上面噪声信号的功率谱 ex6_36 利用间接法重新计算上例中噪声信号的功率谱 ex6_37 采用tfe函数来进行系统的辨识,并与理想结果进行比较 ex6_38 在置信度为0.95的区间上估计有色噪声x的PSD ex6_39 在置信度为0.95的区间上估计两个有色噪声x,y之间的CSD ex6_40 用程序代码来实现Welch方法的功率谱估计 ex6_41 用Welch方法进行PSD估计,并比较当采用不同窗函数时的结果 ex6_42 用Yule-Walker AR法进行PSD估计 ex6_43 用Burg算法计算AR模型的参数 ex6_44 用Burg法PSD估计 ex6_45 比较协方差方法与改进的协方差方法在功率谱估计中的效果 ex6_46 用Multitaper法进行PSD估计 ex6_47 用MUSIC法进行PSD估计 ex6_48 用特征向量法进行PSD估计
上传时间: 2013-12-10