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  • Introduction to the DirectX® 9 High Level Shading Language

    Introduction to the DirectX® 9 High Level Shading Language

    标签: Introduction Language DirectX Shading

    上传时间: 2017-09-24


  • High Speed Serdes Design and Connectors

    HIGH SPeed serdes designs and connectors and simulation models simulations used in signal Integrity and also has practical evaluation aof all connectors

    标签: Si HighSpeed

    上传时间: 2015-04-09


  • Emerging Technologies in Wireless LANs Theory

    Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) networks have become mainstream over the last few years. What started out as cable replacement for static desktops in indoor networks has been extended to fully mobile broadband applications involving moving vehicles, high-speed trains, and even airplanes. 

    标签: Technologies Emerging Wireless Theory LANs in

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • High+Voltage+Protection

    This book is intended to help electric power and telephone company personnel and individuals interested in properly protecting critical tele­ communications circuits and equipment located in high voltage (HV) environments and to improve service reliability while maintaining safe working conditions. Critical telecommunications circuits are often located in HV environments such as electric utility power plants, substations, cell sites on power towers, and standalone telecommuni­ cations facilities such as 911 call centers and mountaintop telecom­ munications sites. 

    标签: Protection Voltage High

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • High-Frequency Oscillator Design

    OSCILLATORS are key building blocks in integrated transceivers. In wired and wireless communication terminals, the receiver front-end selects, amplifies and converts the desired high-frequency signal to baseband. At baseband the signal can then be converted into the digital domain for further data processing and demodula- tion. The transmitter front-end converts an analog baseband signal to a suitable high- frequency signal that can be transmitted over the wired or wireless channel. 

    标签: High-Frequency Oscillator Design

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • High+Voltage+Engineering

    The first edition as well as its forerunner of Kuffel and Abdullah published in 1970 and their translations into Japanese and Chinese languages have enjoyed wide international acceptance as basic textbooks in teaching senior under- graduate and postgraduate courses in High-Voltage Engineering. Both texts have also been extensively used by practising engineers engaged in the design and operation of high-voltage equipment. Over the years the authors have received numerous comments from the text’s users with helpful suggestions for improvements. These have been incorporated in the present edition. Major revisions and expansion of several chapters have been made to update the continued progress and developments in high-voltage engineering over the past two decades.

    标签: Engineering Voltage High

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • 超高频射频识别标签基准测试研究.rar

    射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)是一种允许非接触式数据采集的自动识别技术。其中工作在超高频(Ultra High Frequency,UHF)频段的无源RFID系统,由于在物流与供应链管理等领域的潜在应用,近年来得到了人们的广泛关注。这种系统所使用的无源标签具有识别距离长、体积小、成本低廉等突出特点。目前在市场上出现了各种品牌型号的UHF RFID无源标签,由于不同品牌型号的标签在设计与制造工艺上的差异,这些标签在性能表现上各不相同,这就给终端用户选择合适自己应用的标签带来了困难。RFID基准测试就是在实际部署RFID系统前对RFID标签的性能进行科学评估的有效手段。然而为了在常规实验室条件下得到准确公正的测试结果,需要对基准测试的性能指标及测试方法学开展进一步的研究。本文正是研究符合EPC Class1 Gen2标准的RFID标签基准测试。 本文首先分析了当前广泛应用的超高频无源RFID标签基准测试性能指标与测试方法上的局限性与不足之处。例如,在真实的应用环境中,由于受到各种环境因素的影响,对同一品牌型号的标签,很难得到一致的识读距离测试结果。另外,在某些测试场景中,使用识读速率作为测试指标,所得到的测试结果数值非常接近,以致分辨度不足以区分不同品牌型号标签的性能差异。在这些分析基础上,本文把路径损耗引入了RFID基准测试,通过有限点的测量与数据拟合分别得到不同类型标签的路径损耗方程,结合读写器天线的辐射方向图,进一步得到各种标签受限于读写器接收灵敏度的覆盖区域。无源标签由于其被动式能量获取方式,其实际工作区域仍然受限于前向链路。本文通过实验测试出这些标签的最小激活功率后,得出了各种标签在一定读写器发射功率下的激活区域。完成这些步骤后,根据这两种区域的交集可以确定标签的工作区域,从而进行标签间的比较并达到基准测试的目的,并能找出限制标签工作范围的瓶颈。 本文最后从功率损耗的角度研究了标签之间的相互干扰,为用户在密集部署RFID标签的场景中设置标签之间的最小间隔距离具有重要的参考意义。

    标签: 超高频 射频识别 基准测试

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 高强度气体灯电子镇流器的研究与开发.rar

    随着绿色工程的实施,在照明领域,已将电力电子技术广泛应用到电气照明中去,所以寻找绿色、高效、长寿命、光色好等优点的照明设备已成为必然。高强度气体放电灯(High-Intensity-Discharge)由于光效高而节能,已经在照明领域取得广泛的应用。但传统的电感镇流器存在诸多缺点,故与之配套的HID灯电子镇流器的开发成为研究的热点,本文对基于数字控制的HID灯电子镇流器进行了研究与设计。 本文第二章阐述了气体放电的基础知识和电光源的基本参数。比较了电子电感镇流器的优缺点,针对HID灯对电子镇流器的要求,介绍了电子镇流器基本原理和发展趋势。第三章对高强度气体放电灯的关键技术进行了研究。首先是对电子镇流器的拓扑结构进行分析与比较,选定了传统的三级结构进行设计,其次是对电子镇流器的核心-逆变器的结构进行了分析,选定了全桥逆变结构,再次是对HID灯的各种点火电路的结构进行分析,本文选定了用单片机进行控制的点火的方式;最后是对灯的声谐振进行了各种方式的比较与分析,给出通过数字调频的方式来抑制声谐振理论分析。第四章主要通过比较各种功率因数校正的优缺点,并采取了基于boost结构的临界功率因数校正。第五章对HID灯启动工作过程进行了分析,提出了三段线性控制的策略,给出了控制的理论分析;比较了间接和直接两种控制恒功率的方法,选定间接控制方式。第六章主要对数字控制的250W金卤灯的样机的实现中的部分电路(保护、驱动、逆变)进行分析与设计并给出了部分电路图和软件设计的流程图以及部分仿真与试验波形。最后在第七章对试验结果进行分析,对本文的设计进行小结以及对未来的展望。

    标签: 气体 电子镇流器

    上传时间: 2013-07-16


  • 30kHz高频开关电源变压器的设计

    30kHz高频开关电源变压器的设计:Design of 30kHz High-frequency SMPS Transformer 在传统的高频变压器设计中,由于磁心材料的限制,

    标签: kHz 30 高频开关 电源变压器

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • CR6221 Current Mode PWM Power Switch

    CR6221 combines a dedicated current mode PWM controller with a high voltage power MOSFET. It is opti

    标签: Current Switch Power 6221

    上传时间: 2013-04-24
