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  • FPGA设计重利用方法(Design Reuse Methodology)

      FPGAs have changed dramatically since Xilinx first introduced them just 15 years ago. In thepast, FPGA were primarily used for prototyping and lower volume applications; custom ASICswere used for high volume, cost sensitive designs. FPGAs had also been too expensive and tooslow for many applications, let alone for System Level Integration (SLI). Plus, the development

    标签: Methodology Design Reuse FPGA

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • SOC验证方法

    Prakash Rashinkar has over 15 years experience in system design and verificationof embedded systems for communication satellites, launch vehicles and spacecraftground systems, high-performance computing, switching, multimedia, and wirelessapplications. Prakash graduated with an MSEE from Regional Engineering College,Warangal, in India. He lead the team that was responsible for delivering themethodologies for SOC verification at Cadence Design Systems. Prakash is anactive member of the VSIA Functional Verification DWG. He is currently Architectin the Vertical Markets and Design Environments Group at Cadence.

    标签: SOC 验证方法

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 多层印制板设计基本要领

    【摘要】本文结合作者多年的印制板设计经验,着重印制板的电气性能,从印制板稳定性、可靠性方面,来讨论多层印制板设计的基本要求。【关键词】印制电路板;表面贴装器件;高密度互连;通孔【Key words】Printed Circuit Board;Surface Mounting Device;High Density Interface;Via一.概述印制板(PCB-Printed Circuit Board)也叫印制电路板、印刷电路板。多层印制板,就是指两层以上的印制板,它是由几层绝缘基板上的连接导线和装配焊接电子元件用的焊盘组成,既具有导通各层线路,又具有相互间绝缘的作用。随着SMT(表面安装技术)的不断发展,以及新一代SMD(表面安装器件)的不断推出,如QFP、QFN、CSP、BGA(特别是MBGA),使电子产品更加智能化、小型化,因而推动了PCB工业技术的重大改革和进步。自1991年IBM公司首先成功开发出高密度多层板(SLC)以来,各国各大集团也相继开发出各种各样的高密度互连(HDI)微孔板。这些加工技术的迅猛发展,促使了PCB的设计已逐渐向多层、高密度布线的方向发展。多层印制板以其设计灵活、稳定可靠的电气性能和优越的经济性能,现已广泛应用于电子产品的生产制造中。下面,作者以多年设计印制板的经验,着重印制板的电气性能,结合工艺要求,从印制板稳定性、可靠性方面,来谈谈多层制板设计的基本要领。

    标签: 多层 印制板

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • 高性能覆铜板的发展趋势及对环氧树脂性能的新需求

    讨论、研究高性能覆铜板对它所用的环氧树脂的性能要求,应是立足整个产业链的角度去观察、分析。特别应从HDI多层板发展对高性能CCL有哪些主要性能需求上着手研究。HDI多层板有哪些发展特点,它的发展趋势如何——这都是我们所要研究的高性能CCL发展趋势和重点的基本依据。而HDI多层板的技术发展,又是由它的应用市场——终端电子产品的发展所驱动(见图1)。 图1 在HDI多层板产业链中各类产品对下游产品的性能需求关系图 1.HDI多层板发展特点对高性能覆铜板技术进步的影响1.1 HDI多层板的问世,对传统PCB技术及其基板材料技术是一个严峻挑战20世纪90年代初,出现新一代高密度互连(High Density Interconnection,简称为 HDI)印制电路板——积层法多层板(Build—Up Multiplayer printed board,简称为 BUM)的最早开发成果。它的问世是全世界几十年的印制电路板技术发展历程中的重大事件。积层法多层板即HDI多层板,至今仍是发展HDI的PCB的最好、最普遍的产品形式。在HDI多层板之上,将最新PCB尖端技术体现得淋漓尽致。HDI多层板产品结构具有三大突出的特征:“微孔、细线、薄层化”。其中“微孔”是它的结构特点中核心与灵魂。因此,现又将这类HDI多层板称作为“微孔板”。HDI多层板已经历了十几年的发展历程,但它在技术上仍充满着朝气蓬勃的活力,在市场上仍有着前程广阔的空间。

    标签: 性能 发展趋势 覆铜板 环氧树脂

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 赛灵思电机控制开发套件简介(英文版)

      The power of programmability gives industrial automation designers a highly efficient, cost-effective alternative to traditional motor control units (MCUs)。 The parallel-processing power, fast computational speeds, and connectivity versatility of Xilinx® FPGAs can accelerate the implementation of advanced motor control algorithms such as Field Oriented Control (FOC)。   Additionally, Xilinx devices lower costs with greater on-chip integration of system components and shorten latencies with high-performance digital signal processing (DSP) that can tackle compute-intensive functions such as PID Controller, Clark/Park transforms, and Space Vector PWM.   The Xilinx Spartan®-6 FPGA Motor Control Development Kit gives designers an ideal starting point for evaluating time-saving, proven, motor-control reference designs. The kit also shortens the process of developing custom control capabilities, with integrated peripheral functions (Ethernet, PowerLink, and PCI® Express), a motor-control FPGA mezzanine card (FMC) with built-in Texas Instruments motor drivers and high-precision Delta-Sigma modulators, and prototyping support for evaluating alternative front-end circuitry.

    标签: 赛灵思 电机控制 开发套件 英文

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • xilinx FPGAs在工业中的应用

      The revolution of automation on factory floors is a key driver for the seemingly insatiable demand for higher productivity, lower total cost of ownership,and high safety. As a result, industrial applications drive an insatiable demand of higher data bandwidth and higher system-level performance.   This white paper describes the trends and challenges seen by designers and how FPGAs enable solutions to meet their stringent design goals.

    标签: xilinx FPGAs 工业 中的应用

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • High Pressure Pump(主机高压油泵说明书)


    标签: Pressure High Pump 主机

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • 基于EKF的异步电机直接转矩控制系统

    为了提高直接转矩控制(DTC)系统定子磁链估计精度,降低电流、电压测量的随机误差,提出了一种基于扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)实现异步电机转子位置和速度估计的方法。扩展卡尔曼滤波器是建立在基于旋转坐标系下由定子电流、电压、转子转速和其它电机参量所构成的电机模型上,将定子电流、定子磁链、转速和转子角位置作为状态变量,定子电压为输入变量,定子电流为输出变量,通过对磁链和转速的闭环控制提高定子磁链的估计精度,实现了异步电机的无速度传感器直接转矩控制策略,仿真结果验证了该方法的可行性,提高了直接转矩的控制性能。 Abstract:  In order to improve the Direct Torque Control(DTC) system of stator flux estimation accuracy and reduce the current, voltage measurement of random error, a novel method to estimate the speed and rotor position of asynchronous motor based on extended Kalman filter was introduced. EKF was based on d-p axis motor and other motor parameters (state vector: stator current, stator flux linkage, rotor angular speed and position; input: stator voltage; output: staror current). EKF was designed for stator flux and rotor speed estimation in close-loop control. It can improve the estimated accuracy of stator flux. It is possible to estimate the speed and rotor position and implement asynchronous motor drives without position and speed sensors. The simulation results show it is efficient and improves the control performance.

    标签: EKF 异步电机 直接转矩 控制系统

    上传时间: 2015-01-02


  • 基于AR模型的HIFU无损测温方法研究

    自回归功率谱密度(AR-PSD)方法的基础是生物组织的离散散射体模型〔超声体模〕理论,该模型认为生物组织为半规则的散射体分布的,这种方法是基于温度和频移的相关特性。本文介绍超声回波信号对HIFU(High Intensity Focused Ultrasound)治疗的测温技术,从测温模型和算法,实验仪器的设计和构建,仿真和离体实验中获取了一套有效的测温方法,利用Matlab7.1和VC++6.0作为工具对超声回波信号进行计算机仿真,并从实验获得的超声回波信号中分析出具体的温度变化,验证了算法的可行性。

    标签: HIFU AR模型 无损测温 方法研究

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • 微电脑型RS-485显示电表(24*48mm/48*96mm)

    微电脑型RS-485显示电表(24*48mm/48*96mm) 特点: 5位数RS-485显示电表 显示范围-19999-99999位數 通訊协议Modbus RTU模式 宽范围交直流兩用電源設計 尺寸小,穩定性高 主要规格: 显示范围:-19999~99999 digit RS-485传输速度: 19200/9600/4800/2400 selective RS-485通讯位址: "01"-"FF" RS-485通讯协议: Modbus RTU mode 显示幕: Red high efficiency LEDs high 10.16 mm (0.4") (MMX-RS-11X) Red high efficiency LEDs high 20.32 mm (0.8") (MMX-RS-12X) Red high efficiency LEDs high 10.16 mm (0.4")x2 (MMX-RS-22X) 参数设定方式: Touch switches 记忆方式: Non-volatile E²PROM memory 绝缘耐压能力: 2KVac/1 min. (input/power) 使用环境条件: 0-50℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: 0-70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001

    标签: 48 mm 485 RS

    上传时间: 2015-01-03
