改进的delphi Gauge进度条控件,加大最大值,在拷贝大文件时可用文件长度直接作为进度条最大值,方便进度显示。
上传时间: 2014-10-12
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Application considerations and circuits for the LT1001 and LT1002 single and dual precision amplifiers are illustrated in a number of circuits, including strain Gauge signal conditioners, linearized platinum RTD circuits, an ultra precision dead zone circuit for motor servos and other examples.
上传时间: 2013-10-18
AWG=American Wire Gauge standard:Gauge Diam Area R I at 3A/mm2 AWGmm mm2 ohm/km mA
上传时间: 2013-11-08
Abstract: Most hand-held products lack accurate battery-charge monitors ("fuel Gauges") because of the misconception that an accurate fuel Gauge is difficult to achieve. This article debunks the myths and discusses how to accurately monitor charge at all temperatures, charge and discharge rates, and aging conditions. 无线通信和数据在新一代手机和PDA中的融合为再一次的生产力飞跃创造了条件。。随之而来的将是经济的增长和全新的工作方式,在便携式计算机领域,PC笔记本曾经扮演了类似的开拓者角角。
上传时间: 2013-10-17
Abstract: Most hand-held products lack accurate battery-charge monitors ("fuel Gauges") because of the misconception that an accurate fuel Gauge is difficult to achieve. This article debunks the myths and discusses how to accurately monitor charge at all temperatures, charge and discharge rates, and aging conditions.
上传时间: 2014-03-18
J2ME高级用户界面的学习代码,在ktoolbar下运行,是学习J2ME的好助手.这里包括 ExpandThread,Form,FormN,Gauge,ImageItemAnimation,ImageItem,ItemStateListener
上传时间: 2015-10-08
monte carlo 仿真英文电子书 AGuidetoMonteCarloSimulationsinStatisticalPhysics,Second EditionThis new and updated deals with all aspects of Monte Carlo simulation ofcomplexphysicalsystemsencounteredincondensed-matterphysicsandsta-tistical mechanics as well as in related ?elds, for example polymer science,lattice Gauge theory and protein folding
标签: AGuidetoMonteCarloSimulationsinSt atisticalPhysics EditionThis Second
上传时间: 2016-04-25