FastReport is reporting tool component. It consists of report engine, designer and preview. It written on 100 Object Pascal and can be installed in Delphi 2-7 and C++Builder 1-6. Also available cross-platform version FR CLX for Delphi 6,7 C++ Builder 6 and Kylix 1,2,3 - check out webpage to get latest information.
标签: FastReport component reporting consists
上传时间: 2014-01-20
HashTable实例 public class HashTable_msg { public HashTable_msg() { String sum_sql="select mobilenum,count(*) from SJSJ_Msg where (left(in_date,6)=(select left(CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 112 ),6)))group by mobilenum" Hashtable<String,Integer> ht = new Hashtable<String,Integer>() try{ ResultSet rs= DBAccess.getInstance().select(sum_sql) while(rs!=null) { ht.put(rs.getString(1),rs.getInt(2)) } } catch (Exception e) { Logs.printError(e) } } }
标签: HashTable_msg public HashTable sum_sql
上传时间: 2014-12-07
this step-by-step guide makes learning Borland C++Builder programming a breeze. It鈥檚 the perfect learning tool for beginning programmers who want to develop their own programming capabilities, and for developers who want to get up-to-speed with C++Builder quickly and easily.
标签: step-by-step programming learning Borland
上传时间: 2014-01-04
初看kmp算法的时候有点模糊,第一次就根本没明白过。 仔细的推敲。找相关类似的问题。现在把源程序贴出来供大家参考。 关键一点就是要了解next函数的构造,以及为什么要这么做。在数据结构中的next推倒,不过不是很好理解。 其中next是按1开始。
上传时间: 2017-05-20
YFast is a PHP class developed to use on this blog, it gives you the possibility to use all modern technics of web development (etags, gzip, exipire headers) on your site in a very simple way -- and get A on YSlow.
标签: possibility developed use modern
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Generate Possion Dis. step1:Generate a random number between [0,1] step2:Let u=F(x)=1-[(1/e)x] step3:Slove x=1/F(u) step4:Repeat Step1~Step3 by using different u,you can get x1,x2,x3,...,xn step5:If the first packet was generated at time [0], than the second packet will be generated at time [0+x1],The third packet will be generated at time [0+x1+x2], and so on …. Random-number generation 1.static method random from class Math -Returns doubles in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0 2.class Random from package java.util -Can produce pseudorandom boolean, byte, float, double, int, long and Gaussian values -Is seeded with the current time of day to generate different sequences of numbers each time the program executes
标签: Generate Possion between random
上传时间: 2017-05-25
CHttpClient的目的是用于简化WinInet的API,用于和HTTP服务器进行交互。可以使用HTTP GET向HTTP服务器发送请求(用于请求一个URL对应的内容),使用HTTP POST想HTTP服务器发送数据(用于传递文件和提交表单),以及处理CHttpResponse回来的数据,另外加入了严格的异常检测。附件里同时包含了一普通版和COM版的源代码。
标签: CHttpClient WinInet API
上传时间: 2014-01-06
one of video tool Skype only in windows mobile5.0 more than running, but my task is to let it run Skype in WINCE only in windows mobile5.0 more than running, but my task is to let it run in WINCE . Leave no stone unturned when I can not get windows mobile, they thought would be needed for skype all library files to my WINCE, so perhaps will be able to run skype. 1. Used depend Show skype depends on which files. In fact, not many documents, I can remember only under the following: core.dllcommctr.dllaygeshell.dllhtmlview.dll In addition to htmlview.dll, the other documents in WINCE have (if your system does not, please IMAGE Canada on the corresponding module). Therefore, I find on the Internet htmlview.dll, the results really find
标签: running windows mobile Skype
上传时间: 2014-01-17
a great book for those who want to learn about the math behind grapics software. it s a great place to get the fundamentals of graphics
标签: great software grapics behind
上传时间: 2017-06-05
Novell.Press.Linux.Kernel.Development linux内核开发的经典书籍之一 The Linux kernel is one of the most interesting yet least understood open-source projects. It is also a basis for developing new kernel code. That is why Sams is excited to bring you the latest Linux kernel development information from a Novell insider in the second edition of Linux Kernel Development. This authoritative, practical guide will help you better understand the Linux kernel through updated coverage of all the major subsystems, new features associated with Linux 2.6 kernel and insider information on not-yet-released developments. You ll be able to take an in-depth look at Linux kernel from both a theoretical and an applied perspective as you cover a wide range of topics, including algorithms, system call interface, paging strategies and kernel synchronization. Get the top information right from the source in Linux Kernel Development
标签: Linux Development interes Novell
上传时间: 2017-06-06