上传时间: 2016-08-12
mastering dojo The book really rolls out the red carpet for Dojo to emerge with guns blazing! The authors show you how easy it is to use impressive widgets without installing a thing. I was amazed to discover that JavaScript is not just a toy language, how Dojo is built on top of it, and how both are invaluable in any web development project. Buy this book. It’s the next best thing to having the authors working at your side.
标签: mastering blazing carpet emerge
上传时间: 2016-09-04
ajax打造的动态计数器,首次使用了交互的原理,原创作品,市面上相同的插件代码很少见哦~~~~ 1.以当前文件的文件名为统计基础。 2.ajax发送方式可以是get/post,调用非常简单: 写在window.onload里是为了页面加载完成后才开始统计。 3.返回结果为纯数字,即当前页面的访问次数 4,单个页面对某一用户一天只记数一次(通过cookie方式实现) 注:如果客户端禁止了cookie,则通过服务器端进行判断,确保一个页面一天只记一次数。 其它:只做了一个单个页面访问次数的计数器,如果想要统计具体访问信息,可以自己写相应的后台页面,加入相应的功能。
上传时间: 2016-09-27
Linux下的tree命令,同window,功能更强大! 1、下载tree-源程序 2、解压源码到工作目录tar zxvf tree- 3、在tree-目录交叉编译:make CC=arm-linux-gcc 4、安装:make prefix=/home/xxxx/rootfs install Ubuntu下 直接 apt-get install tree 即可安装最新的tr
上传时间: 2016-09-27
MATLAB的SVM算法实现,Matlab Support Vector Machine Toolbox,This toolbox was designed as a teaching aid, which matlab is particularly good for since source code is relatively legible and simple to modify. However, it is still reasonably fast if used with the supplied optimiser. However, if you really want to speed things up you should consider compiling the matrix composition routine for H into a mex function. Then again if you really want to speed things up you probably shouldn t be using matlab anyway... Get hold of a dedicated C program once you understand the algorithm.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
FASTICA can be called with numerous optional arguments. Optional arguments are given in parameter pairs, so that first argument is the name of the parameter and the next argument is the value for that parameter. Optional parameter pairs can be given in any order.
标签: arguments parameter Optional numerous
上传时间: 2014-08-18
This a simple database management system. It doesn t use any other code (i.e. ODBC, ADO, etc.) and has it s own database file format. I wrote it because I found the other DBMSs code too bulky and hard to debug. It s designed for small applications and I doubt it could handle anything on a large scale. A sample program included in the .zip shows how everything works. The database project is a library project, so you ll have to compile and link with the .lib file to get everything working. Pros: - You have the source code so you know exactly what it is doing - Database files are very small - Small and fast code Cons: - Can t handle large amounts of records (more than 65000ish) - Doesn t support SQL (you have to search the database by cycling through the records and testing them against your constraints) - Each database file can only have one table.
标签: i.e. management database simple
上传时间: 2016-10-02
Given Perl s natural fit for web applications development, it s no surprise that Perl is also a natural choice for web services development. It s the most popular web programming language, with strong implementations of both SOAP and XML-RPC, the leading ways to distribute applications using web services. But books on web services focus on writing these applications in Java or Visual Basic, leaving Perl programmers with few resources to get them started. "Programming Web Services with Perl" changes that, bringing Perl users all the information they need to create web services using their favorite language.
标签: Perl applications development surprise
上传时间: 2014-11-21
With a worldwide community of users and more than a million dedicated programmers, Perl has proven to be the most effective language for the latest trends in computing and business. Every programmer must keep up with the latest tools and techniques. This updated version of Advanced Perl Programming from O Reilly gives you the essential knowledge of the modern Perl programmer. Whatever your current level of Perl expertise, this book will help you push your skills to the next level and become a more accomplished programmer.
标签: programmers worldwide community dedicated
上传时间: 2014-01-16
编写漏洞扫描器探查远程服务器上可能存在的具有安全隐患的文件是否存在,它的socket建立过程和上面 的端口扫描器是相同的,所不同的是漏洞扫描器通常使用80端口,然后对这个端口发送一个GET文件的请求,服务器接收到请求会返回文件内容,如果文件不存 在则返回一个错误提示,通过接收返回内容可以判断文件是否存在。发送和接收数据需要使用函数send()和recv(),另外对流中存在的字符串进行判断 需要使用函数strstr(),这除了需要具备socket函数库的知识以外,还需要一些有关string函数库的知识。
上传时间: 2013-12-08