开发环境:Delphi 简要说明:TGABase is a abstract class. You must Derivate a sub_class from it. You must override abstract function calculateFitness. By the way, this class can only get minimum solution
标签: must You sub_class Derivate
上传时间: 2015-04-12
Contains a complete archiver by Haruhiko Okumura. The archiver uses an LZ engine whose output is compressed with static Huffman. The file is chopped into pieces which all get their own independent set of Huffman tree s. ARJ 2.41, ZIP 2.0 and PKZIP 2.04g use essentially the same method. ZOO and LHA even use excactly the same method.
标签: archiver Contains complete Haruhiko
上传时间: 2014-01-17
股票交易模拟器 A Stock Exchange simulator to show timers and randon number generators work together. A cool simulation for anyone who might think about playing the stocks and spending money and get a general idea how the system works.
标签: generators simulator Exchange together
上传时间: 2015-04-13
This is an example how one could hide a process on Windows based operation systems from task viewers like ProcDump (G-RoM, Lorian & Stone) or ProcessExplorer (SysInternals). It could e.g. be used as some kind of dump protection. The way to get this done is very different on NT and 9x machines.
标签: operation Windows example process
上传时间: 2013-12-17
ARM下 Implement matrix multiplication of 2 square matrices, with data read from an input file and printed both to the console and to an output file. • Assume a file with correct data (no garbage, characters, etc.). • you must check and provide appropriate execution for 2 extra cases, namely when the matrix size given is either “0” , or when the size is greater than the maximum handled of “5” . In these 2 cases you must implement the following behaviour: o If size = 0, then print a message “Size = 0 is unacceptable” and continue by reading the next size for the next 2 matrices (if not end of file). o If size >5, then print two messages: “Size is too big - unacceptable”. Then read and discard the next (size2 ) integers and continue by reading the next size for the next 2 matrices (if not end of file).
标签: multiplication Implement matrices matrix
上传时间: 2014-08-30
It is about C++ Network programming(Socket Application Programming Interface).If you listen this lesson, you must get this program!
标签: Application Programming programming Interface
上传时间: 2015-05-20
The Audio File Library provides a uniform programming interface to standard digital audio file formats. This library allows the processing of audio data to and from audio files of many common formats (currently AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, NeXT/Sun .snd/.au, IRCAM, AVR, Amiga IFF/8SVX, and NIST SPHERE). The library also supports compression (currently G.711 mu-law and A-law and IMA and MS ADPCM) as well as PCM formats of all flavors (signed and unsigned integer, single- and double-precision floating point).
标签: programming interface provides standard
上传时间: 2014-12-06
本程序用VC++完成 定义类模板SortedSet (包括方法的实现) ,即元素有序的集合,集合元素的类型和集合元素的最大个数可由使用者确定。要 求该类模板对外提供以下三种操作: insert:加入一个新的元素到合适的位置上,并保证集合元素的值不重复; get:返回比给定值大的最小元素的地址。若不存在,返回-1; del:删除与给定值相等的那个元素,并保持剩余元素的有序性。
上传时间: 2014-01-04
PathPlannerApp Manual With Tutorial.doc is a path planning-tutorial that provides detailed explanation and pseudo-codes. In order to get the most out of the tutorial, you should start with the "PathPlannerApp.base" and avoid looking through the "PathPlannerApp.solution" untill you have completed the project.
标签: planning-tutorial PathPlannerApp explanati Tutorial
上传时间: 2014-10-31
This program demonstrates some function approximation capabilities of a Radial Basis Function Network. The user supplies a set of training points which represent some "sample" points for some arbitrary curve. Next, the user specifies the number of equally spaced gaussian centers and the variance for the network. Using the training samples, the weights multiplying each of the gaussian basis functions arecalculated using the pseudo-inverse (yielding the minimum least-squares solution). The resulting network is then used to approximate the function between the given "sample" points.
标签: approximation demonstrates capabilities Function
上传时间: 2014-01-01