Probability distribution functions. estimation - (dir) Probability distribution estimation. dsamp - Generates samples from discrete distribution. erfc2 - Normal cumulative distribution function. gmmsamp - Generates sample from GAUSSIAN mixture model. gsamp - Generates sample from GAUSSIAN distribution. cmeans - C-means (or K-means) clustering algorithm. mahalan - Computes Mahalanobis distance. pdfgauss - Computes probability for GAUSSIAN distribution. pdfgmm - Computes probability for GAUSSIAN mixture model. sigmoid - Evaluates sigmoid function.
标签: distribution Probability estimation functions
上传时间: 2016-04-28
Image Compression A collection of simple routines for image compression using different techniques. 图象压缩的不同方法 BTCODE: Image compression Using Block Truncation Coding. PYRAMID: Image compression based on GAUSSIAN Pyramids. DCTCOMPR: Image compression based on Discrete Cosine Transform. IMCOMPR: Image compression based on Singular Value Decomposition. The given codes can be also used in 2D noise suppression. Notes: The function "conv2fft" performs a 2D FFT-based convolution. Type "help conv2fft" on Matlab command window for more informations.
标签: Compression compression collection different
上传时间: 2016-05-11
数值线性代数的Matlab应用程序包 共13个程序函数,每个程序函数有相应的例子函数一一对应,以*Example.m命名 程序名称 用途 Method 方法 GrmSch.m QR因子分解 classical Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization 格拉母-斯密特 MGrmSch.m QR因子分解 modified Gram-Schmidt iteration 修正格拉母-斯密特 householder.m QR因子分解 Householder 豪斯霍尔德QR因子分解 ZXEC.m 最小二乘拟合 polynomial interpolant 最小二乘插值多项式 NCLU.m LU因子分解 GAUSSIAN elimination 不选主元素的高斯消元 PALU.m LU因子分解 partial pivoting GAUSSIAN elimination 部分选主元的高斯消元 cholesky.m 楚因子分解 Cholesky Factorization 楚列斯基因子分解 PwItrt.m 求最大特征值 Power Iteration 幂迭代 Jacobi.m 求特征值 Jacobi iteration 按标准行方式次序的雅可比算法 Anld.m 求上Hessenberg Arnoldi Iteration 阿诺尔迪迭代 zuisu.m 解线性方程组 Steepest descent 最速下降法 CG.m 解线性方程组 Gradients 共轭梯度 BCG.m 解线性方程组 Biconjugate Gradients 双共轭梯度
上传时间: 2016-05-17
Abstract-The effect of the companding process on QAM signals has been under investigation for the past several years. The compander, included in the PCM telephone network to improve voice performance, has an unusual affect on digital QAM data signals which are transmitted over the same channel. The quantization noise, generated by the companding process which is multiplicative (and asymmetric), degrades the detectability performance of the outermost points of the QAM constellation more than that of the inner points. The combined effect of the companding noise and the inherent white GAUSSIAN noise of the system, leads us to a re-examination of signal constellation design. In this paper we investigate the detectability performance of a number of candidates for signal constellations including, a typical rectangular QAM constellation, the same constellation with the addition of a smear-desmear operation, and two new improved QAM constellation designs with two-dimensional warpi
标签: investigation Abstract-The companding the
上传时间: 2013-12-20
这是一个非常简单的遗传算法源代码,是由Denis Cormier (North Carolina State University)开发的,Sita S.Raghavan (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)修正。代码保证尽可能少,实际上也不必查错。对一特定的应用修正此代码,用户只需改变常数的定义并且定义“评价函数”即可。注意代码 的设计是求最大值,其中的目标函数只能取正值;且函数值和个体的适应值之间没有区别。该系统使用比率选择、精华模型、单点杂交和均匀变异。如果用 GAUSSIAN变异替换均匀变异,可能得到更好的效果。代码没有任何图形,甚至也没有屏幕输出,主要是保证在平台之间的高可移植性。
上传时间: 2013-12-05
This m file simulates a differential phase shift keyed (DPSK) ultra wide bandwidth(UWB) system using a fifth derivative waveform equation of a GAUSSIAN pulse.
标签: differential bandwidth simulates system
上传时间: 2014-01-03
完全的二维数值积分程序 给出自变量和函数值的矩阵,便可以计算其二重积分。这里采用simpson积分法 比matlab自带的dblquad好用多了,霍霍! 同时附有口径场用GAUSSIAN-Lagurrer函数展开程序
上传时间: 2014-01-08
In this project we analyze and design the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) multiuser receiver for uniformly quantized synchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) signals in additive white GAUSSIAN noise (AWGN) channels.This project is mainly based on the representation of uniform quantizer by gain plus additive noise model. Based on this model, we derive the weight vector and the output signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of the MMSE receiver. The effects of quantization on the MMSE receiver performance is characterized in a single parameter named 鈥漞quivalent noise variance鈥? The optimal quantizer stepsize which maximizes the MMSE receiver output SNR is also determined.
标签: mean-square multiuser receiver project
上传时间: 2014-11-21
Generate Possion Dis. step1:Generate a random number between [0,1] step2:Let u=F(x)=1-[(1/e)x] step3:Slove x=1/F(u) step4:Repeat Step1~Step3 by using different u,you can get x1,x2,x3,...,xn step5:If the first packet was generated at time [0], than the second packet will be generated at time [0+x1],The third packet will be generated at time [0+x1+x2], and so on …. Random-number generation 1.static method random from class Math -Returns doubles in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0 2.class Random from package java.util -Can produce pseudorandom boolean, byte, float, double, int, long and GAUSSIAN values -Is seeded with the current time of day to generate different sequences of numbers each time the program executes
标签: Generate Possion between random
上传时间: 2017-05-25
硕士论文,基于强背景噪声下的语言端点检测算法及实现。本文总结了现有的典型语音端点检测算法,深入分析了各算法的基本原理,比较 其优缺点,并给出了仿真结果。在此基础上,分析了现有语音信号的结构特点和特征参 数,提出了在较强背景噪声环境下的两种语音端点检测新算法。分别是基于多子带墒的 语音端点检测算法和基于GAUSSIAN一右~a模型的语音端点检测算法。并给出了仿真 结果。从仿真结果可以看出在常见的噪声环境下,算法鲁棒性较好,在较低的信噪比下 仍能比较准确地检测到语音信号的端点。
上传时间: 2017-07-17