最受欢迎的Joomla社区用户管理收费插件 - Commnity Builder 1.2 RC2。 Community Builder suite (CB) extends the Joomla! user management system. Key features: extra fields in profile, enhanced registration workflows, user lists, connection paths between users, admin defined tabs and user profiles, image upload, front-end workflow management, integration with other components, like PMS, Newsletter, Forum, Galleries. Release 1.1 is compatible with all Joomla! 1.0.x (including 1.0.15) and Mambo 4.5.2-4.6.4. New CB version 1.2 RC brings Joomla 1.5 native compatibility (and keeping Joomla 1.0.x and Mambo 4.5.2-4.6.4 native compatibility), multi-criteria user searches, full field controls of core fields, ajax email and username checkers, new lost username/password form and many more features and fixes. Please see announcement on our homepage.
标签: Builder Joomla Community Commnity
上传时间: 2016-10-20
最受欢迎的Joomla 社区用户管理收费插件 Community Builder 1.2 RC2 的电子书,仅提供给付费会员 Community Builder suite (CB) extends the Joomla! user management system. Key features: extra fields in profile, enhanced registration workflows, user lists, connection paths between users, admin defined tabs and user profiles, image upload, front-end workflow management, integration with other components, like PMS, Newsletter, Forum, Galleries. Release 1.1 is compatible with all Joomla! 1.0.x (including 1.0.15) and Mambo 4.5.2-4.6.4. New CB version 1.2 RC brings Joomla 1.5 native compatibility (and keeping Joomla 1.0.x and Mambo 4.5.2-4.6.4 native compatibility), multi-criteria user searches, full field controls of core fields, ajax email and username checkers, new lost username/password form and many more features and fixes. Please see announcement on our homepage.
标签: Community Builder Joomla 1.2
上传时间: 2016-10-20
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, with no Front- Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License”.
标签: Permission distribute the document
上传时间: 2016-11-30
各功能描述: 1. 当A为低电平时,AC-3灯点亮,即是AC-3的输入方式 当A为高电平时,STEREO灯点亮,即是STEREO的输入方式 2. 当STANDBY灯点亮时,为待机状态;此LED闪动时为MUTE状态,PT2258为静音状态,同时STANDBY为低电平 3. 各声道(FRONT,SUB,REAR,CENT)其微调音量调节+/-5dB;音量调节从01~80dB 4. 面板无任何按键,均为遥控器控制 5. 刚开机时为待机状态,开机时音量为50dB状态,各微调为0dB, 6. 按遥控器的REST键后,系统为开机时状态, 7. PT2258音量衰减共80DB,按遥控器每按一次衰减1dB,
上传时间: 2016-12-30
--文件名:mine4.vhd。 --功能:实现4种常见波形正弦、三角、锯齿、方波(A、B)的频率、幅度可控输出(方波 --A的占空比也是可控的),可以存储任意波形特征数据并能重现该波形,还可完成 --各种波形的线形叠加输出。 --说明: SSS(前三位)和SW信号控制4种常见波形种哪种波形输出。4种波形的频率、 --幅度(基准幅度A)的调节均是通过up、down、set按键和4个BCD码置入器以及一 --个置入档位控制信号(ss)完成的(AMP的调节范围是0~5V,调节量阶为1/51V)。 --其中方波的幅度还可通过u0、d0调节输出数据的归一化幅值(AMP0)进行进一步 --细调(调节量阶为1/(51*255)V)。方波A的占空比通过zu、zp按键调节(调节 --量阶1/64*T)。系统采用内部存储器——RAM实现任意输入波形的存储,程序只支 --持键盘式波形特征参数置入存储,posting 为进入任意波置入(set)、清除(clr)状态 --控制信号,SSS控制存储波形的输出。P180为预留端口,
上传时间: 2017-02-09
多媒体5.1声道遥控功放全套方案(原理图+制作元件参数全套)各功能描述: 1. 当A为低电平时,AC-3灯点亮,即是AC-3的输入方式 当A为高电平时,STEREO灯点亮,即是STEREO的输入方式 2. 当STANDBY灯点亮时,为待机状态;此LED闪动时为MUTE状态,PT2258为静音状态,同时STANDBY为低电平 3. 各声道(FRONT,SUB,REAR,CENT)其微调音量调节+/-5dB;音量调节从01~80dB 4. 面板无任何按键,均为遥控器控制 5. 刚开机时为待机状态,开机时音量为50dB状态,各微调为0dB, 6. 按遥控器的REST键后,系统为开机时状态, 7. PT2258音量衰减共80DB,按遥控器每按一次衰减1dB,
上传时间: 2017-02-21
In the last three articles, I’ve been walking you through the creation of an end-to-end BlackBerry application that will serve as a mobile front-end to my Knowledge Base sample web application.
标签: BlackBerry end-to-end the articles
上传时间: 2014-01-25
这个设计是使用Virtex-4实现DDR的控制器的,设计分为三个主要模块:Front-End FIFOs,DDR SDRAM Controller和Datapath Module。其中主要是DDR SDRAM Controller,当然还有测试模块。
上传时间: 2017-05-20
将s3c2410-linux-复制到内核根目录。 执行patch –p1 < s3c2410-linux-即可! 在2.6.11.1内核中,创建字符设备的代码是:linux/arch/arm/kernel/amp.c。在根文件系统创建设备节点是dev/misc/apm_bios。
上传时间: 2017-07-31
AVR single-chip developed by a very low threshold, as long as the computer will be able to study the development of AVR microcontroller. Only a single-chip ISP download beginners line, the editing, debugging of software programs through a direct line into the AVR microcontroller, which can develop AVR Series Single-chip package of a variety of devices. AVR single-chip microcomputer in the industry known as "front-line struggle to seize state power."
标签: single-chip developed threshold the
上传时间: 2017-09-12