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  • This book is good for learning C++.It conclude five parts:professional c++ introduction,C++ codeing

    This book is good for learning C++.It conclude five parts:professional c++ introduction,C++ codeing the professional way,mastering advanced features of c++, ensuring Bug-free code and using libraries and patterns.

    标签: introduction professional conclude learning

    上传时间: 2016-01-06


  • 图形显示技巧,这是其中一段代码 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) var newbmp:TBitmap i,bmphei

    图形显示技巧,这是其中一段代码 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) var newbmp:TBitmap i,bmpheight,bmpwidth:integer //推拉 begin newbmp:=TBitmap.Create newbmp.Width:=image1.Width newbmp.Height:=image1.Height bmpheight:=image1.Height bmpwidth:=image1.Width for i:=0 to bmpheight do begin newbmp.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,bmpheight-i,bmpwidth,bmpheight),image1.Canvas,Rect(0,0,bmpwidth,i)) form1.Canvas.Draw(120,100,newbmp) end newbmp.free end

    标签: procedure TBitmap TObject Button

    上传时间: 2016-01-18


  • The Tremor Vorbis I stream and file decoder provides an embeddable, integer-only library [libvorbisi

    The Tremor Vorbis I stream and file decoder provides an embeddable, integer-only library [libvorbisidec] intended for decoding all current and future Vorbis I compliant streams. The Tremor libvorbisidec library exposes an API intended to be as similar as possible to the familiar vorbisfile library included with the open source Vorbis reference libraries distributed for free by Xiph.org. Tremor can be used along with any ANSI compliant stdio implementation for file/stream access, or use custom stream i/o routines provided by the embedded environment. Both uses are described in detail in this documentation.

    标签: integer-only embeddable libvorbisi provides

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • The Tremor Vorbis I stream and file decoder provides an embeddable, integer-only library [libvorbisi

    The Tremor Vorbis I stream and file decoder provides an embeddable, integer-only library [libvorbisidec] intended for decoding all current and future Vorbis I compliant streams. The Tremor libvorbisidec library exposes an API intended to be as similar as possible to the familiar vorbisfile library included with the open source Vorbis reference libraries distributed for free by Xiph.org. ogg vorbis decoder, evc project Tremor can be used along with any ANSI compliant stdio implementation for file/stream access, or use custom stream i/o routines provided by the embedded environment. Both uses are described in detail in this documentation.

    标签: integer-only embeddable libvorbisi provides

    上传时间: 2016-01-21


  • 网络日志!当前免费FTP服务到处都有,我的这个APPLET用意是:利用起这些免费空间,在自己的网站上实现日志,相当于把数据库建在这些免费的FTP空间上,该代码已经在本地FTP服务器上测试通过,在测试外

    网络日志!当前免费FTP服务到处都有,我的这个APPLET用意是:利用起这些免费空间,在自己的网站上实现日志,相当于把数据库建在这些免费的FTP空间上,该代码已经在本地FTP服务器上测试通过,在测试外网FTP服务器失败,只要查一查BUG就可以启用的,我当时想法是统筹应用各方的FTP空间,并在自己有限的稳定空间上保存链接资料,从而保证空间的免费和稳定,原理有点象花生壳这个程序,希望同志们实现我的想法!别忘了SHARE哦,WE SHARE SO WE FREE!

    标签: FTP APPLET 日志 测试

    上传时间: 2014-12-03


  • fat&tiny-fat文件系统


    标签: tiny-fat fat 文件系统

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • The Linux Enterprise Cluster explains how to take a number of inexpensive computers with limited res

    The Linux Enterprise Cluster explains how to take a number of inexpensive computers with limited resources, place them on a normal computer network, and install free software so that the computers act together like one powerful server. This makes it possible to build a very inexpensive and reliable business system for a small business or a large corporation. The book includes information on how to build a high-availability server pair using the Heartbeat package, how to use the Linux Virtual Server load balancing software, how to configure a reliable printing system in a Linux cluster environment, and how to build a job scheduling system in Linux with no single point of failure. The book also includes information on high availability techniques that can be used with or without a cluster, making it helpful for System Administrators even if they are not building a cluster. Anyone interested in deploying Linux in an environment where low cost computer reliability is important will find this book useful.

    标签: inexpensive Enterprise computers explains

    上传时间: 2014-11-29


  • Ink Blotting One method for escaping from a maze is via ‘ink-blotting’. In this method your startin

    Ink Blotting One method for escaping from a maze is via ‘ink-blotting’. In this method your starting square is marked with the number ‘1’. All free, valid squares north, south, east and west around the number ‘1‘ are marked with a number ‘2’. In the next step, all free, valid squares around the two are marked with a ‘3’ and the process is repeated iteratively until :  The exit is found (a free square other than the starting position is reached on the very edge of the maze), or,  No more free squares are available, and hence no exit is possible.

    标签: method ink-blotting Blotting escaping

    上传时间: 2014-12-03


  • 用于pcm1804调整I2S的数据

    用于pcm1804调整I2S的数据,使I2S的音频同步并且在FIFO中不溢出。能够自动判断FIFO --中的状态,通过调整从FIFO中输出的数据的个数来使FIFO既不上溢也不下溢。 -- 为了达到更高的精度要求,可以通过加大采样时钟clk的频率。

    标签: 1804 pcm I2S 数据

    上传时间: 2016-02-03


  • 模式操作系统的页面置换算法


    标签: 模式 操作系统 算法

    上传时间: 2016-02-11
