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  • The code, images and designs for this book are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonComm

    The code, images and designs for this book are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ You are free: * to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work * to make derivative works Under the following conditions: *Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. *Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. *Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. *For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. *Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. CONTACT ME Please address any questions to info@andybudd.com.

    标签: Attribution-NonComm Creative released Commons

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • Java RS232 terminal with graphical interface . Suitable for small RS projects and test protocols for

    Java RS232 terminal with graphical interface . Suitable for small RS projects and test protocols for hardware developing. Free for usage ,modifying and redistributing.Also added "javacomm20"-api installer

    标签: graphical for interface protocols

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • 含此文档只表示此压缩包来自于DELPHI盒子网站 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    含此文档只表示此压缩包来自于DELPHI盒子网站 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELPHI盒子 二零零三新版 http://www.2ccc.com http://www.delphibox.com Email:root@2ccc.com DELPHI相关源码下载,作品发布,个性论坛,支持WEB/FTP文件上传,会员WEB空间,VIP会员***@2ccc.com邮箱。 2ccc技术论坛 http://bbs.2ccc.com 2ccc个人网络空间,免费8M永久使用web空间,可以上传任何文件,上传进度显示,送个人留言板,VIP会员可申请100M空间。 http://my.2ccc.com 2003-9-25 第9次改版正式开通,每日更新。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELPHIBOX New Version @ 2003 http://www.2ccc.com http://www.delphibox.com Email:root@2ccc.com DELPHI Code,App,Simple to Publish,forum,WEB/FTP uploads Support,member WEB Space or email addr. 2ccc Tech Forum. http://bbs.2ccc.com 2ccc Web Space,Free 8M Space,Upload any file-type. http://my.2ccc.com 2003-9-25 New Version WebSite ninthly,Update everyday.

    标签: DELPHI 文档 子网

    上传时间: 2015-09-05


  • 在V1.42版本基础上进行了如下更新: 1、解决以前版本的BUG; 2、制作双文章系统(文章及教程

    在V1.42版本基础上进行了如下更新: 1、解决以前版本的BUG; 2、制作双文章系统(文章及教程,后台可自由关闭其中一个系统,默认教程系统关闭); 3、设置20多个标签,可在任何页面、任何部位调用,使FeitecCMS Free成为了一个积木式的程序,为风格制作者及程序使用者带来更大的方便及灵活性; 4、彻底解决以往版本的首页运行速度慢的问题,新版本比原来的程序运行速度至少快一倍以上; 5、风格采用1024分辩率,更适应当前用户的需求; 6、添加更多基本设置功能; 7、首页文章/教程/软件调用,可全分类/任意组合分类/任意排序分类调用,满足不同用户的需求。 8、更多功能见后台在线帮助……

    标签: 1.42 BUG 版本 更新

    上传时间: 2013-12-31


  • 题目:设计一个请求页式存储管理方案

    题目:设计一个请求页式存储管理方案,并编写模拟程序实现 具体要求: 1、产生一个需要访问的指令地址流,为不失一般性,可以适当地(用人工指定地方法或用随机数产生器)生成这个序列,使得 50%的指令是顺序执行的。25%的指令均匀地散布在前地址部分,25%的地址是均匀地散布在后地址部分 2、 页面淘汰算法采用 FIFO页面淘汰算法,并且在淘汰一页时,只将该页在页表中抹去。而不再判断它是否被改写过,也不将它写回到辅存 3、产生一个需要访问的指令地址流;指定合适的页面尺寸(例如以1K或2K为1页;指定内存页表的最大长度,并对页表进行初始化 4、每访问一个地址时,首先要计算该地址所在的页的页号,然后查页表,判断该页是否在主存。如果该页已在主存,则打印页表情况;如果该页不在主存且页表未满,则调入一页并打印页表情况;如果该页不在主存且页表已满,则按 FIFO页面淘汰算法淘汰一页后调入所需的页,打印页表情况 。逐个地址访问,直到所有地址访问完毕

    标签: 存储管理 方案

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword length (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols.

    Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword length (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents 5 bit. Uses GF(2^5) with primitive polynomial p(x) = X^5 X^2 + 1 Generator polynomial, g(x) = a^15 a^21*X + a^6*X^2 + a^15*X^3 + a^25*X^4 + a^17*X^5 + a^18*X^6 + a^30*X^7 + a^20*X^8 + a^23*X^9 + a^27*X^10 + a^24*X^11 + X^12. Note: a = alpha, primitive element in GF(2^5) and a^i is root of g(x) for i = 19, 20, ..., 30. Uses Verilog description with synthesizable RTL modelling. Consists of 5 main blocks: SC (Syndrome Computation), KES (Key Equation Solver), CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator), Controller and FIFO Register.

    标签: symbols length Hard-decision Codeword

    上传时间: 2014-07-08


  • "poco" (Spanish & Italian for "little") OLAP provides a web-based, crosstab reporting tool for your

    "poco" (Spanish & Italian for "little") OLAP provides a web-based, crosstab reporting tool for your datawarehouse. While it s not an OLAP server or full fledged data mining solution, pocOLAP makes your data easy to use and understand ... for free!

    标签: for web-based reporting crosstab

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • OpenCV means Intel® Open Source Computer Vision Library. It is a collection of C functions and a

    OpenCV means Intel® Open Source Computer Vision Library. It is a collection of C functions and a few C++ classes that implement some popular Image Processing and Computer Vision algorithms. OpenCV has cross-platform middle-to-high level API that consists of a few hundreds (>300) C functions. It does not rely on external libraries, though it can use some when it is possible. OpenCV is free for both non-commercial and commercial use (see the license for details). OpenCV provides transparent interface to Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP). That is, it loads automatically IPP libraries optimized for specific processor at runtime, if they are available. More information about IPP can be retrieved at http://www.intel.com/software/products/ipp/index.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本文是opencv的入门教程

    标签: collection functions Computer Library

    上传时间: 2015-09-12


  • 一个简单的SPI IP核

    一个简单的SPI IP核,SPI Core Specifications 可以从说明文档中找到! The simple Serial Peripheral Interface core is an enhanced version of the Serial Peripheral Interface found on Motorola s M68HC11 family of CPUs. The Serial Peripheral Interface is a serial, synchronous communication protocol that requires a minimum of 3 wires. FEATURES: · Compatible with Motorola’s SPI specifications · Enhanced M68HC11 Serial Peripheral Interface · 4 entries deep read FIFO · 4 entries deep write FIFO · Interrupt generation after 1, 2, 3, or 4 transferred bytes · 8 bit WISHBONE RevB.3 Classic interface · Operates from a wide range of input clock frequencies · Static synchronous design · Fully synthesizable


    上传时间: 2015-09-17


  • PC1数据加密_解密


    标签: PC1 数据加密 解密

    上传时间: 2013-12-03
