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  • Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically de

    Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put FILES on these two directory.

    标签: automatically describe English package

    上传时间: 2017-09-20


  • This is montecarlo cards game to choose pairs. I have developed using a single servlet. uncompress a

    This is montecarlo cards game to choose pairs. I have developed using a single servlet. uncompress and deploy the application to a webserver like tomcat. java FILES also comressed with the war file.

    标签: montecarlo uncompress developed servlet

    上传时间: 2017-09-20


  • These codes require an ASCII input file called input.dat of the following form: Lower Limit on x

    These codes require an ASCII input file called input.dat of the following form: Lower Limit on x Upper Limit on x Final Time Pressure for x<0 when t=0 Density for x<0 when t=0 Speed for x<0 when t=0 Pressure for x>0 when t=0 Density for x>0 when t=0 Speed for x>0 when t=0 These codes produce 8 ASCII output FILES: density.out. Density vs. x entropy.out. Entropy vs. x mach.out. Mach number vs. x massflux.out. Mass flux vs. x pressure.out. Pressure vs. x sound.out. Speed-of-sound vs. x velocity.out. Velocity vs. x waves.out. A description of the solution in terms of the three waves defined in the book (+,-,0).

    标签: input following require called

    上传时间: 2017-09-21


  • Here is a ActiveX User Control to design a Calculator, and also a library file to access Windows Reg

    Here is a ActiveX User Control to design a Calculator, and also a library file to access Windows Registry and settings FILES, This download is only for Visual Basic 6 developers.

    标签: Calculator ActiveX Control Windows

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • svd 算法代码 This directory contains instrumented SVDPACKC Version 1.0 (ANSI-C) programs for compiling

    svd 算法代码 This directory contains instrumented SVDPACKC Version 1.0 (ANSI-C) programs for compiling within the "svdrun" script. The "svdsum" script can be run after all output FILES of the form <dataset>.outN, where N=1,2,... have been produced by svdrun. more details please read the file readme!

    标签: instrumented directory compiling SVDPACKC

    上传时间: 2017-09-24


  • Example code in Delphi to use MessageWait method to synchronize threads. Example code include delphi

    Example code in Delphi to use MessageWait method to synchronize threads. Example code include delphi project FILES.

    标签: Example code MessageWait synchronize

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • BSF-Skins

    1、双击BSFD7.dpk文件,在delphi 7.0中打开 2、单击compile按钮,你会发现原来不可用的install按钮可以使用了 3、单击install按钮,会弹出来一个对话框提示你“安装成功!” 4、将所有源文件复制到C:\Program FILES\Borland\Delphi7\lib文件夹中(如delphi安装路径不同的话,请各位老兄自行更改)

    标签: BSF-Skins

    上传时间: 2015-03-03


  • 指纹仪URU4000B

    Biokey200/URU4000B指纹仪驱动与SDK 升级到4000B注意事项 原使用Biokey SDK的客户,需要升级SDK开发包并安装4000B的驱动。 注意:安装4000B驱动前需卸载4000的驱动。 其步骤如下: 1、备份注册表:在开始菜单中的‘运行’中运行‘Regedit’,打开注册表,然后选中注册表中的 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DigitalPersona]项,单击菜单上的注册表->导出注册表文件,将该项导出到文件中。 2、卸载4000的驱动程序(Biokey200/URU4000驱动)。 卸载步骤如下: 1)运行控制面板中的“添加/删除'程序”,卸载指纹采集设备的驱动程序; 2)在开始菜单中的‘运行’中运行‘Regedit’,查看 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\DigitalPersona键值,如果有则删除; 3)查看系统安装目录下system32 目录(win98为windows\system)下的DP*.dll ,如果有则全部删除; 4)察看Program FILES\zksoftware\biokey200目录,如果有则整个删除。 3、重新启动计算机,安装4000B驱动程序, 4、将Biokey SDK升级,用新的Biokey.ocx替换旧的控件,一般情况下,VB程序可以直接使用,Delphi程序则需要重新编译。 5、用4000B的驱动,必须使用新的控件,目前只完成了1:N的控件升级,1:1的控件,暂时使用原来3.5版本的控件。 6、测试原来登记的指纹模板,看是否能正常比对,如果不能,双击原来备份的注册表文件,添加到注册表中,就可以了。 原来使用U.R.U SDK的客户,需要更新驱动程序,同时由于U.R.U的模板有一些变化,所以需要一些改动,我们提供一份升级须知,请查看ReleaseNotes.txt.升级过程前三个步骤同上,只是需要注意,卸载的时候,查看Program FILES\DigitalPersona目录,如果有则整个删除。

    标签: 指纹仪URU4000B

    上传时间: 2015-03-30


  • OriginLab.OriginPro.v8.6.SR3汉化补丁

    1如果已经装了OriginInstaller_v8.6.SR2.x86    以右键管理员运行OriginInstaller_v8.6.SR2.x86可以更新软件到OriginInstaller_v8.6.SR3.x86   2、用crack中得ok9.dll文件,替代C:\Program FILES\OriginLab\Origin的ok9.dll文件 (假如你安装在C盘的话,其它盘把c改为你的盘符),点覆盖 3、如果你是windows xp的话,在地址栏复制C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\回车, 在该目录下建立OriginLab文件夹,再在OriginLab文件夹下建立86文件夹,再在86文件下建立License文件夹, 然后把Crack文件夹下的所有文件拷贝在License文件夹下。 win7,win8要把文件拷贝C:\ProgramData\OriginLab\86\License\下(一般要取得管理员权限) 4  然后把汉化补丁放在安装目录下即可 可以按照如下步骤安装OriginInstaller_v8.6.SR3.x86 1、安装程序OriginInstaller_v8.6.SR3.x86 2、用序列号GF3S4-9089-7991320安装 3、用crack中得ok9.dll文件,替代C:\Program FILES\OriginLab\Origin的ok9.dll文件 (假如你安装在C盘的话,其它盘把c改为你的盘符),点覆盖 4、如果你是windows xp的话,在地址栏复制C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\回车, 在该目录下建立OriginLab文件夹,再在OriginLab文件夹下建立86文件夹,再在86文件下建立License文件夹, 然后把Crack文件夹下的所有文件拷贝在License文件夹下。 win7,win8要把文件拷贝C:\ProgramData\OriginLab\86\License\下(一般要取得管理员权限) 5、运行origin86然后输入GRM-RVR-AR2 ok 6  然后把汉化补丁放在安装目录下即可 补充:汉化补丁只有OriginInstaller_v8.6.SR3.x86才能用

    标签: 软件补丁

    上传时间: 2015-05-24


  • prezi4.x版本破解补丁

    该补丁只适用于4.X版本 查看版本方法:菜单栏help→about 解压后复制粘贴到Prezi安装根目录,覆盖替换即可。 Win7/8:  C:\Program FILES (x86)\Prezi Desktop 4 XP: C:\Program FILES\Prezi Desktop 4

    标签: prezi破解30天使用权限

    上传时间: 2015-06-04
