This Document provides the High Level Design specification for the Bootloader development and library porting for ADSP-BF533 based Ez-Kit Lite Board and STAMP Board. This document is meant to be the one of the inputs for the System Test Plan and the overall implementation of the same. This document also details the approach and assumptions made for the design
标签: specification development Bootloader the
上传时间: 2015-10-14
This directory contains a code example that demonstrates the functionality of the general purpose timers on the ADSP-BF561 Ez-KIT,用VDSP++打开
标签: functionality demonstrates directory the
上传时间: 2015-12-29
VDSP++打开。This directory contains an example ADSP-BF537 RTC project that does a basic blink routine and then puts the part in deep sleep mode to be woken up from a RTC Stopwatch Event. Once woken up, the RTC is reconfigured to toggle the Ez KIT LEDs using RTC second, minute, hour, and day interrupts.
标签: directory contains ADSP-BF example
上传时间: 2015-12-29
第12章(/12/) BasicUSB.SchDoc 电路原理图 FX2Test/FX2Test.Uv2 Keil C51工程 FX2Test/EzUSB.LIB Ez-USB库文件 FX2Test/dscr.a51 USB描述符 FX2Test/USBJmpTb.OBJ USB中断跳转表 FX2Test/syncdly.h 同步延时 FX2Test/lpregs.h 寄存器声明 FX2Test/lp.h Ez-USB头文件 FX2Test/fw.c C51主程序 FX2Test/periph.c 初始化及任务调度 FX2Test/FX2Test.hex 单片机Hex文件 FX2Test/STARTUP.A51 启动代码 程序描述:使用Cypress提供的Ez-USB开发工具包进行基本的固件程序设计。 安装:把源码拷贝到硬盘特定目录下,使用Keil C编译器运行即可。 注意:这里需要添加完整的头文件及库文件才可以编译。
上传时间: 2016-01-17
采用fdtd计算二维电磁场,没有边界条件 优点:可以打印输出Ez场分布
上传时间: 2014-11-27
File: fw.c Contents: Firmware frameworks task dispatcher and device request parser File: FX2.h Contents: Ez-USB FX2 constants, macros, datatypes, globals, and library function prototypes. File: FX2regs.h Contents: Ez-USB FX2 register declarations and bit mask definitions. File: periph.c Contents: Hooks required to implement USB peripheral function. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables.
标签: File frameworks dispatcher Contents
上传时间: 2014-01-18
VisualDSP++4.0,关于ADU DAU的控制 Hardware: ADSP-BF561 Ez-KIT Board
上传时间: 2014-08-22
This project shows how to use the IOKit notification mechanism to register to be notified when devices come and go. It uses the Cypress/Anchor Ez-USB chip. (Look at the following example for another way to get notified when a device is unplugged).
标签: notification mechanism notified register
上传时间: 2013-12-01
上传时间: 2016-09-06
上传时间: 2014-11-28