This document discusses recommended practices and style for programmers using the C language in the Flight Dynamics Division Environment. Guidelines are based on generally recommended software engineering techniques, industry resources, and local convention. The Guide offers preferred solutions to common C programming issues and illustrates through examples of C code.
标签: recommended programmers discusses practices
上传时间: 2015-07-19
Sun ONE 白皮书 Sun为支持互操作智能Web服务,定义了一种开放式软件构架。SunTM Open Net Environment(开放式网络环境,即Sun ONE)软件体系结构,旨在解决诸如隐私、安全和身份等重要问题,定义支持诸如客户机设备类型和用户位置等用户情况的惯例和常规。它支持可以跨越许多网络系统,其中包括传统Web、无线Web和家庭网络。该体系结构的宗旨是要保证使用任何工具,开发智能Web服务,使之运行于任何平台,可以无缝地实现互操作。
上传时间: 2013-11-26
EJB快速入门 1. 准备开发环境: 从www.javasoft.com上下载下列软件: JDK1.3, J2EE1.2.1 以及他们的文档。在WINDOWS NT下安装。(本文中假设为D盘根目录) 在控制面板中选择"系统",再选择Environment。 将下列环境变量参数设置到用户环境中去: 1.JAVA_HOME=D:\JDK1.3 2.J2EE_HOME=D:\J2SDKEE1.2.1 3.PATH=D:\JDK1.3\BIN D:\J2SDKEE1.2.1\BIN %PATH% 4.CLASSPATH=
上传时间: 2015-08-12
Using a holistic approach to teaching developers the ins-and-outs of GNU/Linux programming using APIs, tools, communication, and scripting, this book introduces programmers to the Environment from the lowest layers to the user layers.
标签: ins-and-outs programming developers holistic
上传时间: 2013-12-23
ST7 Visual Develop for ST7 Cosmic ‘C’ Toolset Users ST7 Visual Develop (STVD7) is an easy-to use, integrated development Environment that allows you to build, debug and program applications for ST7 microcontrollers.
标签: Develop Visual ST7 Toolset
上传时间: 2014-01-18
java游戏编程导学系列三 使用说明 一个网络俄罗斯方块的游戏,玩家可以在网络的任何地方互相对战。 注意:运行这个应用程序,需要安装JRE(Java Runtime Environment,java运行 环境) 本章的资源文件包括: play.bat 读者可以直接运行这个批处理文件来运行“网络俄罗斯方块”(请 注意在同一目录下是否存在matrix.jar文件) matrix.jar 打包的“网络俄罗斯方块”游戏,它把所有网络俄罗斯方块游戏 的类和资源都集中到了一起,运行时只要存在它就可以了。我们可以在控制 台下通过命令行“java -jar matrix.jar”来运行,也可以直接运行play.bat 文件进入游戏。 \matrix JBuilder的project文件 所有网络俄罗斯方块游戏的源码和资源都 在这个目录下面。读者可以用JBuilder来打开matrix.jpx文件。 \JavaDoc示例 一个关于javadoc命令使用的例子。 示例代码 \doc 是由示例程序生成的文档
上传时间: 2013-12-01
In this paper, we describe the development of a mobile butterfly-watching learning (BWL) system to realize outdoor independent learning for mobile learners. The mobile butterfly-watching learning system was designed in a wireless mobile ad-hoc learning Environment. This is first result to provide a cognitive tool with supporting the independent learning by applying PDA with wireless communication technology to extend learning outside of the classroom. Independent learning consists of self-selection, self-determination, self-modification, and self-checking.
标签: butterfly-watching development describe learning
上传时间: 2014-11-26
来自澳大利亚Qeensland大学的计算机视觉Matlab工具箱。 This Toolbox provides a number of functions that are useful in computer vision, machine vision and related areas. It is a somewhat eclectic collection reflecting the author s personal interest in areas of photometry, photogrammetry, colorimetry. It covers functions such as image file reading and writing, filtering, segmentation, feature extraction, camera calibration, camera exterior orientation, display, color space conversion and blackbody radiators. The Toolbox, combined with MATLAB and a modern workstation computer, is a useful and convenient Environment for investigation of machine vision algorithms. It is possible to use MEX files to interface with image acquisition hardware ranging from simple framegrabbers to Datacube servers.
标签: Qeensland functions provides Toolbox
上传时间: 2015-09-30
This book describes the following communications applications: Mail, Message Handler( MH), Transmission ControlProtocol/ Internet Protocol(TCP/ IP), Basic Networking Utilities( BNU), and Asynchronous Terminal Emulation( ATE). It provides overviews, concepts, and procedures on receiving and sending mail and messages, transferring files( ftp command), printing files from and to a remote system, running commands on other systems, communicating between local and remote systems, and customizing the communications Environment.
标签: communications applications Transmiss describes
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Some algorithms of variable step size LMS adaptive filtering are studied.The VS—LMS algorithm is improved. Another new non-linear function between肛and e(/ t)is established.The theoretic analysis and computer simulation results show that this algorithm converges more quickly than the origina1.Furthermore,better antinoise property is exhibited under Low—SNR Environment than the original one.
标签: algorithms LMS algorithm filtering
上传时间: 2014-01-23