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  • Frequency+Tunable+MEMS

    For more than three decades, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have steadily transitioned out of research labs and into production forming a more than $10 billion market [1]. MEMS devices such as accelerometers, pressure sensors and microphones, to name a few, have seen immense utilization, particularly in the consumer electronics market, because of their compact sizes and minute power consumptions. In addition, these devices benefit from batch fabrication, which has enabled year-over-year reductions in cost [2]. In recent years,

    标签: Frequency Tunable MEMS

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • High+Performance+RF+MEMS

    Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are miniature systems composed ofintegratedelectricalandmechanicalpartstosenseand/orcontrolthingsonaµmscale. The concept of MEMS is attributed to Richard Feynman’s famous talk on December 29th, 1959 [2,3]. Dr. Feynman foresaw many aspects of future MEMS development with his insight in microphysics. In particular, material properties in the µm scale are differentfrombulkpropertiesandthescalingdownofintegratedcircuits(IC)fabrication technology has been a major driving force of MEMS development.

    标签: Performance High MEMS RF

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • 台达PLC编程软件技术手册

    台达的资料,给用的着的同学们。早期当各家 PLC 开发商纷纷建立自己的编程语言时,其各自不同的编程方式,对于用戶而言无疑是一个相当大的负担;有鉴于此,由国际组织 I.E.C.(International Electro-technical Commission)所制定与推动的 IEC 61131-3 标准便由此应运而生。其主要的特色在于统整各家的编程特点,并考虑用戶的背景与习惯,而规范了一个可让各家厂商与用戶共同依循的标准,并可让符合 IEC61131-3 标准的程序代码具备相当高的可读性与兼容性。以下是关于 IEC 61131-3 的简述。

    标签: plc

    上传时间: 2022-02-21


  • AM2355n datasheet

    3-phase Sensor-less Fan Motor DriverAM2355NThe AM2355N is a 3-phase sensor-less DC fan motor driver IC. It senses the BEMF (BackElectro-Motive Force) of the motor in rotation and provides corresponding commutation current tothe motor. Rotation speed can be controlled by PWM input signal. The drivers include LockDetection, Thermal Shutdown, and Over-current Protection. Forward and Reverse control.www.junmintech.com

    标签: am2355n

    上传时间: 2022-07-26
