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  • - US Navy - Electronics Technician - 9 - Electro-Optics

    - US Navy - Electronics Technician - 9 - Electro-Optics

    标签: Electro-Optics Electronics Technician Navy

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • 光电转换电路设计

    OPTOELECTRONICS CIRCUIT COLLECTION AVALANCHE PHOTODIODE BIAS SUPPLY 1Provides an output voltage of 0V to +80V for reverse biasingan avalanche photodiode to control its gain. This circuit canalso be reconfigured to supply a 0V to –80V output.LINEAR TEC DRIVER–1This is a bridge-tied load (BTL) linear amplifier for drivinga thermoelectric cooler (TEC). It operates on a single +5Vsupply and can drive ±2A into a common TEC.LINEAR TEC DRIVER–2This is very similar to DRIVER–1 but its power output stagewas modified to operate from a single +3.3V supply in orderto increase its efficiency. Driving this amplifier from astandard +2.5V referenced signal causes the output transistorsto have unequal power dissipation.LINEAR TEC DRIVER–3This BTL TEC driver power output stage achieves very highefficiency by swinging very close to its supply rails, ±2.5V.This driver can also drive ±2A into a common TEC. Operationis shown with the power output stage operating on±1.5V supplies. Under these conditions, this linear amplifiercan achieve very high efficiency. Application ReportThe following collection of analog circuits may be useful in Electro-Optics applications such as optical networkingsystems. This page summarizes their salient characteristics.

    标签: 光电转换 电路设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • the geometry of a diffraction grating, a common illustration in textbooks of optics, spectroscopy,

    the geometry of a diffraction grating, a common illustration in textbooks of optics, spectroscopy, and analytical chemistry. Sliders on the figures allow real-time interactive control of the incidence angle, grating ruling density (lines/mm), wavelength, and diffraction order.

    标签: illustration spectroscopy diffraction textbooks

    上传时间: 2016-06-04


  • matlab programming for clustering pam , k-means , dbscan , optics for image segmentation

    matlab programming for clustering pam , k-means , dbscan , optics for image segmentation

    标签: segmentation programming clustering for

    上传时间: 2017-06-03


  • 该matlab程序包实现从Ocean Optics s2000型号的光谱仪采集数据文件中读取数据

    该matlab程序包实现从Ocean Optics s2000型号的光谱仪采集数据文件中读取数据,并对采集数据进行背景去除,提取特定波段的数据绘制光谱图

    标签: matlab Optics Ocean s2000

    上传时间: 2017-07-16


  • MATLAB used on engieering Optics

    Providing the MATAB model for optics, a famous book

    标签: engieering MATLAB Optics used on

    上传时间: 2016-05-27


  • 非线性光纤光学原理及应用(下)

    ·【原 书 名】 Nonlinear Fiber Optics & Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics  【原出版社】 Elsevier Science(USA)  【作  者】(美)Govind P.Agrawal [同作者作品]  【译  者】 贾东方[同译者作品] 余震虹 等  【丛 书 名】 国外电子与

    标签: 非线性 光纤 光学原理

    上传时间: 2013-06-20


  • 非线性光纤光学原理及应用(上)

    ·【原 书 名】 Nonlinear Fiber Optics & Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics  【原出版社】 Elsevier Science(USA)  【作  者】(美)Govind P.Agrawal [同作者作品]  【译  者】 贾东方[同译者作品] 余震虹 等  【丛 书 名】 国外电子与

    标签: 非线性 光纤 光学原理

    上传时间: 2013-06-10


  • 聚光太阳能光伏简介

      ØCPV is the abbreviation of concentration PV.   Ø It utilizes optics to concentrate the sunlight to the CPV cell to generate power.   Ø The purpose of CPV is to reduce the cell’s area and the cost of PV module.

    标签: 聚光 太阳能光伏

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 机电类比法在传感器中的相关分析

    机电类比法是一种把机械量通过一定的计算等效类比为电量的方法,其在对电子机械系统的分析中应用非常广泛。它能够把一个较复杂的机械系统类比为我们熟知的电路系统来进行分析,从而使问题的分析得到简化。本文通过对振弦式传感器的分析介绍了机电类比法,并对使用电路进行了相关的分析。 Summary:The electromechanical analogy is assort of analysis which is to analogize the mechanical system by using circuit system , it applied widely in the filed of analysis the electronic-mechanical system. The analysis can take a complex mechanical system analogous to a circuitry that we well-known, which can simplify the problems. In the paper, the electro-mechanical analogy method is briefly introduced by analysis the vibrating wire sensor,and have a correlation analysis about the circuit we used.关键词: 机电类比法  振弦式传感器  频率  振荡  反馈Keyword:electro-mechanical analogy method,vibrating wire sensor,frequency,  oscillation, feedback 0  引言振弦式传感器是属于频率式传感器的一种。所谓频率式传感器就是能直接将被测量转换为振动频率信号的传感器,这类传感器一般是通过测量振弦、振筒、振梁、振膜等弹性振体或石英晶体谐振器的固有谐振频率来达到测量引起谐振频率变化的被测非电量的目的,其也称为谐振式传感器[1]。在分析该类传感器中,由于其涉及到频率,就容易让人联想到在电子技术中接触到的RLC振荡电路。因此可以尝试着用类比的方法使之对应起来分析,即机电类比法分析。

    标签: 机电 传感器 类比法

    上传时间: 2013-11-16
