This is the library for all storage drivers. It simplifies writing a storage driver by implementing 90 percent of the code required to support Plug and Play, Power Management, et cetera. This library is used by disk.sys, cdrom.sys and the tape class drivers.
标签: storage implementing simplifies drivers
上传时间: 2016-05-17
M-file uses random data which BPSK modulates a carrier to configure a BPSK UWB transmitter. The receiver demodulates the BPSK UWB carrier and the data is recovered.
标签: BPSK transmitter configure modulates
上传时间: 2013-12-30
s file contains the Joone Distributed training Environment (DTE). See to learn more about it. To learn more about Joone - Java Object Oriented Neural Engine: Joone and the DTE are both released with the LGPL license @2004 Paolo Marrone and the Joone team - All rights reserved ==================================================================== Credits The Joone DTE uses the following external packages: - SUN Jini Network Technology - Computefarm Framework - Spring Framework We want to thank all the authors and contributors of the above packages. Please read the respective licenses contained in this distribution.
标签: Distributed Environment jooneworld contains
上传时间: 2013-12-25
As mentioned, most computers include a serial port. The only hardware setup required is connecting the serial cable to the serial port on the PC and the serial port on the instrument. The serial instrument may include some hardware drivers or software utilities for communication, and should include documentation on the baud rate, packet size, stop bits, and parity bits that the instrument will use. Additionally, check the National Instruments Instrument Driver Network to see if LabVIEW drivers already exist for yout instrument, as
标签: connecting mentioned computers hardware
上传时间: 2016-05-27
These MATLAB functions were created for the book Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB (DIPUM), by R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, and S.L. Eddins, Prentice Hall, 2004, ISBN 0130085197. The functions supplement and extend the image processing functionality of MATLAB and the Image Processing Toolbox, both offered by The MathWorks.
标签: MATLAB Processing functions Digital
上传时间: 2013-12-18
This example project shows how to use the IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM to develop code for the IAR-STM32-SK evaluation board. It shows basic use of I/O, timer and the interrupt controllers. Displays running lights on the board LED s.
标签: Workbench for the Embedded
上传时间: 2013-12-20
The PMSM FOC is made of several C modules, compatible with the free-of-charge IAR EWARM KickStart edition toolchain version 4.42. It is used to quickly evaluate both the MCU and the available tools. In addition, when used together with the STM32F103xx motor control starter kit (STM3210B-MCKIT) and PM motor, a motor can be made to run in a very short time. It also eliminates the need for time-consuming development of FOC and speed regulation algorithms by providing ready-to-use functions that let the user concentrate on the application layer. Moreover, it is possible to get rid of any speed sensor thanks to the sensorless algorithm for rotor position reconstruction.
标签: free-of-charge compatible KickStart modules
上传时间: 2014-01-09
GloptiPoly 3: moments, optimization and semidefinite programming. Gloptipoly 3 is intended to solve, or at least approximate, the Generalized Problem of Moments (GPM), an infinite-dimensional optimization problem which can be viewed as an extension of the classical problem of moments [8]. From a theoretical viewpoint, the GPM has developments and impact in various areas of mathematics such as algebra, Fourier analysis, functional analysis, operator theory, probability and statistics, to cite a few. In addition, and despite a rather simple and short formulation, the GPM has a large number of important applications in various fields such as optimization, probability, finance, control, signal processing, chemistry, cristallography, tomography, etc. For an account of various methodologies as well as some of potential applications, the interested reader is referred to [1, 2] and the nice collection of papers [5].
标签: optimization semidefinite programming GloptiPoly
上传时间: 2016-06-05
This paper presents a low-power asynchronous implementation of the 80C51 microcontroller. It was realized in a 0.5 µ m CMOS process and it shows a power advantage of a factor 4 compared to a recent synchronous implementation in the same technology. The chip is fully bit compatible with the synchronous implementation, and timing compatible for external memory access. The circuit is a compiled VLSI-program, using Tangram as VLSI-programming language and the Tangram tool set to compile the design automatically to a standard-cell netlist. This design approach proves to be powerful enough to describe the microcontroller and derive an efficient implementation. Further, it offers the designer the possibility to explore various alternatives in the design space.
标签: microcontroller implementation asynchronous low-power
上传时间: 2016-06-07
java Labyrinth game;Provides two kinds to produce map s way stochastically: The stochastic distribution point method and the chart depth first traversal the law two kinds.It can searches the shortest way to demonstrate automatically
标签: stochastically stochastic Labyrinth distribut
上传时间: 2016-06-13