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  • Implementation for Lempel-Ziv code. Encoder and decoder are separated. The input is a file and th

    Implementation for Lempel-Ziv code. Encoder and decoder are separated. The input is a file and the output is written in another file.

    标签: Implementation Lempel-Ziv and separated

    上传时间: 2017-07-05


  • Cisco E-DI supports perl scripting through the CLI. This feature automates many of the server and n

    Cisco E-DI supports perl scripting through the CLI. This feature automates many of the server and network administration tasks. This section explains how to enable and disable the perl scripting service, and how to use Cisco E-DI Perl API for daily tasks. When a perl script is implemented by an administrator or a user, the script automatically inherits the user s security privileges and the user s operational context (either server or network). Each invocation of a

    标签: automates scripting the supports

    上传时间: 2017-07-06


  • Besides enhanced looks and advanced features, one of the best things about Swing is its pluggable lo

    Besides enhanced looks and advanced features, one of the best things about Swing is its pluggable look and feel (PLAF). PLAF architecture allows seamless changes in the appearance of an application and the way an application interacts with the user. However, designing and developing a PLAF is much more exhaustive and complex. On the other hand, themes provide a simple alternative to change look and feel of the swing application. Themes are easier to implement and they enhance the visual appeal of the application UI using the default Java look and feel. Theme mechanism allows a developer to easily specify the default colors, fonts and icons used by the look and feel (L&F). It allows developers to write their own themes giving them a choice to show their application GUI the way they want it, rather than depending on the defaults provided by the system.

    标签: pluggable enhanced advanced features

    上传时间: 2014-01-23


  • The PCI Special Interest Group disclaims all warranties and liability for the use of this document

    The PCI Special Interest Group disclaims all warranties and liability for the use of this document and the information contained herein and assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document, nor does the PCI Special Interest Group make a commitment to update the information contained herein.

    标签: warranties disclaims liability Interest

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • The MMS List example demonstrates how to: List the MMS messages in the Inbox and sort them by sen

    The MMS List example demonstrates how to: List the MMS messages in the Inbox and sort them by sender. Monitor the Inbox for MMS messages. Delete messages from the Inbox. View a selected MMS message. This example uses the MMS Client MTM and Message Server facilities. This example can be run in a Series 60 device and the emulator provided with the SDK.

    标签: List demonstrates MMS the

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • Consider a BPSK and a QPSK system for the following two cases: 1) The probability that the symbol 1

    Consider a BPSK and a QPSK system for the following two cases: 1) The probability that the symbol 1 is sent and the probability that the symbol 0 is sent are all the same. 2) The probability that the symbol 1 is sent is two times than the probability that the symbol 0 is sent. Assume that the noise is Gaussian distributed with mean=0 and  2 = 1.

    标签: probability following the Consider

    上传时间: 2017-08-15


  • The Open Radar Data Acquisition (ORDA) subsystem replaces the current WSR-88D Radar Data Acquisiti

    The Open Radar Data Acquisition (ORDA) subsystem replaces the current WSR-88D Radar Data Acquisition subsystem with improved receiver and signal processing hardware and with improved user interface, signal processing and diagnostics software. This paper will discuss the input data from the digital receiver, the ORDA signal processing, and the data output from the ORDA hardware. Specifications of the ORDA digital receiver will be presented. The paper outlines the critical radar signal processing flow and provides analysis of new spectrum width computations and clutter filtering schemes used in the ORDA system. Where appropriate, ORDA performance enhancements, data quality improvements and reliability and maintenance improvements will be highlighted.

    标签: Radar Data Acquisition Acquisiti

    上传时间: 2017-08-25


  • fft analysis

          Use the fast Fourier transform function fft to analyse following signal. Plot the original signal, and the magnitude of its spectrum linearly and logarithmically. Apply Hamming window to reduce the leakage.   .   The hamming window can be coded in Matlab as   for n=1:N hamming(n)=0.54+0.46*cos((2*n-N+1)*pi/N); end;   where N is the data length in the FFT.

    标签: matlab fft

    上传时间: 2015-11-23


  • fft analysis

    Use fft to analyse signal by plotting the original signal and its spectrum.  

    标签: matlab fft

    上传时间: 2015-11-23


  • LED面板驱动控制芯片VK1628/1629A,B,C,D版本/1640/1651/1650

    VK元泰原厂LED的面板驱动产品主要应用于段式和点阵式LED的显示驱动包括但不局限以下产品: 仪表显示、大小家电、标志牌、健身器材显示面板等,同时涉及显示器控制器、双斜率与显示驱动ADC及显示器驱动计数器相关产品,产品具备显示、背光、按键扫描、单线、两线及三线通讯等不同特色。LED面板显示驱动控制芯片/段式和点阵式LED显示驱动专家。样品免费,大量原装现货!欢迎加Q索取产品PDF资料。   VK元泰原厂LED显示屏驱动主要大量应用于以下这些产品简介: 1:VCR、VCD、DVD 及家庭影院等产品的显示屏驱动。 2:电磁炉、微波炉、冰箱、空调 、家庭影院等产品的高段位显示屏驱动。 3:电子产品LED显示屏驱动,电子秤及小家电产品的显示屏驱动。 4:机顶盒、各种家电设备、智能电表等数码管、多段位显示屏驱动   VK1628概述 VK1628 是 1/5~1/8 占空比的 LED 显示控制驱动电路。由 10 根段输出、4 根栅输出、3 根段/栅输出,1 个显示存储器、控制电路、键扫描电路组成了一个高可靠性的单片机外围 LED 驱动电路。串行数据通过4线串行接口输入到 VK1628采用 SOP28 的封装形式。   VK1629A概述 VK1629A 是LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动等电路。主要应用于冰箱、空调、家庭影院等产品的高段位显示屏驱动。   VK1629B概述 VK1629B 是 LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有 MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、键盘扫描、LED 高压驱动等电路。主要应用于冰箱、空调、家庭影院等产品的高段位显示屏驱动。   VK1629C 概述 VK1629C 是带键盘扫描接口的 LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部 集成有 MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动、键盘扫描等电路。主要应用于冰箱、空调、家庭影院等产品的高段位显示屏驱动。   VK1629D 概述 VK1629D 是 LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有 MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动等电路。主要应用于冰箱、空调、家庭影院等产品的高段位显示屏驱动。   VK1640 概述 VK1640 是一款 LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有 MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动。本产品采用 CMOS 工艺,主要应用于小型 LED 显示屏驱动。   VK1640B概述 -----  SSOP24 超小封装体积方便开发设计,更低成本单价! VK1640B 是一款 LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有 MCU 数字接口、 数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动。本产品采用 CMOS 工艺,主要应用于小型 LED 显示屏驱动。   VK1650概述 VK1650 是一种带键盘扫描电路接口的 LED 驱动控制专用电路。内部集成有 MCU 输入输出控制数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 驱动、键盘扫描、辉度调节等电路。本芯片性能稳定、质量可靠、抗干扰能力强,可适应于 24 小时长期连续工作的应用场合。   VK1651概述 VK1651 是一种带键盘扫描接口的 LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部集 成有 MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动、键盘扫描等电路。本产品性能优良,质量可靠。主要应用于电磁炉。微波炉及小家电产品的显示屏驱动。   VK1668概述 VK1668 是 1/5~1/8 占空比的 LED 显示控制驱动电路。由 10 根段输出、4 根栅输出、3 根段/栅输出,1 个显示存储器、控制电路、键扫描电路组成了一个高可靠性的单片机外围 LED 驱动电路。串行数据通过4线串行接口输入到 VK1668采用 SOP24 的封装形式。   VK6932概述 VK6932 是一款 LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有 MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动。本产品采用 CMOS 工艺,主要应用于 LED 显示屏驱动。   VK16K33 概述 --- RAM映射16*8 LED控制器驱动器,带按键控制 VK16K33是一个内存映射和多功能LED控制器驱动程序。更大显示设备中的段是128个模式(16个SEG 和 8个COM),矩阵键为13*3(更大值)。扫描路。VK16K33的软件配置特点使其适用于多个LED应用包括LED模块和显示子系统。VK16K33与大多数微控制器兼容,并且通过双线双向I2c总线进行通信。 内存映射的LED控制器及驱动器 VK1628 --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO    电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V)    驱动点阵:70/52  共阴驱动:10段7位/13段4位 共阳驱动:7段10位  按键:10x2 封装SOP28 VK1629 --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIN/DOUT    电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V)    驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:16段8位   共阳驱动:8段16位   按键:8x4  封装QFP44 VK1629A --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO    电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V)    驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:16段8位   共阳驱动:8段16位   按键:---  封装SOP32 VK1629B --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO    电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V)    驱动点阵:112  共阴驱动:14段8位   共阳驱动:8段14位   按键:8x2  封装SOP32 VK1629C --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO    电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V)    驱动点阵:120  共阴驱动:15段8位  共阳驱动:8段15位   按键:8x1  封装SOP32 VK1629D --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO    电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V)    驱动点阵:96  共阴驱动:12段8位  共阳驱动:8段12位   按键:8x4  封装SOP32 VK1640 --- 通讯接口: CLK/DIN    电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V)    驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:8段16位  共阳驱动:16段8位   按键:---  封装SOP28 VK1640B -- 通讯接口: CLK/DIN    电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V)    驱动点阵:96 共阴驱动:8段12位 共阳驱动:12段8位(封装小,价格低)封装SSOP24 VK1650 --- 通讯接口: SCL/SDA    电源电压:5V(3.0~5.5V)    驱动点阵:8x16 共阴驱动:8段4位   共阳驱动:4段8位   按键:7x4  封装SOP16/DIP16 VK1651 --- 通讯接口: SCL/SDA    电源电压:5V(3.0~5.5V)    驱动点阵:8x14 共阴驱动:7段4位   共阳驱动:4段7位   按键:7x4  封装SOP16/DIP16 VK1668 ---通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIO    电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V)    驱动点阵:70/52 共阴驱动:10段7位/13段4位 共阳驱动:7段10位 按键:10x2 封装SOP24 VK6932 --- 通讯接口:STB/CLK/DIN    电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V)    驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:8段16位17.5/140mA  共阳驱动:16段8位 按键:--- 封装SOP32 VK16K33 --- 通讯接口:SCL/SDA   电源电压:5V(4.5V~5.5V)   驱动点阵:128/96/64                   共阴驱动:16段8位/12段8位/8段8位  共阳驱动:8段16位/8段12位/8段8位 按键:13x3 10x3 8x3  封装SOP20/SOP24/SOP28     联 系 人:许先生 联 系 QQ:191 888 5898  联系手机:188 9858 2398

    标签: 1628 1629 1640 1651 1650 LED VK 面板 芯片 版本

    上传时间: 2019-02-16
