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  • ESD-Phenomena-and-the-Reliability

    As we ENTer the next millennium, there are clear technological patterns. First, the electronic industry continues to scale microelectronic structures to achieve faster devices, new devices, or more per unit area. Secondly, electrostatic charge, electrostatic discharge (ESD), electrical overstress (EOS) and electromagnetic emissions (EMI) continue to be a threat to these scaled structures. This dichotomy presents a dilemma for the scaling of semiconductor technologies and a future threat to new technologies. Technological advancements, material changes, design techniques, and simulation can fend off this growing concern – but to maintain this ever-threatening challenge, one must continue to establish research and education in this issue. 

    标签: ESD-Phenomena-and-the-Reliability

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • Service+Robotics+within+the+Digital+Home

    Over the past few decades there has been an exponential growth in service robots and smart home technologies, which has led to the development of exciting new products in our daily lives. Service robots can be used to provide domestic aid for the elderly and disabled, serving various functions ranging from cleaning to ENTer- tainment. Service robots are divided by functions, such as personal robots, field robots, security robots, healthcare robots, medical robots, rehabilitation robots and ENTertainment robots. A smart home appears “intelligent” because its embedded computers can monitor so many aspects of the daily lives of householders. For example, the refrigerator may be able to monitor its contents, suggest healthy alter- natives and order groceries. Also, the smart home system may be able to clean the house and water the plants.

    标签: Robotics Service Digital within Home the

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Guidelines+for+Electrical+Transmission+Line

    Since the original publication of Manual 74 in 1991, and the preceding “Guidelines for Transmission Line Structural Loading” in 1984, the understanding of structural loadings on transmission line structures has broadened signifi cantly. However, improvements in computational capa- bility have enabled the transmission line engineer to more easily deter- mine structural loadings without properly understanding the parameters that affect these loads. Many seasoned professionals have expressed concern for the apparent lack of recent information on the topic of struc- tural loadings as new engineers ENTer this industry. The Committee on Electrical Transmission Structures is charged with the responsibility to report, evaluate, and provide loading requirements of transmission struc- tures. This task committee was therefore formed to update and revise the 1991 manual.

    标签: Transmission Guidelines Electrical Line for

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • 二叉树子系统

    #include<stdio.h> #define TREEMAX 100 typedef struct  BT { char data; BT *lchild; BT *rchild; }BT; BT *CreateTree(); void Preorder(BT *T); void Postorder(BT *T); void Inorder(BT *T); void Leafnum(BT *T); void Nodenum(BT *T); int TreeDepth(BT *T); int count=0; void main() { BT *T=NULL; char ch1,ch2,a; ch1='y'; while(ch1=='y'||ch1=='y') { printf("\n"); printf("\n\t\t             二叉树子系统"); printf("\n\t\t*****************************************"); printf("\n\t\t           1---------建二叉树            "); printf("\n\t\t           2---------先序遍历            "); printf("\n\t\t           3---------中序遍历            "); printf("\n\t\t           4---------后序遍历            "); printf("\n\t\t           5---------求叶子数            "); printf("\n\t\t           6---------求结点数            "); printf("\n\t\t           7---------求树深度            "); printf("\n\t\t           0---------返    回            "); printf("\n\t\t*****************************************"); printf("\n\t\t      请选择菜单号 (0--7)"); scanf("%c",&ch2); getchar(); printf("\n"); switch(ch2) { case'1': printf("\n\t\t请按先序序列输入二叉树的结点:\n"); printf("\n\t\t说明:输入结点(‘0’代表后继结点为空)后按回车。\n"); printf("\n\t\t请输入根结点:"); T=CreateTree(); printf("\n\t\t二叉树成功建立!\n");break; case'2': printf("\n\t\t该二叉树的先序遍历序列为:"); Preorder(T);break; case'3': printf("\n\t\t该二叉树的中序遍历序列为:"); Inorder(T);break; case'4': printf("\n\t\t该二叉树的后序遍历序列为:"); Postorder(T);break; case'5': count=0;Leafnum(T); printf("\n\t\t该二叉树有%d个叶子。\n",count);break; case'6': count=0;Nodenum(T); printf("\n\t\t该二叉树总共有%d个结点。\n",count);break; case'7': printf("\n\t\t该树的深度为:%d",TreeDepth(T)); break; case'0': ch1='n';break; default: printf("\n\t\t***请注意:输入有误!***"); } if(ch2!='0') { printf("\n\n\t\t按【ENTer】键继续,按任意键返回主菜单!\n"); a=getchar(); if(a!='\xA') { getchar(); ch1='n'; } } } } BT *CreateTree() { BT *t; char x; scanf("%c",&x); getchar(); if(x=='0') t=NULL; else { t=new BT; t->data=x; printf("\n\t\t请输入%c结点的左子结点:",t->data);         t->lchild=CreateTree(); printf("\n\t\t请输入%c结点的右子结点:",t->data);         t->rchild=CreateTree();     } return t; } void Preorder(BT *T) { if(T) { printf("%3c",T->data); Preorder(T->lchild); Preorder(T->rchild); } } void Inorder(BT *T) { if(T) { Inorder(T->lchild); printf("%3c",T->data); Inorder(T->rchild); } } void Postorder(BT *T) { if(T) { Postorder(T->lchild); Postorder(T->rchild); printf("%3c",T->data); } } void Leafnum(BT *T) { if(T) { if(T->lchild==NULL&&T->rchild==NULL) count++; Leafnum(T->lchild); Leafnum(T->rchild); } } void Nodenum(BT *T) { if(T) { count++; Nodenum(T->lchild); Nodenum(T->rchild); } } int TreeDepth(BT *T) { int ldep,rdep; if(T==NULL) return 0; else { ldep=TreeDepth(T->lchild); rdep=TreeDepth(T->rchild); if(ldep>rdep) return ldep+1; else return rdep+1; } }

    标签: 二叉树 子系统

    上传时间: 2020-06-11


  • 基于MSP430单片机及FPGA的简易数字示波器

    数字示波器功能强大,使用方便,但是价格相对昂贵。本文以Ti的MSP430F5529为主控器,以Altera公司的EP2C5T144C8 FPGA器件为逻辑控制部件设计数字示波器。模拟信号经程控放大、整形电路后形成方波信号送至FPGA测频,根据频率值选择采用片上及片外高速AD分段采样。FPGA控制片外AD采样并将数据输入到FIFO模块中缓存,由单片机进行频谱分析。测试表明:简易示波器可以实现自动选档、多采样率采样、高精度测频及频谱分析等功能。Digital oscilloscope is powerful and easy to use, but also expensive. The research group designed a low-cost digital oscilloscope, the chip of MSP430F5529 of TI is chosen as the main controller and the device of EP2C5T144C8 of Altera company is used as the logic control unit. Analog signal ENTer the programmable amplifier circuit, shaping circuit and other pre-processing circuit. The shaped rectangular wave signal is sent to FPGA for measure the frequency. According to the frequency value to select AD on-chip or off-chip high-speed AD for sampling. FPGA controls the off-chip AD sampling and buffers AD data by FIFO module. The single chip microcomputer receives the data, and do FFT for spectrum analysis. The test shows that the simple oscilloscope can realize automatic gain selection, sampling at different sampling rates, high precision frequency measurement and spectrum analysis.

    标签: msp430 单片机 fpga 数字示波器

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • AD19快捷键小结

    走线状态,+tab,改变线宽;2d 线状态,+shift+tab ,切换倒角方式;crtl+左键 :高亮选中网络;左下角双击,层管理,显示或隐藏某一层;旋转:Space;X 轴镜像:X;Y 轴镜像:Y;板层管理:L;栅格设置:G;单位进制切换:Q;对齐-水平:A,D;对齐-垂直:A,I,I,ENTer;对齐-顶部:A,T;对齐-底部:A,B;对齐-左侧:A,L;对齐-右侧:A,R;设计-类设置:D,C;设计-板层管理:D,K;

    标签: Altium Designer

    上传时间: 2022-04-17


  • CMW500测试NB-IOT说明书

    带显示屏的CWM500的测量操作可完全通过前面板的按键完成,该文档中常用按键如下图所示,更详细的按键使用信息请参阅CMW500用户手册:任务按键(TASKS):显示或隐藏任务栏菜单(类似电脑操作系统的任务栏菜单),CMW500任务栏菜单最多可显示8个信号源和测量功能任务。测量按键(MEASURE):打开测量控制对话框,通过测量控制对话框可以选择需要的测量功能。信号源按键(SIGNALGEN):打开信号源控制对话框,通过信号源控制对话框可以选择需要的信号源功能。ON/OFF 按键:用于控制信号源功能或测量功能的启动和停止RESTART/STOP 按键:用于启动处于RDY 状态或停止单次或连续测量功能ESC按键可关闭当前弹出窗口数字按键区:用于数字输入,如设置频率,参考功率等。旋钮:用于控制界面光标在各个控件间的移动;用于数值微调:用于列表控件中滚动选项;按下相当于ENTer键四向导航键:用于控制界面光标在各个控件间的移动;上下间还可用于数值微调:

    标签: cmw500 NB-IOT

    上传时间: 2022-07-18


  • SEW变频器与ABPLC通过EthernetIP通讯控制

    SEW 变频器与ABPLC 通过EthernetIP 通讯控制第一步:根据电机的名牌设定电机参数,具体操作按下图步骤操作即可。第二步:利用SEW变频器软件或AB 的BOOTP-DHCP Server软件设定IP 地址。第三步: 组态PLC,要用AB 通用的以太网模块按下面的配置来组态。我们现场测试过用SEW官网的EDS文件通讯不上,后来用这个可以的。第四步: 利用变频器面板按钮手动启动停止, 测试电机运转是否正常。通过上下键选择到如下图指示灯亮,按下ENTer 确认,按下run 键,调节旋钮给定速度,电机就可以转了。第五步:配置变频器参数。按下图红框中的参数进行配置。第六步:通过PLC给出命令,启动停止变频器。给定速度,斜坡,启动。控制字1除了基本控制块中包含的最重要的驱动功能外,在有效高位字节中包括内部设定功能用的功能位,其可以在MOVIDRIVE变频器中产生。

    标签: sew 变频器 abplc ethernetip

    上传时间: 2022-07-23
