C++ From Scratch: An Object-Oriented Approach is designed to walk novice programmers through the analysis, design and implementation of a functioning object-oriented application using C++. You will learn all the critical programming concepts and techniques associated with the language in the context of creating a functioning application. Best selling C++ author Jesse Liberty shows you how to create "Decryptix", a game of decoding a hidden pattern as quickly as possible, using nothing but successive guesses and the application of logic. Every example and technique is put into the context of achieving a goal and accomplishing an END.
标签: Object-Oriented programmers Approach designed
上传时间: 2013-12-25
双击可执行文件wbbjq.exe,在出现的界面中输入任意文本内容,利用DEL键、 BACKSPACE键、HOME键、END键、上下左右光标键对文本进行全屏幕编辑, 按f1键激活菜单file,下移光标,选择save,输入文件名。也可以选择FILE菜单 的其他菜单项,他们的功能均可实现。按f10激活帮助,按ESC键退出帮助。
上传时间: 2013-12-16
Aodv for NS-2. A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a kind of wireless ad-hoc network, and is a self-configuring network of mobile routers connected wirelessly. MANET may operate in a standalone fashion, or may be connected to the larger Internet. Many routing protocols have been developed for MANETs over the past few years. This project evaluated three specific MANET routing protocols which are Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Dynamic MANET Ondemand routing protocol (DYMO) to better understand the major characteristics of these routing protocols. Different performance aspects were investigated in this project including packet delivery ratio, routing overhead, throughput and average END-to-END delay.
标签: network ad-hoc wireless mobile
上传时间: 2014-01-12
实验目的:用c语言对一个简单语言的子集编制一个一遍扫描的编译程序,以加深对编译原理的理解,掌握编译程序的实现方法和技术。 c.1词法分析 c.1.1实验目的 设计、编制并调试一个词法分析程序,加深对词法分析原理的理解。 c.1.2实验要求 c.1.2.1待分析的简单语言的词法 (1) 关键字: begin if then while do END --------有实验报告+.cpp+分析
上传时间: 2013-12-23
语法分析 C2.1 实验目的 编制一个递归下降分析程序,实现对词法分析程序所提供的单词序列的语法检查和结构分析. C2.2 实验要求 利用C语言编制递归下降分析程序,并对简单语言进行语法分析. C2.2.1待分析的简单语言的语法 用扩充的BNF表示如下: (1)<程序>::=begin<语句串>END (2)<语句串>::=<语句>{ <语句>} (3)<语句>::=<赋值语句> (4)<赋值语句>::=ID:=<表达式> (5)<表达式>::=<项>{+<项> | —项>} (6)<项>::=<因子>{*<因子> | /<因子>} (7)<因子>::=ID | NUM | (<表达式>) C2。2。2实验要求说明 输入单词串,以“#”结束,如果是文法正确的句子,则输出成功信息,打印“success”,否则输出“error”.
上传时间: 2014-09-05
实验目的 通过上机实习,加深对语法制导翻译原理的理解,掌握将语法分析所识别的语法成分变换为中间代码的语义翻译方法. 实验要求 采用递归下降语法制导翻译法,对算术表达式、赋值语句进行语义分析并生成四元式序列。 实验的输入和输出 输入是语法分析提供的正确的单词串,输出为三地址指令形式的四元式序列。 例如:对于语句串 begin a:=2+3*4 x:=(a+b)/c END# 输出的三地址指令如下: (1) t1=3*4 (2) t2=2+t1 (3) a=t2 (4) t3=a+b (5) t4=t3/c (6) x=t4
上传时间: 2017-09-27
DATAS SEGMENT w dw 0 keybuf db 255 db 0 db 255 dup(0) ;定义键盘输入需要的缓冲区 DATAS ENDS STACKS SEGMENT db 200 dup(?) STACKS ENDS CODES SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODES,DS:DATAS,SS:STACKS START: MOV AX,DATAS MOV DS,AX mov dx,offset keybuf ;用0a号功能,输入一个字符串 mov ah,0ah ;用回车结束 int 21h mov dl,0ah ;再进行换行,以便在下一行显示转换后的字符串 mov ah,2 int 21h ; push ax ; push dx ; mov dl,cl ; mov ah,02 ; int 21h ; pop dx ; pop ax mov bx,offset keybuf+1 ;取出字符串的字符个数,作为循环的次数 mov cl,[bx] mov ch,0 mov ax,0 again: inc bx mov ax,[w] push bx mov bx,16 mul bx pop bx ;是小写字母,则转换为大写字母 mov [w],ax mov dl,[bx] ;取出一个字符, cmp dl,'9' jbe lab1 cmp dl,'F' jbe lab2 sub dl,32 lab2: sub dl ,07h lab1: sub dl,30h add [w],dx loop again mov ax,[w] mov bx,-1 push bx mov bx,10 lab3 :mov dx,0 div bx push dx cmp ax,0 jnz lab3 lab5: pop dx cmp dx,-1 jz lab4 add dl,30h mov ah,02 int 21h jmp lab5 ;循环,处理完整个字符串 lab4: MOV AH,4CH INT 21H CODES ENDS END START
标签: 汇编
上传时间: 2015-04-02
msp430代码,精确测量信号频率 程序描述:利用Timer_A捕获脉冲宽度 利用MSP430单片机定时器A和捕获/比较功能模块结合使用,实现脉冲宽度的测量 程序用到了定时器A的CCI1A端口(MSP430F14X的P1.2引脚)作捕获外部输入 的脉冲电平跳变,start,END,两个个变量来计算脉冲宽度
标签: msp430测信号频率代码
上传时间: 2015-05-05
判断奇偶数的汇编程序CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS: CODE START: MOV AH, 01H ; 调用 DOS中断的1号子功能(键入一个字符), INT 21H ; AL←键入一位数字 CMP AL, 30H ; 若输入比‘0’小的字符则重新输入 JB START CMP AL, 39H ; 若输入比‘9’大的字符则重新输入 JA START CLC ; CF标志清0 SHR AL, 1 ; AL最低位移入CF JNC EVN ; 根据CF的状态,判断输入数字的奇偶性 MOV BL, 31H ; 奇数,BL←1的ASCII码 JMP DISP EVN: MOV BL, 30H ; 偶数,BL←0的ASCII码 DISP: MOV AH, 02H ; 调用DOS中断的2号子功能,输出字符 MOV DL, 0AH ; 输出换行 INT 21H MOV DL, 0DH ; 输出回车 INT 21H MOV DL, BL ; 输出标志字符 INT 21H mov ah, 1 int 21h MOV AH, 4CH ; 返回DOS INT 21H CODE ENDS END START
上传时间: 2015-06-10
《分析性写作》,介绍言简意赅: The popular, brief rhetoric that treats writing as thinking, WRITING ANALYTICALLY, Sixth Edition, offers a series of prompts that lead you through the process of analysis and synthesis and help you to generate original and well-developed ideas. The book's overall point is that learning to write well means learning to use writing as a way of thinking well. To that END, the strategies of this book describe thinking skills that employ writing. As you will see, this book treats writing as a tool of thought--a means of undertaking sustained acts of inquiry and reflection.
上传时间: 2015-08-22