上传时间: 2016-10-29
我一般用于制作和整理(文件搜索方式)编程技术文档和各类源代码, 可以如编程工具一样分色显示程序(C++, Delphi , java, Vb, SQL ……)(用算法实现), 主要用于查找相应的类和函数的应用。 同样可以用它来制作电子书籍。(制作出《诸子百家》) 考虑到兼容问题: 在发布时删除了皮肤组件.所以运行出来的效果不美观. 平台: delphi7 本软件为开源软件. 所有人都可以使用其源码.请注明出处就OK了 有任何问题,都可以向我发送EMail. 设计者: 薛朝文 EMail:xcwen@sina.com
上传时间: 2014-01-24
BlackBerry Hacks will enhance your mobile computing with great tips and tricks. You ll learn that the BlackBerry is capable of things you never thought possible, and you ll learn how to make it an even better EMail and web workhorse: Get the most out of the built-in applications Take control of EMail with filters, searches, and more Rev up your mobile gaming--whether you re an arcade addict or poker pro Browse the web, chat over IM, and keep up with news and weblogs Work with office documents, spell check your messages, and send faxes Become more secure, lock down your BlackBerry and stash secure information somewhere safe Manage and monitor the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) and Mobile Data System (MDS) Create web sites that look great on a BlackBerry Develop and deploy BlackBerry applications
标签: BlackBerry computing enhance mobile
上传时间: 2016-12-07
《数字图像处理与分析》光盘使用说明 本光盘主要包括两部分内容: 1、 作者编制的基于MATLAB和基于VC++实现的数字图像处理软件,分别对应于本书各章节。该软件既可作为教学演示和实验工具,也可在实际图像处理中应用。 2、 电子课件和图稿的电子版,电子课件按章编排,共9个文件。 本课件制作和使用的软件环境为PowerPoint 2003,在不同版本软件环境下可能会出现排版偏差。 欢迎读者提出宝贵意见和建议,以帮助我们改进。联系方式为: 通信地址:北京市航空航天大学图像处理中心(100083) EMail:dmrzhang@sina.com
上传时间: 2016-12-08
【概要】 名称:DK的《贪吃蛇》-附源代码 版本: 运行环境:Win9X/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista 开发环境:WinXp+VC6 软件开发者:FanSin Studio 开发商网站:暂无 作者:棼紫|DKink QQ:8566427 EMail:dkink@qq.com 【介绍】 基于像素移动的贪吃蛇,没有记分,懒得写。 背景音乐无,懒得写。 有人想看背景音乐如何实现的,请看DKG12里面的实现。 【操作指南】 键盘操作,Enter开始,方向移动。
上传时间: 2014-02-11
加密算法实现 Pegwit is a program for performing public key file encryption and authentication. Encryption means that pegwit allows you to keep the information in files you send by EMail (or other means) confidential. Eavesdroppers will not be able to read the EMail. Authentication allows you to check that a file has not been tampered with (changed) since it was signed.
标签: authentication encryption performing program
上传时间: 2016-12-12
利用61板、SPR模组、SPLC501液晶模组和4×4键盘建立手机通讯录模型,要求通讯录具有下述功能: 1. 通讯录条目的录入。可以通过4×4按键模拟手机键盘,实现中英文输入。通讯录条目至少应包括姓名、两组以上电话号码、EMail等信息。 2. 通讯录查询和搜索。通讯录以一定规则排序,可翻页查看。提供通讯录搜索功能,输入姓名的一部分,可搜索到匹配的条目。 3. 语音识别功能。可将通讯录中的指定条目设定为“可语音拨号”,并加以训练。当进入语音拨号模式后,可利用之前训练的语音命令快速找到所需的通讯录条目。
上传时间: 2013-12-21
The AVRcam source files were built using the WinAVR distribution (version 3.3.1 of GCC). I haven t tested other versions of GCC, but they should compile without too much difficulty. * The source files for the AVRcam had the author name and copyright information added back into them after the judging of the project, since it states in the competition rules that the author s name can not be present during their inspection. * The included source files are the ones that were submitted for the entry into the Circuit Cellar contest. I have continued to develop the AVRcam, and have added several new features (such as ignoring objects that aren t larger than a minimum size, removing tracked objects that overlap with each, and some general optimizations). If you are interested in the latest source, EMail me at john@jrobot.net * For more info about the AVRcam, check out http://www.jrobot.net John Orlando August 20, 2004
标签: distribution version AVRcam source
上传时间: 2016-12-30
dd1压缩包里面是驱动源码 console压缩包里面是控制台源码 hide.exe是最终产品 使用方法: 1、将hide.exe复制到系统目录 2、运行cmd 3、hide -h 查看帮助 hide -i 安装驱动 hide -u 卸载驱动 hide -f -a filename 添加一个隐藏文件 by boywhp 07/09/03 EMail:boywhp@126.com
上传时间: 2013-12-19
计算全息close all clc clear A=zeros(64) A(15:20,20:40)=1 A(15:50,20:25)=1 A(45:50,20:40)=1 A(30:34,20:35)=1 % ppp=exp(rand(64)*pi*2*i) A=A.*ppp % Author s EMail: zjliu2001@163.com figure imshow(abs(A),[]) Fa=fft2(fftshift(A)) Fs=fftshift(Fa) Am=abs(Fs) % amplitude Ph=angle(Fs) % phase s=11 % 这表示边长吗? cgh=zeros(64*s) th=max(max(abs(Fs)))
上传时间: 2014-10-13