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  • 基于ep3c10e144 FPGA +双核8位AD928设计的双通道示波器quartus8.0 ve

    基于ep3c10e144 FPGA +双核8位AD928设计的双通道示波器quartus8.0 verilog 工程源码+ PDF硬件原理图,双通道示波器应用到FPGA主控与双核8位AD9288,AD9288是一款双核8位单芯片采样模数转换器(ADC),内置片内采样保持电路,专门针对低成本、低功耗、小尺寸和易用性进行了优化。AD9288采用100 MSPS转换速率工作,在整个工作范围内都具有出色的动态性能。每个通道均可以独立工作通道数:2通道模拟带宽:30MHz采样率:双通道,每125Msps垂直精度:8bit存储深度:每通道不小于8KB电压灵敏度:10mv/div~5v/div(1:1探头)扫速范围:100ns/div~5s/divFFT功能:1024点FFTX-Y功能触发方式:单次、正常、自动,触发电压可调并带有超前触发功能480*320/3.5寸高分辨率液晶显示器。工作电压:6.2V~9V,推荐使用8V稳压电源

    标签: ep3c10e144 fpga ad928 示波器 quartus

    上传时间: 2022-01-21


  • 热插拔装置软件


    标签: 热插拔 装置 软件

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • LabVIEW for Everyone(经典英文书籍)

    The #1 Step-by-Step Guide to labviewNow Completely Updated for labview 8!   Master labview 8 with the industry's friendliest, most intuitive tutorial: labview for Everyone, Third Edition. Top labview experts Jeffrey Travis and Jim Kring teach labview the easy way: through carefully explained, step-by-step examples that give you reusable code for your own projects!   This brand-new Third Edition has been fully revamped and expanded to reflect new features and techniques introduced in labview 8. You'll find two new chapters, plus dozens of new topics, including Project Explorer, AutoTool, XML, event-driven programming, error handling, regular expressions, polymorphic VIs, timed structures, advanced reporting, and much more. Certified labview Developer (CLD) candidates will find callouts linking to key objectives on NI's newest exam, making this book a more valuable study tool than ever. Not just what to d why to do it! Use labview to build your own virtual workbench Master labview's foundations: wiring, creating, editing, and debugging VIs; using controls and indicators; working with data structures; and much more Learn the "art" and best practices of effective labview development NEW: Streamline development with labview Express VIs NEW: Acquire data with NI-DAQmx and the labview DAQmx VIs NEW: Discover design patterns for error handling, control structures, state machines, queued messaging, and more NEW: Create sophisticated user interfaces with tree and tab controls, drag and drop, subpanels, and more Whatever your application, whatever your role, whether you've used labview or not, labview for Everyone, Third Edition is the fastest, easiest way to get the results you're after!

    标签: Everyone LabVIEW for 英文

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • This algorithm was developed by Professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT and can be found presented in seve

    This algorithm was developed by Professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT and can be found presented in several languages. What I provide to you here is a C++ derivative of the original C implementation of Professor Rivets. The library code itself is platform-independant and has been tested in Redhat Linux. I ve included the sample code and makefile that I used for the Linux test. The demo, however, was written with Visual C++ 6 on a Windows 2000 platform.

    标签: L. Professor algorithm developed

    上传时间: 2014-12-21


  • 罗技摄像头LINUX2.6内核驱动 不支持以下摄像头: 0x8C1 Logitech QuickCam Fusion 0x8C2 Logitech QuickCam PTZ (newer ve

    罗技摄像头LINUX2.6内核驱动 不支持以下摄像头: 0x8C1 Logitech QuickCam Fusion 0x8C2 Logitech QuickCam PTZ (newer version of the sphere) 0x8C3 QuickCam for Notebooks Pro 0x8C5 Logitech QuickCam Pro 5000 0x8CF Logitech QuickCam UpdateMe

    标签: Logitech QuickCam Fusion LINUX

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • In this book, we aim to give you an introduction to a wide variety of topics important to you as a d

    In this book, we aim to give you an introduction to a wide variety of topics important to you as a developer using UNIX. The word Beginning in the title refers more to the content than to your skill level. We ve structured the book to help you learn more about what UNIX has to offer, however much experience you have already. UNIX programming is a large field and we aim to cover enough about a wide range of topics to give you a good beginning in each subject.

    标签: introduction important you to

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • MFC Black Book Introduction: Are you an MFC programmer? Good. There are two types of MFC programme

    MFC Black Book Introduction: Are you an MFC programmer? Good. There are two types of MFC programmers. What kind are you? The first kind are the good programmers who write programs that conform to the way MFC wants you to do things. The second bunch are wild-eyed anarchists who insist on getting things done their way. Me, I’m in the second group. If you are in the same boat (or would like to be) this book is for you. This book won’t teach you MFC—not in the traditional sense. You should pick it up with a good understanding of basic MFC programming and a desire to do things differently. This isn’t a Scribble tutorial (although I will review some fundamentals in the first chapter). You will learn how to wring every drop from your MFC programs. You’ll discover how to use, abuse, and abandon the document/view architecture. If you’ve ever wanted custom archives, you’ll find that, too.

    标签: MFC Introduction programmer programme

    上传时间: 2015-05-30


  • Ever wanted to just type tail -f error_log on Windows?Envious of your Unix friends who can track cha

    Ever wanted to just type tail -f error_log on Windows?Envious of your Unix friends who can track changes to a file, in real time, as they happen? Well, now with the Objektiv Tail for Win32, you ll be happily monitoring your log files like you ve never done before. What s even better, you can track several files all at the same time with the patented "Multiple Document Interface"TM technology, with each file having its own, fabulous window.

    标签: error_log Envious Windows friends

    上传时间: 2015-05-31


  • we can get something about Digital IC design from berkeley advanced digital IC lecture, and it is ve

    we can get something about Digital IC design from berkeley advanced digital IC lecture, and it is very good for beginner

    标签: something berkeley advanced Digital

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • Writing Your First ASP Application ( Quick Start ) (Page 1 of 8 ) There are many tutorials out th

    Writing Your First ASP Application ( Quick Start ) (Page 1 of 8 ) There are many tutorials out there that show you how to program in ASP. Some of them are good, and some are bad. Some of them are downright terrible. In any case, you ve read a bit about ASP and now you are ready to build your first application. But where do you start? In my own experience, I have found that I find it easier to learn something if I actually work with it hands-on. Just reading a book or documentation doesn’t give you the practical knowledge you need to be able to rush off and start creating applications. In this article, I will discuss the creation of a very simple application. I will cover what the application will do, how we will approach writing it, demonstrate in code how we will do it, and discuss additional features that could be added to it. Writing Your First ASP Application ( Quick Start ) - Users On Your Website

    标签: Application tutorials Writing First

    上传时间: 2015-11-05
