this code define non-Deterministic finite automata using lisp
标签: non-Deterministic automata define finite
上传时间: 2017-09-11
The program simulates a NonDeterministic Multitape Turing Machine. It works as ordinary (Deterministic) Turing Machine as well.
标签: NonDeterministic Determinist Multitape simulates
上传时间: 2014-09-07
This book is intended for embedded system programmers, consultants and students interested in real-time operating systems. μC/OS-II is a high performance, Deterministic real-time kernel and can be embedded in commercial products (see Appendix F, Licensing). Instead of writing your own kernel, you should consider μC/OS-II. You will find, as I did, that writing a kernel is not as easy as it first looks.
标签: consultants programmers interested intended
上传时间: 2015-11-06
In this article, we present an overview of methods for sequential simulation from posterior distributions. These methods are of particular interest in Bayesian filtering for discrete time dynamic models that are typically nonlinear and non-Gaussian. A general importance sampling framework is developed that unifies many of the methods which have been proposed over the last few decades in several different scientific disciplines. Novel extensions to the existing methods are also proposed.We showin particular how to incorporate local linearisation methods similar to those which have previously been employed in the Deterministic filtering literature these lead to very effective importance distributions. Furthermore we describe a method which uses Rao-Blackwellisation in order to take advantage of the analytic structure present in some important classes of state-space models. In a final section we develop algorithms for prediction, smoothing and evaluation of the likelihood in dynamic models.
标签: sequential simulation posterior overview
上传时间: 2015-12-31
Digital Signal and Image Processing Using MATLAB The most important theoretical aspects of image and signal processing (ISP) for both Deterministic and random signals are covered in this guide to using MATLAB® . The discussion is also supported by exercises and computer simulations relating to real applications such as speech processing and fetal-heart–rhythm tracking, and more than 200 programs and functions for numerical experiments are provided with commentary.
标签: theoretical Processing important Digital
上传时间: 2016-07-08
an analysis software with souce code for the time series with methods based on the theory of nonlinear Deterministic dynamical systems, or chaos theory.这套软件源码是根据H. Kantz and T. Schreiber, ``Nonlinear Time Series Analysis , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1997).
标签: with the analysis software
上传时间: 2013-12-10
A Matlab toolbox for exact linear time-invariant system identification is presented. The emphasis is on the variety of possible ways to implement the mappings from data to parameters of the data generating system. The considered system representations are input/state/output, difference equation, and left matrix fraction. KEYWORDS: subspace identification, Deterministic subspace identification, balanced model reduction, approximate system identification, MPUM.
标签: identification time-invariant presented emphasis
上传时间: 2013-12-28
Modeling and simulation of nonlinear systems provide communication system designers with a tool to predict and verify overall system performance under nonlinearity and complex communication signals. Traditionally, RF system designers use Deterministic signals (discrete tones), which can be implemented in circuit simulators, to predict the performance of their nonlinear circuits/systems. However, RF system designers are usually faced with the problem of predicting system performance when the input to the system is real-world communication signals which have a random nature.
标签: Nonlinear_Distortion_in_Wireless_ Systems
上传时间: 2020-05-31
This manual documents the Microcontroller profile of version 7 of the ARM® Architecture, the ARMv7-M architecture profile. For short definitions of all the ARMv7 profiles see About the ARMv7 architecture, and architecture profiles on page A1-20.ARMv7 is documented as a set of architecture profiles. The profiles are defined as follows: ARMv7-A The application profile for systems supporting the ARM and Thumb instruction sets, and requiring virtual address support in the memory management model. ARMv7-R The realtime profile for systems supporting the ARM and Thumb instruction sets, and requiring physical address only support in the memory management model ARMv7-M The microcontroller profile for systems supporting only the Thumb instruction set, and where overall size and Deterministic operation for an implementation are more important than absolute performance. While profiles were formally introduced with the ARMv7 development, the A-profile and R-profile have implicitly existed in earlier versions, associated with the Virtual Memory System Architecture (VMSA) and Protected Memory System Architecture (PMSA) respectively.
标签: arm
上传时间: 2022-06-02
移动通信网络由于带宽和技术的限制,远远不能满足人们不断高涨的无线上网需求。Wi-Fi作为无线接入技术MLAN的主流标准口益成熟,它能够随时随地高速连接到Internet,极大地满足了用户对无线上网需求,受到消费者的青睐。因而越来越多的移动终端都集成了Wi-Fi功能,Wi-Fi和蓝牙样成为移动终端的标配。随之而来的是wi-Fi和蓝牙都工作在2.4CHZz ISM频段而引发的互相 扰问题,导致数据吞吐量下降,语音质量恶化失真,极端状况下甚至导致链路断开而不能正常工作。因此,必须寻求有效的措施和方法,实现两种技术在近距离的和谐共存,这已成为非常迫切的技术需要,也成为人们研究的一个热点和难点。近距离WiFi和蓝牙互相1扰的问题,目前已经形成了非常多的有效解决机制,包括基于Wi-Fi的PTA(Packet Traffic Arbitration)、AWMA(Alternating Wireless Medium Access)和DSE(Deterministic Spectral Excision),其中PTA和AWMA机制在Wi-Fi側MAC层实现,通过协调Wi-Fi和蓝牙的帧发射时间来避免相互干扰:而DSE是在Wi-Fi侧物理层PHY实现,通过一个可编程带阻滤波器(Notch Filter)来阻止来白蓝牙的窄带干扰。还有基于蓝牙侧的AFH(Adaptive Frequency Hopping),它通过跳频,自动避开被干扰的频点,从而大大提高了蓝牙传输性能。
上传时间: 2022-06-20