Distributed Median,Alice has an array A, and Bob has an array B. All elements in A and B are distinct. Alice and Bob are interested in finding the median element of their combined arrays.
标签: array B. Distributed has
上传时间: 2013-12-25
A* sudo sudo/* B* adduser script adduser C* rmuser script rmuser E* tout tout/* F* dumdum dumdum G* lostfile lostfile H* Mkfl.localsys Makefile.localsys I* spacegripe spacegripe J* sendmail.cf sendmail.cf N* remote remote.c O* distributed conrol distrib/* P* hosts and name server makerevhosts Q* xargs xargs/*
标签: adduser script rmuser sudo
上传时间: 2016-03-29
The MATLAB Compiler automatically converts MATLAB M-files to C and C++ code. The MATLAB Compiler includes the MATLAB C/C++ Math and Graphics Libraries, which let you automatically convert your MATLAB applications to C and C++ code for stand-alone applications.
标签: MATLAB Compiler automatically The
上传时间: 2014-01-09
AMOP 0.3 is an Automatic Mock Object for C++. By using ABI and template techniques, it can simulate a pseudo-"Reflection" which is normally not support in C++ . The main differences between AMOP and other mock object library is that, users DO NOT need to implement the interface of the object which to mock...
标签: techniques Automatic template simulate
上传时间: 2013-12-31
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++ provides an introduction to data structures and algorithms from the viewpoint of abstract thinking and problem solving, as well as the use of C++. It is a complete revision of Weiss successful CS2 book Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++.
标签: introduction Structures structures and
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Professional MFC. Chapter 1: The Microsoft Developer Studio Chapter 2: The Wizards and The Gallery Chapter 3: The Application Architecture Hierarchy Chapter 4: The Document/View Architecture Chapter 5: Using Dialogs and Controls in MFC Chapter 6: User Interface Issues Chapter 7: Advanced User Interface Programming Chapter 8: Using the Windows Common Controls Chapter 9: Writing Programs for the Windows Shell Chapter 10: Utility and Exception Classes Chapter 11: Writing Multithreaded Applications with MFC Chapter 12: Creating Dynamic-link Libraries Chapter 13: Writing Database Applications Chapter 14: Writing OLE Containers Chapter 15: Writing OLE Servers Chapter 16: ActiveX Controls Chapter 17: ActiveX Control Containers Chapter 18: Internet Client Programming Chapter 19: Internet Server Programming Appendix A: Installing Visual C++
标签: Chapter The Professional Developer
上传时间: 2017-08-20
The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a numerical library for C and C++ programmers.
标签: programmers Scientific numerical Library
上传时间: 2015-01-09
Lachesis an IRCRPG combat engine written in a combination of C and C++. The combat engine is being written for a specific RPG, but most of the project should be useful to IRCRPGs in general. It includes a native interface to the IRC protocol to allow it to act as an IRC bot, for such uses as dice rolling and acting as a remote-controlled client (RPG NPC perhaps).
标签: combat engine combination Lachesis
上传时间: 2014-01-26
PCCTS这个经典词法语法分析器的使用手册。学习编译原理必须。 A Language Translation Using PCCTS and C
标签: PCCTS Translation Language Using
上传时间: 2015-03-24
做的有关DSP+Mp3+U B+FAT12的所有源程序,DSP用的是ti5416
上传时间: 2013-12-26