This book has existed (in one form or another) since the first edition of C# and the .NET Platform was published in conjunction with the release of .NET 1.0 Beta 2, circa the summer of 2001. Since that point, I have been extremely happy and grateful to see that this text was very well received by the press and, most important, by readers. Over the years it was nominated as a Jolt Award finalist (I lost . . . crap!) and for the 2003 Referenceware Excellence Award in the programming book category
标签: the Platform another existed
上传时间: 2017-09-07
Introduction to Computers and Programming using C++ and MATLAB
标签: Introduction Programming Computers and
上传时间: 2017-09-26
This tutorial explains how to communicate with IO devices on the DE2 Board and how to deal with interrupts using C and the Altera Monitor Program. Two example programs are given that diplay the state of the toggle switches on the red LEDs. The fi rst program uses the programmed I/O approach and the second program uses interrupts.
标签: with communicate how tutorial
上传时间: 2013-12-13
CAN1.c and CAN2.c are a simple example of configuring a CAN network to transmit and receive data on a CAN network, and how to move information to and from CAN RAM message objects. Each C8051F040-TB CAN node is configured to send a message when it s P3.7 button is depressed/released, with a 0x11 to indicate the button is pushed, and 0x00 when released. Each node also has a message object configured to receive messages. The C8051 tests the received data and will turn on/off the target board s LED. When one target is loaded with CAN2.c and the other is loaded with CAN1.c, one target board s push-button will control the other target board s LED, establishing a simple control link via the CAN bus and can be observed directly on the target boards.
标签: CAN configuring and transmit
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Let the following relational tables be given: R = (A, B, C) and S = (D, E, F) where A, B, C, D, E, and F are the attributes (columns). Write the SQL statements that will express each of the queries given below:
标签: relational following tables given
上传时间: 2014-01-14
A Simple isochronous transfer. Reads 8051 ports A,B and C, and continuously sends a five byte packet over EP8IN:
标签: continuously isochronous and transfer
上传时间: 2015-02-01
DSP Applications using C & TMS320C6x DSK
标签: Applications using 320C DSP
上传时间: 2014-01-13
C# is the latest and greatest tool for developing cutting edge applications based on Microsoft .NET technology. This book provides deep insight on the sensitive issues which should be taken care of while developing for .NET platform.
标签: applications developing Microsoft greatest
上传时间: 2013-11-30
Computing and the way people use C for doing it keeps changing as years go by. So overwhelming has been the response to all the previous editions of “Let Us C” that I have now decided that each year I would come up with a new edition of it so that I can keep the readers abreast with the way C is being used at that point in time.
标签: overwhelming Computing changing people
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Most code samples included on this CD were developed with Microsoft Visual C++ version 5.0 and the Microsoft Windows CE Toolkit for Visual C++ version 5.0. The Sspi and Crypto samples were developed with Microsoft Visual C++ version 6.0 and the Microsoft Windows CE Toolkit for Visual C++ 6.0. The code in sample applications is ported for a Handheld PC, but the programming concepts that are presented apply to all Windows CE-based platforms.
标签: Microsoft developed included samples
上传时间: 2015-07-10