Digital DOWN Converter Design based on FPGA.
标签: Converter Digital Design based
上传时间: 2016-12-16
set(key6) left(key5) right(key4) up(key3) DOWN(key2) OK(key1) 功能一:时钟 时钟计时; 按下set(一次)键即可调时间,此时时钟计时停止,按left,right左右移动点,移动到需调的的数码管, 按up,DOWN进行数字的调节,按OK键保存退出。 功能二:整点报时和闹钟 当时钟走到整时时,报时滴滴响四次; 按set(二次)键进入调节闹钟,此时时钟继续走动,按left,right左右移动点,移动到需调的的数码管, 按up,DOWN进行数字的调节,按OK键保存退出,当时钟走到定时的时间时,蜂鸣器响。 功能三:日历 由于数码管有限 ,就做了润年的日历,刚好今年也是,左边四个显示月份和日,左数第五个显分隔符“—”, 最后一个显示星期几,时钟满二十四小时,日历随之走动; 按下set(三次)键即可调日历,按left,right左右移动点,移动到需调的的数码管, 按up,DOWN进行数字的调节,按OK键保存退出。
上传时间: 2013-12-01
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut DOWN the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut DOWN after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutDOWN.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2016-12-26
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut DOWN the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut DOWN after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutDOWN.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2014-12-20
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut DOWN the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut DOWN after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutDOWN.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2016-12-26
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut DOWN the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut DOWN after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutDOWN.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2016-12-26
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut DOWN the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut DOWN after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutDOWN.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2016-12-26
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut DOWN the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut DOWN after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutDOWN.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2014-03-06
driver studio的key生成工具软件,有需要的就DOWN.
上传时间: 2013-12-26
上传时间: 2014-01-22