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  • EVDO基本原理和关键技术

      §培训目标:   本课程主要对EVDO的基本原理和关键技术进行介绍。通过本课程的学习,可以了解EVDO Rev.0和Rev.A的空中接口和关键技术,以及1X/DO互操作的相关规则等。   §培训内容:   EVDO技术发展、网络结构简介;   EVDO Rev.0和RevA的空中接口结构;   EVDO Rev.0和RevA的关键技术;   1X / DO互操作原则;

    标签: EVDO 关键技术

    上传时间: 2014-03-25


  • Virtex-6 FPGA PCB设计手册

    Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the developmentof designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit theDocumentation in any form or by any means including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,without the prior written consent of Xilinx. Xilinx expressly disclaims any liability arising out of your use of the Documentation. Xilinx reservesthe right, at its sole discretion, to change the Documentation without notice at any time. Xilinx assumes no obligation to correct any errorscontained in the Documentation, or to advise you of any corrections or updates. Xilinx expressly disclaims any liability in connection withtechnical support or assistance that may be provided to you in connection with the Information.

    标签: Virtex FPGA PCB 设计手册

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • XAPP740利用AXI互联设计高性能视频系统

    This application note covers the design considerations of a system using the performance features of the LogiCORE™ IP Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) Interconnect core. The design focuses on high system throughput through the AXI Interconnect core with F MAX  and area optimizations in certain portions of the design. The design uses five AXI video direct memory access (VDMA) engines to simultaneously move 10 streams (five transmit video streams and five receive video streams), each in 1920 x 1080p format, 60 Hz refresh rate, and up to 32 data bits per pixel. Each VDMA is driven from a video test pattern generator (TPG) with a video timing controller (VTC) block to set up the necessary video timing signals. Data read by each AXI VDMA is sent to a common on-screen display (OSD) core capable of multiplexing or overlaying multiple video streams to a single output video stream. The output of the OSD core drives the DVI video display interface on the board. Performance monitor blocks are added to capture performance data. All 10 video streams moved by the AXI VDMA blocks are buffered through a shared DDR3 SDRAM memory and are controlled by a MicroBlaze™ processor. The reference system is targeted for the Virtex-6 XC6VLX240TFF1156-1 FPGA on the Xilinx® ML605 Rev D evaluation board

    标签: XAPP 740 AXI 互联

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • CPLD库指南

    Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the “Documentation”) to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the Documentation in any form or by any means including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Xilinx. Xilinx expressly disclaims any liability arising out of your use of the Documentation. Xilinx reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change the Documentation without notice at any time. Xilinx assumes no obligation to correct any errors contained in the Documentation, or to advise you of any corrections or updates. Xilinx expressly disclaims any liability in connection with technical support or assistance that may be provided to you in connection with the Information.  

    标签: CPLD

    上传时间: 2014-12-05


  • allegro cx manual教程

    We would like to welcome you as a user of the Allegro CX, a rugged, handheld fi  eld PC for data collection. Developed with the input of data collection professionals worldwide, the Allegro CX is adaptable and versatile for use in a wide variety of data collection environments. The Allegro CX continues to utilize our ergonomic, lightweight design that is standard in our line of Allegro Field PCs. This design makes your Allegro easy to use for extended periods while moving to and from data collection sites in the fi  eld.  

    标签: allegro manual cx 教程

    上传时间: 2015-01-02


  • MM430 chinese manual


    标签: chinese manual 430 MM

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 西门子建筑电器-电气安装技术部发行的各类产品样本

    西门子建筑电器-电气安装技术部发行的各类产品样本:小型断路器、剩余电流保护断路器和模数化产品(中/ 英文)Miniature Circuit-Breakers, Residual Current Operated Circuit-Breakers and Modular Devices (Chinese/English)低压熔断器系统(中/ 英文)Fuse System (Chinese/English)雷击,过电压-不再是问题(中文)Thunderstorms - no problem (Chinese)西门子建筑电器目录(中文)Electrical Installation Technology Catalog (Chinese)终端配电保护产品(中文)5 IN 1 (Chinese)SIKUS 和 STAB UNIVERSAL 目录(中文)SIKUS and STAB UNIVERSAL Catalogue (Chinese)SIKUS HC 目录(中文)SIKUS HC Catalogue (Chinese)SentronTM 母线槽 (中文)SentronTM Busway System (Chinese)SentronTM 母线槽系统快速选型 (准备中) (中文)SentronTM Busway System quick selection (in preparing) (Chinese)建筑低压配电一体化解决方案-住宅小区应用(中文)Building LV PD Solution (Chinese)西门子 DELTA vista“远景”系列开关和插座价目表(中文)Delta vista Switch and Socket Pricelist (Chinese)instabus EIB 面向未来的楼宇智能控制系统(中文)instabus EIB (Chinese)instabus EIB 面向未来的楼宇智能控制系统技术手册 (准备中) (中文)instabus EIB technical handbook (in preparing) (Chinese)西门子电气安装技术业绩卓越(中/ 英文)ET Reference Manual (Chinese/English)

    标签: 西门子 电器 样本 电气安装

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • TOPAV-2008单片机开发系统--USER MANUAL

    第一章TOPAV-2008单片机试验开发系统简介 TOPAV-2008单片机实验开发系统是一款专业的高级单片机实验开发板,内置丰富的试验硬件资源和接口,特别适合单片机初学者和音响软件开发工程师!国内首创! 从单片机入门到开发复杂的功放大型程序,TOPAV-2008开发板和所配置的大量入门及专业教程,完整丰富的例程,大量专业器件行业资料,将逐步引领您快速入门与提高,减少您对音响软件的摸索时间,大胆公开音响行业保密的编程技术及传统经典商业程序模块,我们的目的是希望您通过对例程的学习,真正能独立编写大型的程序! TOPAV-2008首创PT2314/PT2257/FM62429系列音效IC,360度旋转编码电位器音量控制,VFDPT6312,VFDPT6311显示模块,PLL汽车数字调谐AM/FM收音机,以及入门必备的数码管,流水灯,LED,继电器,蜂鸣器等,让您迅速掌握遥控花式灯,数码管秒表,数码管电子表,遥控解码,键盘按键扫描,真空荧光显示屏的显示,6311/6312按键扫描,PT2314输入切换,音量调节,高低音调节,平衡调节,“摇滚”“流行”“爵士“…等8种音效模式,动态频谱显示,复杂的汽车数字收音AM/FM的手动电台接收等等!

    标签: MANUAL TOPAV 2008 USER

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • mp3设计程序资料

    mp3设计程序资料,采用c语言编写。 README file for yampp-3 source code 2001-05-27 This is the current state of the yampp-3 source code, 2001-05-27. This code is intended to run on Rev. B of the yampp-3 PCB, but can ofcourse be used on compatible systems as well. It still uses the "old" song selection system as the yampp-2. However, the disk handling routines has improved a lot and the obviosly, the new VS1001 handling has been put in. The codesize is almost at it s maximum at 1F40 bytes. A .ROM file is included if you don t have the compiler set up. For now, the documentation is in the code

    标签: mp3 设计程序

    上传时间: 2015-04-13


  • There are some 79 or so Matlab files here which will help in many aspects of the computer vision str

    There are some 79 or so Matlab files here which will help in many aspects of the computer vision structure from motion problem, a full description is provided in the manual, torrsam.ps.

    标签: computer aspects Matlab vision

    上传时间: 2014-01-02
