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  • 本文通过对当前实时控制的应用研究

    本文通过对当前实时控制的应用研究,提出了将离线仿真与实时控制有机结 合起来,利用MATLAB实现对直线单级倒立摆实时控制的思路。经过分析比较, 确定了基于MATLAB的Real-Time Windows Target实时内核开发硬件驱动程序 的实时控制方案,将Simulink生成的仿真模型下载到目标实时内核中运行,驱动 外部硬件设备,实现对倒立摆的控制。文中介绍的在Real-Time Windows Target 实时内核环境中开发第三方设备驱动程序的方法,是构建本实验平台的核心技术 之一,具有普遍适用性,有一定的推广价值。

    标签: 实时控制 应用研究

    上传时间: 2014-07-29


  • ARP test mode. According to the idea we design the arithmetic for the key part, first the system sen

    ARP test mode. According to the idea we design the arithmetic for the key part, first the system sends a message to the target machine, and then system wait for the response. Once system receives a message, it starts to analyze the message, according to the message s parameter system judges whether the message satisfies the conditions. Once the message satisfies all the conditions, the system thinks the machine is sniffing, and adds this machine into the list of sniffing machines. On this basis the detection has done well, and at the same time we insert the result into the log database for inquire and analyze later.

    标签: the arithmetic According design

    上传时间: 2016-10-06


  • sim 文件系统In addition, its quality of service reduces because of reliance on traditional circuit-switc

    sim 文件系统In addition, its quality of service reduces because of reliance on traditional circuit-switched network elements. At that former time, people hoped to build a based system, which could access a centralized server network, would always have access to the latest traffic information and could provide web links. What this trend is a momentous request for mobile services based on high-speed packet data transfer. Hence, a new standard, GPRS, came into being in order to fill people’s bill.

    标签: circuit-switc traditional addition reliance

    上传时间: 2016-10-08


  • Get more out of your legacy systems: more performance, functionality, reliability, and manageability

    Get more out of your legacy systems: more performance, functionality, reliability, and manageability Is your code easy to change? Can you get nearly instantaneous feedback when you do change it? Do you understand it? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you have legacy code, and it is draining time and money away from your development efforts.

    标签: more functionality manageability performance

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • These three articles involves the combination of wavelet and MCTF. MCTF means motion-compensated-tim

    These three articles involves the combination of wavelet and MCTF. MCTF means motion-compensated-time-filter. It makes wavelet transform more popular because of the high compression efficiency.

    标签: motion-compensated-tim MCTF combination articles

    上传时间: 2013-11-25


  • STM32 demo板的例程

    STM32 demo板的例程,其中包括AD,USART ,TIME1,TIME,CAN,DMA,FLASH,SPID等例程序,适合新手学习入门

    标签: demo STM 32

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 外国人写的卡尔曼滤波算法

    外国人写的卡尔曼滤波算法,a discrete Kalman filter

    标签: 卡尔曼 滤波算法

    上传时间: 2016-10-16


  • Because of the poor observability of Inertial Navigation System on stationary base, the estimation

    Because of the poor observability of Inertial Navigation System on stationary base, the estimation error of the azimuth will converge very slowly in initial alignment by means of Kalmari filtering, and making the time initial alignment is longer. In this paper, a fast estimation method of the azimuth error is creatively proposed for the initial alignment of INS on stationary base. On the basis of the the fast convergence of the leveling error, the azimuth error can be directly calculated. By means of this fast initial alignment method, the time of initial alignment is reduced greatly. The computer simulation results illustrate the efficiency of the method.

    标签: observability Navigation estimation stationary

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • 本装置是一个以HT46R71D 为主芯片

    本装置是一个以HT46R71D 为主芯片,配合传感器组成的汽车轮胎气压检测装 置,最终取高三位有效值于LCD 显示,有四种显示单位供切换(Psi、Bar、Kpa、 Kgf/cm2)。本装置仅为参考范例,使用时,为提高准确度,建议多量测些组数 据来构建Sensor Output Voltage - Discharge Time (V-T)表格,并作相应校准。

    标签: 46R 71D R71 HT

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • CppReference 对于c/c++的详尽说明 C/C++ Reference General C/C++ Pre-processor commands Operator P

    CppReference 对于c/c++的详尽说明 C/C++ Reference General C/C++ Pre-processor commands Operator Precedence Escape Sequences ASCII Chart Data Types Keywords Standard C Library Standard C I/O Standard C String & Character Standard C Math Standard C Time & Date Standard C Memory Other standard C functions All C Functions C++ C++ I/O C++ Strings C++ String Streams Miscellaneous C++ C++ Standard Template Library C++ Algorithms C++ Vectors C++ Double-Ended Queues C++ Lists C++ Priority Queues C++ Queues C++ Stacks C++ Sets C++ Multisets C++ Maps C++ Multimaps C++ Bitsets Iterators All C++ Functions

    标签: Pre-processor CppReference Reference Operator

    上传时间: 2016-10-26
