a screen handling program to provide a flashing message. You will have to design a screen layout for where messages are placed on the screen. You will also have to consider when to delay the program in order to give the user time to read the messages. That is, the program will use the curses library, signals and the sleep function.
标签: screen handling flashing program
上传时间: 2016-05-04
FreeTTS is a speech synthesis system written entirely in the Java programming language. It is based upon Flite, a small, fast, run-time speech synthesis engine, which in turn is based upon University of Edinburgh s Festival Speech Synthesis System and Carnegie Mellon University s FestVox project.
标签: programming synthesis entirely language
上传时间: 2014-08-29
K3:--- P1.6 K4:--- P1.7 BEEP:--- P3.7 K3 --- 控制按键 K4 --- 清零按键 开机显示: SECOND-CLOCK 0 TIME 00:00:00:00 K3 --- 控制按键: 第一次按下时,开始计时。 显示 BEGIN COUNT 1 TIME 00:00:01:88 第二次按下时,暂停计时。 显示 PAUST COUNT 2 TIME 00:00:01:88 第三次按下时,累计计时。
上传时间: 2016-05-10
Image Compression A collection of simple routines for image compression using different techniques. 图象压缩的不同方法 BTCODE: Image compression Using Block Truncation Coding. PYRAMID: Image compression based on Gaussian Pyramids. DCTCOMPR: Image compression based on Discrete Cosine Transform. IMCOMPR: Image compression based on Singular Value Decomposition. The given codes can be also used in 2D noise suppression. Notes: The function "conv2fft" performs a 2D FFT-based convolution. Type "help conv2fft" on Matlab command window for more informations.
标签: Compression compression collection different
上传时间: 2016-05-11
I2C Slave module The module contains N accessable Registers when in read Process, all Registers are read at a time when in write Process, only the addressed register are Writeable.
标签: Registers module accessable contains
上传时间: 2016-05-13
pMatlab is a toolsbox from MIT for running matlab in parallel style on a multi-core PC or a cluster environment. These two documents summary the usage of pMatlab and running time measurements on three simple Monte Carlo simulation codes.
标签: multi-core toolsbox parallel pMatlab
上传时间: 2014-12-05
There are two files in the zip folder. bpsk_spread.m and jakesmodel.m Steps for simulation: 1] Run jakesmodel.m first 2] Then run bpsk_spread.m . 3] Note that during the first run bpsk_spread.m has no rayleigh fading.This is because the corresponding code has been commented 4] The resulting performance is stored in BER_awgn. 5] Now uncomment the Rayleigh Fading code in bpsk_spread.m file. 6] Same time comment BER_awgn (line 112) and uncomment BER_ray variable. 7] Run the simulation. To compare the perfromances of the receiver using DSSS plot the BER_awgn and BER_ray
标签: bpsk_spread jakesmodel simulation folder
上传时间: 2016-05-19
The PMSM FOC is made of several C modules, compatible with the free-of-charge IAR EWARM KickStart edition toolchain version 4.42. It is used to quickly evaluate both the MCU and the available tools. In addition, when used together with the STM32F103xx motor control starter kit (STM3210B-MCKIT) and PM motor, a motor can be made to run in a very short time. It also eliminates the need for time-consuming development of FOC and speed regulation algorithms by providing ready-to-use functions that let the user concentrate on the application layer. Moreover, it is possible to get rid of any speed sensor thanks to the sensorless algorithm for rotor position reconstruction.
标签: free-of-charge compatible KickStart modules
上传时间: 2014-01-09
the geometry of a diffraction grating, a common illustration in textbooks of optics, spectroscopy, and analytical chemistry. Sliders on the figures allow real-time interactive control of the incidence angle, grating ruling density (lines/mm), wavelength, and diffraction order.
标签: illustration spectroscopy diffraction textbooks
上传时间: 2016-06-04
This file contains a C++Builder 4 project called SimplyChaos-X ver 3.1 (SCX31). SCX31 is an encryption tool. I designed it as my graduation paper work. SCX31 is a symmetric stream cipher built on chaos function, one time pad cipher and inspiration from Ground Effect (aviation). The key length can be up to 40 characters (320 bits).
标签: SimplyChaos-X SCX contains Builder
上传时间: 2016-06-07