With the proliferation of cloud computing and Internet online services, more and more data and computation are migrated to geographical DISTRIBUTED Internet data centers (IDCs), which can provide reliability, management, and cost benefits. However, IDC operators encounter several major problems in IDC operations, such as huge energy consumption and energy cost, and high carbon emission. To deal with the above problems, IDC operators have to efficiently manage the way of energy consumption and energy supply. Considering the potential of smart grid, we focus on the energy management of IDCs in smart grid from several perspectives, i.e., power outage, carbon emission, heterogeneous service delay guarantees, and operation risk.
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Power Electronics is one of modern and key technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering for green power, sustainable energy systems, and smart grids. Especially, the transformation of existing electric power systems into smart grids is currently a global trend. The gradual increase of DISTRIBUTED generators in smart grids indicates a wide and important role for power electronic converters in the electric power system, also with the increased use of power electronics devices (nonlinear loads) and motor loadings, low cost, low-loss and high-performance shunt current quality compensators are highly demanded by power customers to solve current quality problems caused by those loadings.
标签: Electronics Parallel Filters Power
上传时间: 2020-06-07
The large-scale deployment of the smart grid (SG) paradigm could play a strategic role in supporting the evolution of conventional electrical grids toward active, flexible and self- healing web energy networks composed of DISTRIBUTED and cooperative energy resources. From a conceptual point of view, the SG is the convergence of information and operational technologies applied to the electric grid, providing sustainable options to customers and improved security. Advances in research on SGs could increase the efficiency of modern electrical power systems by: (i) supporting the massive penetration of small-scale DISTRIBUTED and dispersed generators; (ii) facilitating the integration of pervasive synchronized metering systems; (iii) improving the interaction and cooperation between the network components; and (iv) allowing the wider deployment of self-healing and proactive control/protection paradigms.
标签: Computational Intelligence
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Modbus是由Modicon(现为施耐德电气公司的一个品牌)在1979年发明的,是全球第一个真正用于工业现场的总线协议。ModBus网络是一个工业通信系统,由带智能终端的可编程序控制器和计算机通过公用线路或局部专用线路连接而成。其系统结构既包括硬件、亦包括软件。它可应用于各种数据采集和过程监控。为更好地普及和推动Modbus在基于以太网上的分布式应用,目前施耐德公司已将Modbus协议的所有权移交给IDA(Interface for DISTRIBUTED Automation,分布式自动化接口)组织,并成立了Modbus-IDA组织,为Modbus今后的发展奠定了基础。在中国,Modbus已经成为国家标准。豆丁标准编号:GB/T19582-2008标准名称:《基于Modbus协议的工业自动化网络规范》分3个部分:《GB/T19582.1-2008第1部分:Modbus应用协议》《GB/T19582.2-2008第2部分:Modbus协议在串行链路上的实现指南》《GB/T19582.3-2008第3部分:Modbus协议在TCP/IP上的实现指南》
上传时间: 2022-07-18
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(77)资源包含以下内容:1. 基于arm3000列表框控件的设置基于arm3000列表框控件的实现.2. c51 book very good for 51 study.3. 立宇泰的2410实验板的测试代码,包括各个硬件部分的使用.4. 这是一个基于3208 LED电子钟 V3.0的全部资料.5. 这是一个基于FPGA的CF卡读写程序.6. Qh2001液晶驱动接口函数,适合于大多数液晶显示应用领域.7. 240x128液晶T6963控制器驱动程序(C51).8. 字模Ⅲ 测试版是在字模V2.1的基础上重新开发的全新版本.9. 利用LPC2368实现的SD卡文件系统源代码.10. 嵌入式ARM芯片LPC23XX上实现固件在线更新用的XModem协议C语言实现.11. ModbusRTU协议采用的CRC校验生成及校验验证函数C语言实现.12. uMemory 内存管理模块.13. 微内核软实时操作系统.14. Real-time microkernel 小巧灵活的实时微内核.15. SImple Microkernel DISTRIBUTED Operating System.16. C语言编写的T6963驱动.17. 触摸屏实例程序.18. LCD程序.19. C++中的一个简单的二叉树的后续递归算法例子.20. 数码管、键盘驱动芯片SD7218的原理图。.21. 摩托罗拉飞思卡尔实验指导书,68HC908GP32系列.22. 这是我自己在做实验设计时做的,用摩托罗拉飞思卡尔做的一个多功能电子钟.23. ARM7 flash编程参考(基于lpc2200).24. 此程序为DP256的ETC实验程序,已经通过实验证明.25. 此程序为DP256的PWM实验程序,已经通过实验证明.26. 此程序为DP256的SPI实验程序,已经通过实验证明.27. 此程序为DP256的开关采集实验程序,已经通过实验证明.28. VC源码,开源测试工具.有助于VC++的学习与开发.29. ADI的DSP开发板原理图.30. 最新的x25045驱动(C51)双通道读写驱动程序.31. i2c总线AT93C46的 c语言读写源程序。.32. DSP仿真器原理图 如果不想花高价钱买仿真器的话可以自己DIY 我现在也在学习.33. 一个将dsp2407应用于控制的主板原理图.34. 一个基于FPGA的SD卡读写程序.35. ARM +D12演示程序源码.36. 在Nios里实现DMA的范例程序.37. flash芯片的驱动.38. 基于凌阳单片机的语音小车。可用于特定人的语音识别系统.39. 本程序是基于DSP6713的IIC通讯程序.40. CPLD在交流电机控制系统中的测速应用.
上传时间: 2013-08-02