Abstract—In the future communication applications, users may obtain their messages that have different importance levels distributively from several available sources, such as DISTRIBUTED storage or even devices belonging to other users. This scenario is the best modeled by the multilevel diversity coding systems (MDCS). To achieve perfect (information-theoretic) secrecy against wiretap channels, this paper investigates the fundamental limits on the secure rate region of the asymmetric MDCS (AMDCS), which include the symmetric case as a special case. Threshold perfect secrecy is added to the AMDCS model. The eavesdropper may have access to any one but not more than one subset of the channels but know nothing about the sources, as long as the size of the subset is not above the security level. The question of whether superposition (source separation) coding is optimal for such an AMDCS with threshold perfect secrecy is answered. A class of secure AMDCS (S-AMDCS) with an arbitrary number of encoders is solved, and it is shown that linear codes are optimal for this class of instances. However, in contrast with the secure symmetric MDCS, superposition is shown to be not optimal for S-AMDCS in general. In addition, necessary conditions on the existence of a secrecy key are determined as a design guideline.
标签: Fundamental Limits Secure Class on of
上传时间: 2020-01-04
New applications such as video conferencing, video on demand, multi- media transcoders, Voice-over-IP (VoIP), intrusion detection, DISTRIBUTED collaboration, and intranet security require advanced functionality from networks beyond simple forwarding congestion control techniques.
标签: Programmable Networks Active and
上传时间: 2020-05-26
The idea of writing this book entitled “Cognitive Networked Sensing and Big Data” started with the plan to write a briefing book on wireless DISTRIBUTED computing and cognitive sensing. During our research on large-scale cognitive radio network (and its experimental testbed), we realized that big data played a central role. As a result, the book project reflects this paradigm shift. In the context, sensing roughly is equivalent to “measurement.”
标签: Cognitive Networked Sensing Data Big and
上传时间: 2020-05-26
Much of Game Theory has developed within the community of Economists, starting from the book “Theory of Games and Economic behavior” by Mor- genstern and Von Neumann (1944). To a lesser extent, it has had an impact on biology (with the development of evolutionarygames) and on road traffic Engi- neering (triggered by the concept of Wardrop equilibrium introduced already in 1952 along with the Beckmann potential approach introduced in 1956). Since 1999 game theory has had a remarkable penetration into computer sci- ence with the formation of the community of Algorithmic game theory.
标签: DISTRIBUTED Strategic Learning
上传时间: 2020-05-27
To meet the future demand for huge traffic volume of wireless data service, the research on the fifth generation (5G) mobile communication systems has been undertaken in recent years. It is expected that the spectral and energy efficiencies in 5G mobile communication systems should be ten-fold higher than the ones in the fourth generation (4G) mobile communication systems. Therefore, it is important to further exploit the potential of spatial multiplexing of multiple antennas. In the last twenty years, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna techniques have been considered as the key techniques to increase the capacity of wireless communication systems. When a large-scale antenna array (which is also called massive MIMO) is equipped in a base-station, or a large number of DISTRIBUTED antennas (which is also called large-scale DISTRIBUTED MIMO) are deployed, the spectral and energy efficiencies can be further improved by using spatial domain multiple access. This paper provides an overview of massive MIMO and large-scale DISTRIBUTED MIMO systems, including spectral efficiency analysis, channel state information (CSI) acquisition, wireless transmission technology, and resource allocation.
标签: Large-scale Antenna Systems
上传时间: 2020-05-27
This book is focused on designing and developing Representational State Transfer (REST) platforms in Rails. REST is the architectural style of the Web, consisting of a set of constraints that, applied to components, connectors, and data elements, constitute the wider DISTRIBUTED hypermedia system that we know today: the World Wide Web. There are a few good reasons why it makes more sense to build platforms instead of just products or applications. Platforms are like ecosystems interconnecting different applications, services, users, developers, and partners. Platforms foster innovation through the inputs of their direct collaborators. By providing application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs), platforms are more customer driven.
标签: Development Building RESTful Rails
上传时间: 2020-06-06
n its Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology declares that a twenty-first-century clean energy economy demands a twenty-first-century electric grid. 1 The start of the twenty-first century marked the acceleration of the Smart Grid evolution. The goals of this evolution are broad, including the promotion of widespread and DISTRIBUTED deployment of renewable energy sources, increased energy efficiency, peak power reduction, automated demand response, improved reliability, lower energy delivery costs, and consumer participation in energy management.
上传时间: 2020-06-07
The large-scale deployment of the smart grid (SG) paradigm could play a strategic role in supporting the evolution of conventional electrical grids toward active, flexible and self- healing web energy networks composed of DISTRIBUTED and cooperative energy resources. From a conceptual point of view, the SG is the convergence of information and operational technologies applied to the electric grid, providing sustainable options to customers and improved security. Advances in research on SGs could increase the efficiency of modern electrical power systems by: (i) supporting the massive penetration of small-scale DISTRIBUTED and dispersed generators; (ii) facilitating the integration of pervasive synchronized metering systems; (iii) improving the interaction and cooperation between the network components; and (iv) allowing the wider deployment of self-healing and proactive control/protection paradigms.
标签: Computational Intelligence
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Electric distribution networks are critical parts of power delivery systems. In recent years, many new technologies and DISTRIBUTED energy resources have been inte- grated into these networks. To provide electricity at the possible lowest cost and at required quality, long-term planning is essential for these networks. In distribution planning, optimal location and size of necessary upgrades are determined to satisfy the demand and the technical requirements of the loads and to tackle uncertainties associated with load and DISTRIBUTED energy resources.
标签: Distribution Electric Planning Network
上传时间: 2020-06-07
The solid high-polymer-film-type fuel cell (PEM-FC) system is used as the power supply equipment for transportation and replaces an internal combustion engine. A reduction of the environmental load is expected through the cogeneration system’s (CGS) use of the PEM-FC system as a DISTRIBUTED power supply to individual houses, apartments, and so forth [1–3]. The growing use of DISTRIBUTED power systems, such as fuel cells, the reduction of power-transmission losses, and an increase of waste heat recovery are expected. Therefore, the reduction of carbon- dioxide emission is also expected as compared to conventional energy supply methods using commercial electric power.
标签: Micro-grids Fuel Cell
上传时间: 2020-06-07