盒维数MATLAB计算程序。%根据计盒维数原理编写了求一维曲线分形维数的matlab程序 function D=FractalDim(y,cellmax) %求输入一维信号的计盒分形维数 %y是一维信号 %cellmax:方格子的最大边长,可以取2的偶数次幂次(1,2,4,8...),取大于数据长度的偶数 %D是y的计盒维数(一般情况下D>=1),D=lim(log(N(e))/log(k/e)),
标签: FractalDim function cellmax MATLAB
上传时间: 2015-04-23
prolog 找路例子程序: === === === === === === Part 1-Adding connections Part 2-Simple Path example | ?- path1(a,b,P,T). will produce the response: T = 15 P = [a,b] ? Part 3 - Non-repeating path As an example, the query: ?- path2(a,h,P,T). will succeed and may produce the bindings: P = [a,depot,b,d,e,f,h] T = 155 Part 4 - Generating a path below a cost threshold As an example, the query: ?- path_below_cost(a,[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h],RS,300). returns: RS = [a,b,depot,c,d,e,g,f,h] ? RS = [a,c,depot,b,d,e,g,f,h] ? no ==================================
标签: Part connections example prolog
上传时间: 2015-04-24
The subject which is to us propos¨¦ is as follows: calculation of the degr¨¦ d¡ ¯ inconsistance d¡ ¯ un logical program possibilist in C++. We thus work on a logical program possibilist, it be-¨¤-statement a logical program resulting from non-classique logic. The goal first of this project is of d¨¦ terminer if a logical program is consisting or not of share the calculation of sound degr¨¦ d¡ ¯ inconsistance.
标签: brvbar calculation subject follows
上传时间: 2013-12-18
The government of a small but important country has decided that the alphabet needs to be streamlined and reordered. Uppercase letters will be eliminated. They will issue a royal decree in the form of a String of B and A characters. The first character in the decree specifies whether a must come ( B )Before b in the new alphabet or ( A )After b . The second character determines the relative placement of b and c , etc. So, for example, "BAA" means that a must come Before b , b must come After c , and c must come After d . Any letters beyond these requirements are to be excluded, so if the decree specifies k comparisons then the new alphabet will contain the first k+1 lowercase letters of the current alphabet. Create a class Alphabet that contains the method choices that takes the decree as input and returns the number of possible new alphabets that conform to the decree. If more than 1,000,000,000 are possible, return -1. Definition
标签: government streamline important alphabet
上传时间: 2015-06-09
电力系统在台稳定计算式电力系统不正常运行方式的一种计算。它的任务是已知电力系统某一正常运行状态和受到某种扰动,计算电力系统所有发电机能否同步运行 1运行说明: 请输入初始功率S0,形如a+bi 请输入无限大系统母线电压V0 请输入系统等值电抗矩阵B 矩阵B有以下元素组成的行矩阵 1正常运行时的系统直轴等值电抗Xd 2故障运行时的系统直轴等值电抗X d 3故障切除后的系统直轴等值电抗 请输入惯性时间常数Tj 请输入时段数N 请输入哪个时段发生故障Ni 请输入每时段间隔的时间dt
上传时间: 2015-06-13
* 高斯列主元素消去法求解矩阵方程AX=B,其中A是N*N的矩阵,B是N*M矩阵 * 输入: n----方阵A的行数 * a----矩阵A * m----矩阵B的列数 * b----矩阵B * 输出: det----矩阵A的行列式值 * a----A消元后的上三角矩阵 * b----矩阵方程的解X
上传时间: 2015-07-26
EJB快速入门 1. 准备开发环境: 从www.javasoft.com上下载下列软件: JDK1.3, J2EE1.2.1 以及他们的文档。在WINDOWS NT下安装。(本文中假设为D盘根目录) 在控制面板中选择"系统",再选择Environment。 将下列环境变量参数设置到用户环境中去: 1.JAVA_HOME=D:\JDK1.3 2.J2EE_HOME=D:\J2SDKEE1.2.1 3.PATH=D:\JDK1.3\BIN D:\J2SDKEE1.2.1\BIN %PATH% 4.CLASSPATH=
上传时间: 2015-08-12
一:需求分析 1. 问题描述 魔王总是使用自己的一种非常精练而抽象的语言讲话,没人能听懂,但他的语言是可逐步解释成人能听懂的语言,因为他的语言是由以下两种形式的规则由人的语言逐步抽象上去的: ----------------------------------------------------------- (1) a---> (B1)(B2)....(Bm) (2)[(op1)(p2)...(pn)]---->[o(pn)][o(p(n-1))].....[o(p1)o] ----------------------------------------------------------- 在这两种形式中,从左到右均表示解释.试写一个魔王语言的解释系统,把 他的话解释成人能听得懂的话. 2. 基本要求: 用下述两条具体规则和上述规则形式(2)实现.设大写字母表示魔王语言的词汇 小写字母表示人的语言的词汇 希腊字母表示可以用大写字母或小写字母代换的变量.魔王语言可含人的词汇. (1) B --> tAdA (2) A --> sae 3. 测试数据: B(ehnxgz)B 解释成 tsaedsaeezegexenehetsaedsae若将小写字母与汉字建立下表所示的对应关系,则魔王说的话是:"天上一只鹅地上一只鹅鹅追鹅赶鹅下鹅蛋鹅恨鹅天上一只鹅地上一只鹅". | t | d | s | a | e | z | g | x | n | h | | 天 | 地 | 上 | 一只| 鹅 | 追 | 赶 | 下 | 蛋 | 恨 |
上传时间: 2014-12-02
%求输入一维信号的计盒分形维数 %y是一维信号 %cellmax:方格子的最大边长,可以取2的偶数次幂次(1,2,4,8...),取大于数据长度的偶数 %D是y的计盒维数(一般情况下D>=1),D=lim(log(N(e))/log(k/e)),
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Mir2 Actor.pas if (IsFace) and (FaceIndex > -1) then begin d := aFrmMain.WFaceimg.Images[FaceIndex * 10 + (FaceFram) mod 8] /// if HorseSurface<>nil then // dSurface.Draw (dx+shiftx, dy + hpy + ShiftY-60, d.ClientRect, d, TRUE) // else if d <> nil then begin if HorseSurface <> nil then dsurface.Draw(SayX - d.Width div 2, dy + hpy + ShiftY - 60, d.ClientRect, d, True) else dsurface.Draw(SayX - d.Width div 2, dy + hpy + ShiftY - 50, d.ClientRect, d, True) end end end
标签: FaceIndex aFrmMain WFaceimg IsFace
上传时间: 2016-02-21