compute active Contour model
标签: compute Contour active model
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Contour and Texture Analysis for Image Segmentation
标签: Segmentation Analysis Contour Texture
上传时间: 2014-07-19
pdnMesh is an automatic mesh generator and solver for Finite Element problems. It will also do post-processing to generate Contour plots and Postscript printouts. GUI support using GTK or MFC (Win32) is available. The problem definition can be done in any form and given to pdnMesh as an input data file. Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) files can be directly imported to pdnmesh. The quality and the coarseness of the mesh can be controlled by giving input parameters.
标签: automatic generator problems pdnMesh
上传时间: 2013-12-19
it contains many classic Test Problems for Unconstrained Optimization such as camel6,treccani,goldstein,branin, shubert1,Ackley,dejong,dejong1,dejong2, dpower,rastrigin,Griewangk,Schwefel, rosenbrock2 and step. the package have the Contour and mesh figures of these problem. it also give m files of these problems,and you can easily get your view of figures.
标签: Unconstrained Optimization contains Problems
上传时间: 2015-09-17
matlabBank-Based Kalman Filtering Technique for] - A Filter-Bank-Based Kalman Filtering Technique for Wavelet Estimation and Decomposition of Random Signals.pdf [DIP_dg.rar] - JPEG图像压缩像素之扫描方法之一(zigzag scan)这是用的循环法 [] - 老外编写的阈值分割代码,非常的好,强烈推荐下载 [Contour.rar] - 利用OpenCV进行轮廓提取,很好用!对于初学openCv的人来说是个很好的入门例程 [lu.rar] - 路径识别
标签: Filtering Technique Kalman Filter-Bank-Based
上传时间: 2013-12-26
A salient-boundary extraction software package based on the paper: S. Wang, T. Kubota, J. M. Siskind, J. Wang. Salient Closed Boundary Extraction with Ratio Contour, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(4):546-561, 2005
上传时间: 2014-01-23
实现无边界主动轮廓的的很好的算法,是论文“active Contour without edges”的源码。
上传时间: 2014-03-01
韩国Yunjin Lee的博士论文,包含了她读博期间的主要研究成果,包括Mesh Scissoring: Contour-Based Segmentation,Mesh Parameterization Using Virtual Boundaries,Geometric Snakes for 3D Meshes,Mean Shift for 3D Meshes
上传时间: 2013-12-12
两篇最新的介绍MIMO中继信道容量的文章Capacity Bounds for Gaussian MIMO relay channel with Channel State Information 与 Amplify-Forward and Decode-Forward The Impact of Location and Capacity Contour
标签: MIMO Information Capacity Gaussian
上传时间: 2014-01-08
iris localization using integro differential operator. The rar contains 5 files in order to computer the integro differential operator of the normalized Contour of the iris and puil boundaries and then add circles to the respective boundaries.
标签: differential localization contains computer
上传时间: 2017-03-23