Although most of the health problems related to fast food aren t felt until middle age -- obesity and diabetes are at an all-time high --- the damage starts before children enter kindergarten.
标签: Although problems obesity related
上传时间: 2013-12-15
Although most of the health problems related to fast food aren t felt until middle age -- obesity and diabetes are at an all-time high --- the damage starts before children enter kindergarten.
标签: Although problems obesity related
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Although most of the health problems related to fast food aren t felt until middle age -- obesity and diabetes are at an all-time high --- the damage starts before children enter kindergarten.
标签: Although problems obesity related
上传时间: 2014-02-15
Although most of the health problems related to fast food aren t felt until middle age -- obesity and diabetes are at an all-time high --- the damage starts before children enter kindergarten.
标签: Although problems obesity related
上传时间: 2014-02-09
The J2EE Architect s Handbook: How to be a Successful Technical Architect for J2EE Applications by Derek Ashmore ISBN:0972954899 DVT Press © 2004 (284 pages) This handbook is a concise guide to architecting, designing, and building J2EE applications. Whether you re architect your first J2EE application or looking to keep your projects on-time and on-budget, you will refer to this handbook again and again.
标签: Architect J2EE Applications Successful
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person communication services. The primary target platform for Sofia-SIP is GNU/Linux.
标签: specification open-source User-Agent Sofia-SIP
上传时间: 2016-04-10
DFT(Discrete Fourier Transformation)是数字信号分析与处理如图形、语音及图像等领域的重要变换工具,直接计算DFT的计算量与变换区间长度N的平方成正比。当N较大时,因计算量太大,直接用DFT算法进行谱分析和信号的实时处理是不切实际的。快速傅立叶变换(Fast Fourier Transformation,简称FFT)使DFT运算效率提高1~2个数量级。其原因是当N较大时,对DFT进行了基4和基2分解运算。FFT算法除了必需的数据存储器ram和旋转因子rom外,仍需较复杂的运算和控制电路单元,即使现在,实现长点数的FFT仍然是很困难。本文提出的FFT实现算法是基于FPGA之上的,算法完成对一个序列的FFT计算,完全由脉冲触发,外部只输入一脉冲头和输入数据,便可以得到该脉冲头作为起始标志的N点FFT输出结果。由于使用了双ram,该算法是流型(Pipelined)的,可以连续计算N点复数输入FFT,即输入可以是分段N点连续复数数据流。采用DIF(Decimation In Frequency)-FFT和DIT(Decimation In Time)-FFT对于算法本身来说是无关紧要的,因为两种情况下只是存储器的读写地址有所变动而已,不影响算法的结构和流程,也不会对算法复杂度有何影响。
标签: Transformation Discrete Fourier DFT
上传时间: 2016-04-12
ET++ is a portable and homogenous object-oriented class library integrating user interface building blocks, basic data structures, and high level application framework components. ET++ eases the building of highly interactive applications with consistent user interfaces following the direct manipulation principle. The ET++ class library is implemented in C++ and can be used on several operating systems and window system platforms. Since its initial conception the class library has been continuously redesigned and improved. It started with an architecture which was close to MacApp. During several iterations a new and unique architecture evolved. A byproduct of the ET++ project is a set of tools, which were designed to support the exploration of ET++ applications at run-time. 设计模式一书引用的主要参考例程,一个跨平台的应用框架,基于C++实现,是学习面向对象的经典源码.
标签: object-oriented integrating homogenous interface
上传时间: 2016-04-15
很经典的空时编码书籍,英文版。 "Space-Time Coding Theory and Practice" writen by Hamid Jafarkhani Cambridge Pre
上传时间: 2016-04-19
新一代的多媒体移动标准DVB—H是DVB—T在移动接收方面的扩展。针对移动接收的特点,DVB—H 提出 了几项颇受瞩目的新技术,实现了对手机等手持式移动终端接收地面数字广播电视信号的良好支持。包括降低能耗、无缝切 换、提高移动环境中的抗干扰能力以及灵活的组网方案等。介绍了DVB—H的系统结构,详细讨论了DVB—H标准中数据 链路层的时间分片(time slicing)和多协议封装一前向纠错(MPE—FEC)技术,并给出一些实验环境下的定量分析。
上传时间: 2016-04-22