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  • This my phd thesis for the WDM optical network optimization, which employs convex optimization techn

    This my phd thesis for the WDM optical network optimization, which employs convex optimization techniques to solve the proposed integer problems. The computation complexity of my optimization framework is very low compared with other existing method and a performance bound is provided at the same time.

    标签: optimization employs optical network

    上传时间: 2015-12-27


  • celestia源代码

    celestia源代码,Celestia, a real-time 3D space simulation featuring a database of over 100000 stars, nearly a hundred solar system, objects, and a complete catalog of extrasolar planets.

    标签: celestia 源代码

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • This document outlines what is necessary to install and run the LEACH protocol on version 2.27 of n

    This document outlines what is necessary to install and run the LEACH protocol on version 2.27 of ns2. At the time of this writing, this is the newest version of ns2. The LEACH implementation was written as a stand-alone application. Thus, in the past a version compiled for LEACH may or may not work for other protocols. In addition, the original version of LEACH was compiled for version 2.5b which is an outdated version of ns2.

    标签: necessary document outlines protocol

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • Protel99se SDK Protel向用户提供SDK软件包。SDK软件包包括:服务器生成向导和Protel API及相关文档资料。 服务器生成向导是一个运行于设计资源管理器的插入式

    Protel99se SDK Protel向用户提供SDK软件包。SDK软件包包括:服务器生成向导和Protel API及相关文档资料。 服务器生成向导是一个运行于设计资源管理器的插入式服务器,它为用户生成第三方EDA软件模板的原代码和安装文件(.INS文件),安装文件用于将用户开发的第三方EDA软件安装在设计资源管理器平台上。服务器生成向导可以为用户生成两种格式的原代码:Delphi和C++ Builder。 为方便用户开发第三方EDA软件,Protel向用户提供了大量的API,如:Schematic API、PCB API和Client API等,为方便用户使用这些API,Protel向用户提供有关API文档及RTL(Run Time Library:运行库)。

    标签: Protel SDK API 服务器

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • This paper investigates the design of joint frequency offset and carrier phase estimation of a mult

    This paper investigates the design of joint frequency offset and carrier phase estimation of a multi-frequency time division multiple access (MF-TDMA) demodulator that is applied to a digital video broadcasting—return channel system via satellite (DVB-RCS). The proposed joint estimation algorithm is based on the interpolation technique for two correlation values in the frequency and phase domains. This simple interpolation technique can significantly improve frequency and phase resolution capabilities of the proposed technique without increasing the number of the correlation values. In addition, the overall block diagram of a digital communications receiver for DVB-RCS is presented, which was designed using the proposed estimation algorithms. Index Terms—Carrier phase estimation, DVB-RCS, frequency offset estimation, interpolation, joint estimation, MF-TDMA.

    标签: investigates estimation frequency carrier

    上传时间: 2015-12-30


  • In this article, we present an overview of methods for sequential simulation from posterior distribu

    In this article, we present an overview of methods for sequential simulation from posterior distributions. These methods are of particular interest in Bayesian filtering for discrete time dynamic models that are typically nonlinear and non-Gaussian. A general importance sampling framework is developed that unifies many of the methods which have been proposed over the last few decades in several different scientific disciplines. Novel extensions to the existing methods are also proposed.We showin particular how to incorporate local linearisation methods similar to those which have previously been employed in the deterministic filtering literature these lead to very effective importance distributions. Furthermore we describe a method which uses Rao-Blackwellisation in order to take advantage of the analytic structure present in some important classes of state-space models. In a final section we develop algorithms for prediction, smoothing and evaluation of the likelihood in dynamic models.

    标签: sequential simulation posterior overview

    上传时间: 2015-12-31


  • Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filters (RBPFs) are a class of Particle Filters (PFs) that exploit condi

    Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filters (RBPFs) are a class of Particle Filters (PFs) that exploit conditional dependencies between parts of the state to estimate. By doing so, RBPFs can improve the estimation quality while also reducing the overall computational load in comparison to original PFs. However, the computational complexity is still too high for many real-time applications. In this paper, we propose a modified RBPF that requires a single Kalman Filter (KF) iteration per input sample. Comparative experiments show that while good convergence can still be obtained, computational efficiency is always drastically increased, making this algorithm an option to consider for real-time implementations.

    标签: Particle Filters Rao-Blackwellised exploit

    上传时间: 2016-01-02


  • The need for accurate monitoring and analysis of sequential data arises in many scientic, industria

    The need for accurate monitoring and analysis of sequential data arises in many scientic, industrial and nancial problems. Although the Kalman lter is effective in the linear-Gaussian case, new methods of dealing with sequential data are required with non-standard models. Recently, there has been renewed interest in simulation-based techniques. The basic idea behind these techniques is that the current state of knowledge is encapsulated in a representative sample from the appropriate posterior distribution. As time goes on, the sample evolves and adapts recursively in accordance with newly acquired data. We give a critical review of recent developments, by reference to oil well monitoring, ion channel monitoring and tracking problems, and propose some alternative algorithms that avoid the weaknesses of the current methods.

    标签: monitoring sequential industria accurate

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • Hammerhead2 is a stress testing tool designed to test out your web server and web site. It can init

    Hammerhead2 is a stress testing tool designed to test out your web server and web site. It can initiate multiple connections from IP aliases and simulated numerous (256+) users at any given time

    标签: Hammerhead2 web designed testing

    上传时间: 2016-01-04


  • To estimate the input-output mapping with inputs x % and outputs y generated by the following nonli

    To estimate the input-output mapping with inputs x % and outputs y generated by the following nonlinear, % nonstationary state space model: % x(t+1) = 0.5x(t) + [25x(t)]/[(1+x(t))^(2)] % + 8cos(1.2t) + process noise % y(t) = x(t)^(2) / 20 + 6 squareWave(0.05(t-1)) + 3 % + time varying measurement noise % using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and both the EKF and % the hybrid importance-samping resampling (SIR) algorithm.

    标签: input-output the generated following

    上传时间: 2014-01-05
