jad反编译java ClaSS文件,实现java从ClaSS文件到java文件的转换,非常有名,这个是源码
ClaSS="tags">标签: ClaSS java jad 反编译
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2015-11-03
one good java ClaSS is game delemopet
ClaSS="tags">标签: delemopet ClaSS good game
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2015-11-07
The SoundIn ClaSS provide a set of functions to interface a sound card for input signal.
ClaSS="tags">标签: functions interface SoundIn provide
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2014-08-22
This Source.zip has three application code folders containing .java and .ClaSS files and two .jar files as follows: 1. desktop-side_JXTA4JMS 2. mobile-side_JXTA4JMS 3. JMS Test Client 4. Listener.jar 5. JMSTestClient.jar We now explain execution steps, we followed, to run this JXTA4JMS application. Before we try we require Application softwares and need to configure JXTA relay and J2EE server.
ClaSS="tags">标签: application containing and folders
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2014-11-17
MediaPlayer 这些文件中除了.java和.ClaSS文件外的其它文件是在用eclipse创建程序是自动生成的;
ClaSS="tags">标签: MediaPlayer eclipse ClaSS java
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2015-11-20
DB2Populator is the Demo which using the ClaSS of DriverManagerConnectionProvider to connect DB2 /SQLServer and call the related SQL.
ClaSS="tags">标签: DriverManagerConnectionProvider DB2Populator the connect
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2015-11-24
SQLServerPopulator is the Demo which using the ClaSS of DriverManagerConnectionProvider to connect DB2 /SQLServer and call the related SQL.
ClaSS="tags">标签: DriverManagerConnectionProvider SQLServerPopulator the connect
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2013-12-25
this ClaSS help handle different pre-advice instruction, such as "ok to ship"/"hold shipment"
ClaSS="tags">标签: instruction pre-advice different shipment
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2014-01-02
This directory builds the Tape ClaSS driver for Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003. The ClaSS driver implements device-independent support, and exports support routines for device-specific tape miniClaSS drivers. It handles device-independent tape requests and calls the tape minidriver routines to process device-specific functions. ClaSS driver splits transfer requests, when necessary, to fit the maximum transfer size for the underlying host bus adapter. It also provides device-independent, tape-specific error handling, and calls the tape miniClaSS driver s device-specific error handling routines.
ClaSS="tags">标签: ClaSS Microsoft directory reg
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2013-12-09
SVMmultiClaSS: Multi-ClaSS ClaSSification. Learns to predict one of k mutually exclusive ClaSSes. This is probably the simplest possible instance of SVMstruct and serves as a tutorial example of how to use the programming interface.
ClaSS="tags">标签: ClaSSification SVMmultiClaSS Multi-ClaSS exclusive
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2013-12-26