从CWnd派生自定义类 CustomControl
标签: CustomControl CWnd 自定义
上传时间: 2015-07-23
vc+sqlCOleSafeArray CWnd CDialog CDataExchange GetWindowRect EndDialog SetWindowText GetWindowText MessageBox CString CTime CCmdTarget CWinApp COleTemplateServer COleObjectFactory DestroyIcon LoadIcon GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon ShowWindow WinExec
标签: sqlCOleSafeArray CDataExchange GetWindowRect SetWindowText
上传时间: 2015-11-08
SetCursor CWnd LoadCursor DestroyWindow CDialog GetClientRect C Button GetStockObject CFont GetWindowLong SetWindowLong GetWindowRect BeginDeferWindowPos EnableWindow DeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos InvalidateRect UpdateWindow GetCursorPos CPoint SetCapture GetCapture ReleaseCapture CallWindowProc CPaintDC DrawEdge PtInRect SetFocus CMenu
标签: GetStockObject DestroyWindow GetClientRect LoadCursor
上传时间: 2013-12-31
CFlowchartEditor is an extension of CDiagramEditor. CDiagramEditor is a vector editor, with a CWnd-derived window (CDiagramEditor), a data container (CDiagramEntityContainer) holding the draw-objects, undo stack and managing copy and paste, and objects derived from CDiagramEntity representing objects drawn on screen. CDiagramEditor lacks one feature (that is difficult to implement in both simple and general fashion) - links. Manually maintaining links in a - for example - flowchart or network topography map is unwieldy. Therefore, I ve created a reference implementation for one way of adding this functionality.
标签: CDiagramEditor CFlowchartEditor extension CWnd-d
上传时间: 2015-11-21
COleSafeArray CWnd CDialog CDataExchange CTime GetWindowRect MessageBox GetWindowText SetWindowText GetDlgItem SetDlgItemText CString EndDialog CCmdTarget GetDlgItemText CWinApp COleTemplateServer COleObjectFactory DestroyIcon LoadIcon GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu EnableWindow IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon ShowWindow WinExec
标签: COleSafeArray CDataExchange GetWindowRect GetWindowText
上传时间: 2014-12-03
VC之改变控件的大小和位置 用CWnd类的函数MoveWindow()或SetWindowPos()可以改变控件的大小和位置。 void MoveWindow(int x,int y,int nWidth,int nHeight) void MoveWindow(LPCRECT lpRect) 第一种用法需给出控件新的坐标和宽度、高度; 第二种用法给出存放位置的CRect对象; 例:
标签: MoveWindow int SetWindowPos CWnd
上传时间: 2016-07-28
本文提出了一组可以用来动态创建UI的类。该代码是集中于一个空闲池使用管理器的CWnd继承控件,该管理器可以帮助我们减少在特定UI场景中GDI资源的使用。为了在运行中演示这些类,我已经在此提供了一个MDI应用示例,它只是让你来打开XML文件。每个XML文件为单个MDI子窗体定义了布局和UI控件属性。尽管代码是用VC6写的,示例项目也可以被转换为VS 2003 和VS 2005项目。
上传时间: 2014-01-07
上传时间: 2013-11-29
上传时间: 2014-01-14
·DVR-MPEG4编码播放器 相关函数/类: CWnd CDialog CDataExchange Sleep SetDlgItemText CWinApp DestroyIcon LoadIcon EnableWindow GetDlgItem IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect Draw
上传时间: 2013-04-24