The tool presented below tries to detect from remote if the target machine was compromised with the HACKER Defender rootkit. The tool CONNECT to the remote host, and compares the reply to several known replies. The rootkits that can be detected by the tool are: HACKER Defender v1.0.0 and below.
标签: compromised presented the machine
上传时间: 2016-02-21
WinSock Win32 API 的打包类和例子程序 < WinSock > winSocket/winSocketEx: 如果你正在Windows环境中用C++编写TCP/IP网络程序,那么使用这个打包类吧,我想它不会让你失望的。winSocket几乎封装了编写TCP/IP网络应用程序所需的所有内容,winSocketEx加入了对SOCKS 4/5代理服务器的支持。使得在自己的程序中加入代理支持易如反掌。这个打包类支持的特性包括:CONNECT、Send、Receive、Close、Listen、Bind、Accept、asyncSelect、get_LocalHost、get_LocalPort、get_RemoteHost、get_RemotePort等等。 [代码性质] VC可重用代码段 [代码作者] ryan [文件大小] 53K 声明:转自其他网站
标签: WinSock winSocketEx winSocket Windows
上传时间: 2014-12-01
Freediag contains various drivers (ISO9141, ISO14230, SAEJ1850-VPW, SAEJ1850-PWM) for different adapters that CONNECT the PC serial port to a vehicle. It reads vehicle diagnostic info from vehicle electronic control unit (ecu). The source code is compiled and run in linux environment.
上传时间: 2013-12-24
一个网络对弈的中国象棋程序 操作: 1、Setting,选择对战方式。如果选择“网络对战”,进入“2”,否则,进入“3”。 2、CONNECT,只在“网络对战”第一盘是需要。 3、set rule,设置计时规则。 4、start,开始下棋。
上传时间: 2014-10-13
This application includes a demo server and client program. You could write your own server launcher and client application by using the SimpleScreenCaptureServer class and the SimpleRemoteScreenCaptureClient class. Usage: 1. Type the following command to launch the server program. java -jar SimpleCaptureScreenServerDemo.jar portnumber 2. Type the following command to launch the client program. It s a swing-based UI. java -jar RemoteScreenCaptureClientUI.jar 3. Select Run/CONNECT menu. Input your server address and port number. You could just double-click on the RemoteScreenCaptureClientUI.jar to launch the client program if you are using Windows. This program is written just for fun. :lol: :lol: :lol:
标签: server application includes launcher
上传时间: 2016-10-06
This Application Note describes the steps that are required to install and use the Keil Monitor-51 on a user specific hardware. The Keil Monitor-51 allows you to CONNECT your 8051 hardware to the μVision2 Debugger. You can use the powerful debugging interface to test application programs in your target hardware.
标签: Application describes the required
上传时间: 2013-12-03
This player allows you to show the videos (FLV) in your websites with more controls and a broader audience as with QuickTime, Windows Media or Real Media. The FLV is now recognized as a fabulous format, using swf players to CONNECT to the flv files by progressive download of streaming. This player is smaller and easier to adjust than the components in Flash.
标签: controls websites broader player
上传时间: 2014-01-16
fwknop stands for "Firewall Knock Operator" and is an upcoming piece of software that will be released at the DEFCON 12 conference in July, 2004 in Las Vegas. fwknop implements network access controls (via iptables) based on a flexible port knocking mini-language, but with a twist it combines port knocking and passive operating system fingerprinting to make it possible to do things like only allow, say, Linux-2.4/2.6 systems to CONNECT to your SSH daemon. fwknop supports shared, multi-protocol port knock sequences along with both relative and absolute timeouts, and coded port knock sequences encrypted with the Rijndael block cipher.
标签: Firewall Operator software upcoming
上传时间: 2016-12-04
上传时间: 2014-01-16
php+spider 官方: 演示: 汉化 by sluke 1、修改admin/auth.php中的管理员和密码 $admin = "admin" 用户名 $admin_pw = "admin" 密码 2、修改include/CONNECT.php中的数据库设置 $database="sphider" 数据库名称 $mysql_user = "root" 数据库用户 $mysql_password = "" 数据库密码 $mysql_host = "localhost" 数据库地址 $mysql_table_prefix = "sphider_" 3、修改include/CONNECT.php中的各种设置,可以不修改。 4、运行admin/install.php安装
上传时间: 2017-01-01