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  • Optical+COMmunication+Theory+and+Techniques

    Since the advent of optical COMmunications, a great technological effort has been devoted to the exploitation of the huge bandwidth of optical fibers. Start- ing from a few Mb/s single channel systems, a fast and constant technological development has led to the actual 10 Gb/s per channel dense wavelength di- vision multiplexing (DWDM) systems, with dozens of channels on a single fiber. Transmitters and receivers are now ready for 40 Gb/s, whereas hundreds of channels can be simultaneously amplified by optical amplifiers.

    标签: COMmunication Techniques Optical Theory and

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Optical+COMmunications+Essentials

    Ever since ancient times, people continuously have devised new techniques and technologies for communicating their ideas, needs, and desires to others. Thus, many forms of increasingly complex COMmunication systems have appeared over the years. The basic motivations behind each new one were to improve the transmission fidelity so that fewer errors occur in the received message, to increase the transmission capacity of a COMmunication link so that more infor- mation could be sent, or to increase the transmission distance between relay sta- tions so that messages can be sent farther without the need to restore the signal fidelity periodically along its path.

    标签: COMmunications Essentials Optical

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Orthogonal+Frequency+Division+Multiplexing

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing  (OFDM) has been shown to be an effective technique to combat multipath fading in wireless channels. It has been and is going to be used in various wireless COMmunication systems. This book gives a comprehensive introduction on the theory and practice of OFDM for wireless COMmunications. 

    标签: Multiplexing Orthogonal Frequency Division

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Physical Layer Security in Wireless COMmunications

    The ever-increasing demand for private and sensitive data transmission over wireless net- works has made security a crucial concern in the current and future large-scale, dynamic, and heterogeneous wireless COMmunication systems. To address this challenge, computer scientists and engineers have tried hard to continuously come up with improved crypto- graphic algorithms. But typically we do not need to wait too long to find an efficient way to crack these algorithms. With the rapid progress of computational devices, the current cryptographic methods are already becoming more unreliable. In recent years, wireless re- searchers have sought a new security paradigm termed physical layer security. Unlike the traditional cryptographic approach which ignores the effect of the wireless medium, physi- cal layer security exploits the important characteristics of wireless channel, such as fading, interference, and noise, for improving the COMmunication security against eavesdropping attacks. This new security paradigm is expected to complement and significantly increase the overall COMmunication security of future wireless networks.

    标签: COMmunications Physical Security Wireless Layer in

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Practical+Guide+to+MIMO

    The purpose of this book is to introduce the concept of the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radio channel, which is an intelligent COMmunication method based upon using multiple antennas. The book opens by explaining MIMO in layman’s terms to help stu- dents and people in industry working in related areas become easily familiarised with the concept. Therefore the structure of the book will be carefully arranged to allow a user to progress steadily through the chapters and understand the fundamental and mathematical principles behind MIMO through the visual and explanatory way in which they will be written. It is the intention that several references will also be provided, leading to further reading in this highly researched technology.

    标签: Practical Guide MIMO to

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Principles of Spread Spectrum

    The goal of this book is to provide a concise but lucid explanation and deriva- tion of the fundamentals of spread-spectrum COMmunication systems. Although spread-spectrum COMmunication is a staple topic in textbooks on digital com- munication, its treatment is usually cursory, and the subject warrants a more intensive exposition. Originally adopted in military networks as a means of ensuring secure COMmunication when confronted with the threats of jamming and interception, spread-spectrum systems are now the core of commercial ap- plications such as mobile cellular and satellite COMmunication

    标签: Principles Spectrum Spread of

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Principles+of+Digital+Transmission

    This book stems from its ancestor Digital Transmission Theory,published by  Prentice-Hall in 1987 and now out of print. Following the suggestion of several colleagues who complained about the unavailability of a textbook they liked and adopted in their courses, laying a strong emphasis on wireless COMmunication. We hope that those who liked the previous book will find again its flavor here,while new reader, untouched by nostalgia, will judge it favorably.

    标签: Transmission Principles Digital of

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Proakis J.G. Digital COMmunications

    In this book, we present the basic pinciples that underlie the analysis and design of digital COMmunication system.The subject of digital COMmunications involves the transmission of information in digital form from a source that generates the information to one or more destinations.

    标签: J.G. COMmunications Proakis Digital

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Propagation Channel Characterization

    The investigation of the propagation channel is becoming more and more important in mod- ern wireless COMmunication. The demand for spectral efficiency motivates exploitation of all channels that can possibly be used for COMmunications. Nowadays, a common trend for designing physical layer algorithms is to adapt the transceiving strategy, either by maximizing the diversity gains or by utilizing the coherence of the channels to improve the signal-to-noise power ratio.

    标签: Characterization Propagation Channel

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Propagation Handbook for Wireless COMmunication

    Wireless means different things to different people. For this book, it refers to the radio systems that provide point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and Earth-space COMmunications over transmission links that propagate outside buildings through the lower atmosphere. Wireless systems are being built that provide data transmission between computers and other devices on one’s own desk. These are part of the wireless world but not the part where, except for interference perhaps, the atmosphere has any influence. The intent of this book is to provide a description of the physical phenomena that can affect propagation through the atmosphere, present sample measurements and statistics, and provide models that system designers can use to calculate their link budgets and estimate the limitations the atmosphere may place on their design.

    标签: COMmunication Propagation Handbook Wireless for

    上传时间: 2020-05-31
