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  • 基于AT89C52单片机的温度巡回检测系统设计

    阐述了一个由上位PC机和AT89C52下位单片机组成的主从分布式温度巡回检测系统。主从机采用RS-485 串行通讯标准进行通信,可在下位单片机实现基本的温度数据巡回检测基础上,由上位PC机实现综合处理功能或扩展为远程操作。整个系统具有巡检速度快,扩展性好的特点。 Abstract:  In this paper,a top PC and AT89C52 under-bit microcontrollers from the main component of the tour distributed temperature detection system is presented. Master and slave can use RS-485 serial COMmunication standards for COMmunications.Based on next-bit machine for basic goods temperature detected data Tour, the top can achieve the integrated treatment of PC functions or for the expansion of long-distance operation. The entire inspection system is fast, expansion.

    标签: 89C C52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • 基于ISA总线的计算机与DSP的通信

    在开放式数控系统结构模型的基础上,研究了基于ISA总线的DSP通信控制原理。采用中断方式完成了PC机和DSP之间的通信。介绍了以DriverWorks为工具开发ISA设备WDM驱动程序的方法,探讨了中断处理、驱动程序与应用程序之间的通信,简要说明了驱动程序的安装与调试。通过调试,系统设计运行稳定。 Abstract:  The ISA bus and DSP correspondence control principle is investigated in the basis of the existing open architecture numerical control system.The interrupt method is used to realize the COMmunication between PC and DSP based on the ISA bus.The methods of WDM driver exploitation for ISA device using Driver Works are introduced.The main process of driver program and the keys such as handle interrupt and the COMmunication between the drivers and application are presented.And how to debug and install the drive is explained.

    标签: ISA DSP 总线 计算机

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 基于W77E58的跑步机联网系统的开发

    对于传统的跑步机无法联机组网,保存历史数据,实时调试等问题,介绍了一个由多台跑步机通过RS-232串行总线与上位机相连组成的跑步机联网系统。系统采用W77E58作为下位机核心控制器件,它具有双串行通讯端口,其中一个串口用于与变频器通讯,另一个串口则与上位机相连,构成跑步机网络。 Abstract:  The traditional running machine can not be connected to a network, saving historical data, real time debug etc.In this paper,a new network system which is composed of running machines connected by a RS-232 COMmunication bus is introduced.In the system,W77E58 is used as a core control unit.W77E58 has two serial ports,one is connected to the inverter and the other is connected to the PC. Thus a network appears.

    标签: W77E58 跑步机 联网系统

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于DAC7512的数控直流恒流源设计

    为了解决磁放大器性能测试过程中,需要对其供给不同数值恒定电流的问题,设计了一种基于DAC7512和单片机的数控恒流源系统。该系统采用AT89C51作为主控器件,将计算机发送的电流控制字命令转换为D/A转换器控制字,通过模拟SPI通信接口,写D/A控制字到DAC7512,从而控制其输出相应数字电压值,经差动缩放电路、电压/电路变换电路和功率驱动电路,最后输出恒定电流。实验结果表明,恒流源输出电流调节范围为-45~+45 mA、精度为±0.1 mA,分辨率达0.024 4 mA,具有应用灵活,外围电路简单,可靠性高的特点。该数控直流恒流源也可为相关产品的测试系统研发提供参考。 Abstract:  In order to solve the need to supply different values constant current for the magnetic amplifier in testing process, numerical control constant current source system was designed based on DAC7512 chip and microcontroller technology. The system used the AT89C51 as the main chip, which can convert the current control word from computer into to D/A control words. And the system wrote D/A control word into the DAC7512 chip to control the output voltage value by the SPI COMmunication interface, which can output corresponding constant current figures by scaling circuit, the V/I converter and power drive circuit. Experimental results show that the current source output current adjustment range is -45~+45mA, accuracy is ± 0.1mA, and resolution ratio is 0.024 4mA

    标签: 7512 DAC 数控直流 恒流源

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于CC1110单片机公交报站系统的设计

    基于CC1110单片机公交报站系统主要由CC1110单片机最小系统和WT588D语音模块组成,提出了如何实现语音报站,通过无线通信SimpliciTI网络协议实现公交站台的自动播报和OLCD液晶显示公交运行的各类信息。结果表明,该公交报站系统报站准确率99%,价格比同类产品下降了300%以上,系统组成结构简单,提高了系统的抗干扰性和稳定性,也便于携带。 Abstract:  The bus stop announcement system based on CC1110 MCU is composed of CC1110 MCU minimum system and WT588D voice module. How to achieve the voice announcing is put forward.The bus-stop will announce automatically and display on the OLCD by means of wireless COMmunication SimpliciTI network protocol. As a result, the bus station stop announcement systems reported 99% accuracy rate, price of similar products declined by 300% or more, system of simple structure, improve the anti-jamming and stability of the power system, it is also portable.

    标签: 1110 CC 单片机 公交报站

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 基于MAX262的程控滤波器设计

     通过对程控滤波器的理论分析,在研究MAX262的功能和单片机的SPI总线通信的基础上,提出了基于MAX262的程控滤波器设计方案,设计了程控滤波器的软硬件,并给出了测试结果。 Abstract:  By analyzing the programmable filter,the paper puts forward a programmable filter system design based on MAS262 on basic of studying MAS262 features and SPI bus COMmunication.Software and hardware of the programmmable filter are designed,and the test result is given.

    标签: MAX 262 程控 滤波器设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • 基于AVR单片机的USB接口设计

    以AVR单片机ATmega8和USB接口器件PDIUSBD12为核心,基于标准的USB1.1协议,设计一种通用USB接口模块,以满足嵌入式系统中对USB接口的需求。对模块的硬件电路或单片机固件程序的硬件接口层稍加修改即可用于其他各种微处理器。该模块可为各种嵌入式系统增加USB接口,实现与USB主机系统通信。 Abstract:  Based on AVR microcontroller ATmega8 and USB interface chip PDIUSBD12, a general USB interface module is designed according to USB1.1 protocol for various requirements of embedded systems. Only with few modifications in circuit or hardware abstract layer of firmware, the module can be used on many types of microprocessors. All kinds of embedded systems can realize high speed and stable COMmunication with USB host systems, owing to the facility of this module.

    标签: AVR USB 单片机 接口设计

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • 基于C8051F005单片机的参数测试仪的设计

    介绍了基于单片机航空交流电参数测试仪的系统设计。以Silicon Labs公司的C8051F005单片机为核心设计出数据采集板,通过RS-232串口与上位机通讯。运用Lab Windows/CVI编写的上位机软件实现信号的检测以及波形和数据的显示,给出了测试仪硬件电路的组成和软件流程图。本系统具有硬件结构简单、容易实现和成本低等特点,在实际应用中其稳定性、精确性均能满足客户要求。 Abstract:  The design of aeronautics AC parameters tester based on the single-chip is introduced.The core component of data acquisition board is C8051F005 single chip of Silicon Labs Company,and COMmunication with PC through RS-232. The signal processing software programmed with LabWindows/CVI can be used successfully to fulfill inspection of signal and display of the waveform and data. The hardware and software configuration of test instrument are provided.The hardware of the system is simple, and can be easily realized.The stability and precision of the measurement instrument are enough to meet the requirements.

    标签: C8051F005 单片机 仪的设计 参数测试

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • 基于STC12C5408AD的记忆示波器

    主要介绍构成记忆示波器的STC12C5408AD增强型单片机8通道10位模数转换功能的设置、应用和具体的汇编程序设计,以及PC机串行通讯和图形显示的高速汇编程序的设计要点,并列举实例说明其应用效果。 Abstract:  The configuration, applications and the designs for? compiling program of the memorial oscillograph of 10 bits A/D conversation are introduced. It’s bases on STC12C5408AD 8? channels? single-chip? computer? in? enhancement? mode. It also recommends the devising essentials of high speed compiling program for PC serial COMmunication and graphics display, lists examples to explain its effects in using.

    标签: C5408 5408 STC 12C

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 基于C8051F020的通用串口适配器的设计

    介绍了基于单片机C8051F020的通用串口适配器的设计与实现方法,即由单片机控制的智能化一对多口收发信号转换器。通过采用C51对单片机进行编程,控制与RS-232(标准RS-232电平)、RS232(TTL电平)、RS-422接口的数据通信;采用C++ Builder作为开发平台,通过RS-232接口实现上位机对适配器各个通信端口的控制。 Abstract:  Design and realization of a universal serial port adapter based on the MCU C8051F020 are introduced.The adapter is an intelligent one-to-more receiving and transmitting signal converter controlled by the MCU. By programming the MCU with the language C51,MCU control data COMmunication between the MCU and RS-232(RS-232 level),RS-232(TTL level),RS-422 port; Using C++ Builder as the development plane, by one RS232 port, the upper PC can control each of the COMmunication port of the adapter.

    标签: C8051F020 串口适配器

    上传时间: 2013-11-19
