The fi rst edition of this book came about because Regina Lundgren had always been fascinated with COMmunication. She started writing novels in the third grade. When she was asked on her fi rst day at the University of Washington what she hoped to do with her degree in scientifi c and technical COMmunication, she replied, “I want to write environ- mental impact statements.” When Patricia Clark hired her to work at the Pacifi c Northwest National Laboratory to do just that, she was overjoyed.
标签: COMmunication RISK
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Since the first edition of the book was published, the field of modeling and simulation of COMmunication systems has grown and matured in many ways, and the use of simulation as a day-to-day tool is now even more common practice. Many new modeling and simulation approaches have been developed in the recent years, many more commercial simulation packages are available, and the evolution of powerful general mathematical applications packages has provided still more options for computer-aided design and analysis. With the current interest in digital mobile COMmunications, a primary area of application of modeling and simulation is now to wireless systems of a different flavor than the traditional ones.
标签: COMmunication Simulation Systems of
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The goal of this book is to provide a concise but lucid explanation and deriva- tion of the fundamentals of spread-spectrum COMmunication systems. Although spread-spectrum COMmunication is a staple topic in textbooks on digital com- munication, its treatment is usually cursory, and the subject warrants a more intensive exposition. Originally adopted in military networks as a means of ensuring secure COMmunication when confronted with the threats of jamming and interception, spread-spectrum systems are now the core of commercial ap- plications such as mobile cellular and satellite COMmunication.
标签: Spread-Spectrum COMmunication Systems 1st
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Spread-spectrum COMmunication is a core area within the field of digital COMmunication. Originally used in military networks as countermeasures against the threats of jamming and interception, spread-spectrum systems are now widely used in commercial applications and are part of several wireless and mobile COMmunication standards. Although spread-spectrum COMmunication is a staple topic in textbooks on digital COMmunication, its treatment is usually cursory. This book is designed to provide a more intensive examination of the subject that is suitable for graduate students and practicing engineers with a solid background in the theory of digital COMmunication. As the title indicates, this book stresses principles rather than specific current or planned systems, which are described in manyotherbooks.My goal in this bookis to providea concisebut lucidexplanation of the fundamentals of spread-spectrum systems with an emphasis on theoretical principles.
标签: Spread-Spectrum COMmunication Systems 2nd
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The continuing vitality of spread-spectrum COMmunication systems and the devel- opment of new mathematical methods for their analysis provided the motivation to undertake this new edition of the book. This edition is intended to enable readers to understand the current state-of-the-art in this field. Almost twenty percent of the materialinthiseditionisnew, includingseveralnewsections, anewchapteronadap- tive arrays and filters, and a new chapter on code-division multiple-access networks. The remainder of the material has been thoroughly revised, and I have removed a considerable amount of material that has been superseded by more definitive results.
标签: Spread-Spectrum COMmunication Systems 3rd
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Visible light COMmunications (VLC) is the name given to an optical wireless COMmunication system that carries information by modulating light in the visible spectrum (400–700 nm) that is principally used for illumination [1–3]. The COMmunications signal is encoded on top of the illumination light. Interest in VLC has grown rapidly with the growth of high power light emitting diodes (LEDs) in the visible spectrum. The motivation to use the illumination light for COMmunication is to save energy by exploiting the illumination to carry information and, at the same time, to use technology that is “green” in comparison to radio frequency (RF) technology, while using the existing infrastructure of the lighting system.
标签: COMmunication Visible Light
上传时间: 2020-06-01
This is a book on wireless COMmunication. That usually means communica- tion by radio, though ultrasound and infrared light are also used occasion- ally. The term “wireless” has come to mean nonbroadcast COMmunication, usually between individuals who very often use portable or mobile equip- ment. The term is rather vague, of course, and there are certainly borderline applications that are called wireless without falling exactly into the above definition.
标签: COMmunication Technology Wireless
上传时间: 2020-06-01
扩频通信,即扩展频谱通信技术(Spread Spectrum COMmunication),它与光纤通信、卫星通信一同被誉为进入信息时代的三大高技术通信传输方式。 扩频通信是将待传送的信息数据用伪随机编码序列,也即扩频序列(SpreadSequence)调制,实现频谱扩展后再进行传输。接收端则采用相同的编码进行解调及相关处理,恢复出原始信息数据。 扩频通信系统与常规的通信系统相比,具有很强的抗人为干扰,抗窄带干扰,抗多径干扰的能力,并具有信息隐蔽、多址保密通信等特点。 现场可编辑门阵列FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)提供了极强的灵活性,可让设计者开发出满足多种标准的产品。FPGA所固有的灵活性和性能也可让设计者紧跟新标准的变化,并能提供可行的方法来满足不断变化的标准要求。 EDA 工具的出现使用户在对FPGA设计的输入、综合、仿真时非常方便。EDA打破了软硬件之间最后的屏障,使软硬件工程师们有了真正的共同语言,使目前一切仍处于计算机辅助设计(CAD)和规划的电子设计活动产生了实在的设计实体论文对扩频通信系统和FPGA设计方法进行了相关研究,并且用Altera公司的最新的FPGA开发平台QuartusII实现了一个基带扩频通信系统的发送端部分,最后用软件Protel99SE设计了相应的硬件电路。 该系统的设计主要分为两个部分。第一部分是用QuartusII软件设计了系统的VHDL语言描述代码,并对系统中每个模块和整个系统进行相应的功能仿真和时序时延仿真;第二部分是设计了以FPGA芯片EP1C3T144C8N为核心的系统硬件电路,并进行了相关测试,完成了预定的功能。
上传时间: 2013-07-26
近年来,随着电子技术的发展,消费电子产品(Consumer Electronics)已与计算机(Computer)、通信(COMmunication)两项产品的技术结合在一起,成为目前所统称的3C产品,并使家用电子电器产品步向智能家居的方向。但是目前大多数智能家居系统其控制器一般由8位或16位的单片机控制,其控制功能比较简单,很难实现网络化和无线传输,对于未来的智能家居系统的扩展性也比较有限。本文针对目前国内智能家居系统的局限性,提出一种基于嵌入式处理器ARM平台以及以太网和GPRS网络通信技术的智能家居系统,它不仅能对小区内住宅的安全状况进行实时监控,还能实现家用电器的远程控制、“三表”(即水表、电表、燃气表)的远程抄送。同时该系统还提供了规范的串行通信接口,对于未来的系统的扩展提供了广阔的空间。 本文首先详细的介绍了ARM处理器及嵌入式操作系统uClinux的发展概况,接着讨论了GPRS网络通信技术的工作原理,最后给出了智能家居控制系统的硬件设计和软件设计。该智能家居系统的硬件主要包括ARM主控模块的选型、报警I/O电路设计、以太网接口电路设计、图像处理模块电路和“三表”的串行口电路组成。软件上主要包括uClinux在S3C4510上的移植、图像采集与压缩程序、以太网驱动及通讯程序、RS-485串行接口程序、GPRS网络通信程序和报警I/O接口程序。 该系统主要部分包括小区内住宅的安防监控,GPRS无线智能家电的远程控制和无线报警以及抄表的远程传送。利用当前较为成熟的GPRS技术和以太网实现对小区内用户进行集中安防监控与管理,同时给出了系统的功能和结构以及硬件原理框图和软件设计思路及主要程序。
上传时间: 2013-07-12
Phase–locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers are commonlyfound in COMmunication gear today. Th
上传时间: 2013-04-24