本程序的开发环境为MATLAB6.5版本,所编程序须在此环境下运行。由于气动模型的离散性,且采用了许多工程计算经验公式和实验数据,所以在编程时会比较繁杂,为了使程序读起来方便清晰,在编制程序时采用了如下的思路: 考虑到程序的一般结构,这里将气动计算系统分为三大模块:输入模块、气动计算模块以及结果输出模块。考虑到本系统的特殊性,又将输入模块划分为初始数据输入模块、导弹外形参数模块以及插值数据库模块,并采用M文件格式编制;气动计算模块则采用了子系统的结构形式,并用Simulink 模块编制;结果输出模块则是采用M文件的形式将气动计算模块得到的结果输出到工作区间并将数据结果绘制成曲线。最后,为了运行的方便,编制了一个名为Start_file.m的M文件,按流程依次调用编写的所有程序,在运行此程序时,只需将所有程序加载于“Current Directory”指定的文件夹中(即路径的设定),并在“COMMAND Window”中输入“Start_file”即可。 (导弹气动计算程序)
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Supplemental information for a high-speed serial bus that integrates well with most IEEE standard 32-bit and 64-bit parallel buses is specified. It is intended to extend the usefulness of a low-cost interconnect between external peripherals, IEEE Std 1394-1995. This standard follows the ISO/IEC 13213:1994 COMMAND and Status Register (CSR) architecture.
标签: Supplemental information high-speed integrates
上传时间: 2014-03-07
PseudoQ is an open source java application for creating, playing and solving SuDoku puzzles of various types. It features both a Swing GUI and COMMAND-line operation. The automatic solving of puzzles uses "smart" techniques rather than a brute force search of every possible combination.
标签: application creating PseudoQ playing
上传时间: 2014-01-06
本程序用于完成BPSK、QPSK、8PSK的调制仿真。并可任意扩展到MPSK和MQAM。程序分成三个部分:phase.m对基带码元序列进行脉冲成型,可选矩形脉冲,升余弦脉冲和平方根升余弦脉冲; model.m 为主程序,完成各种信号的基带星座图映射、脉冲成型和调制; COMMAND.m给出一个简单的频谱显示测试。
上传时间: 2014-01-14
深入浅出MFC,作者:侯俊杰,深入介绍Runtime Type Information(RTTI)、Dynamic Creation、Persistence(Serialization)、Message Mapping、COMMAND Routing等核心技术。
标签: Serialization Information Persistence Creation
上传时间: 2014-01-10
to study the example of creation of tables, formative DB, and filling with their information. Using this example to create DB, satisfying a logical structure, to developed in previous laboratory work and to fill with its information. To study a COMMAND SQL SELECT.
标签: information formative creation example
上传时间: 2017-09-15
Information technology – Small computer system interface (SCSI) – Part 326: Reduced block COMMANDs (RBC)
标签: Information technology interface computer
上传时间: 2013-12-25
TETRA指令集 全英文版 会的人可以翻译一下
上传时间: 2015-04-10
/****************temic*********t5557***********************************/ #include <at892051.h> #include <string.h> #include <intrins.h> #include <stdio.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define ulong unsigned long //STC12C2051AD的SFR定义 sfr WDT_CONTR = 0xe1;//stc2051的看门狗?????? /**********全局常量************/ //写卡的命令 #define write_COMMAND0 0//写密码 #define write_COMMAND1 1//写配置字 #define write_COMMAND2 2//密码写数据 #define write_COMMAND3 3//唤醒 #define write_COMMAND4 4//停止命令 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define OK 0 #define ERROR 255 //读卡的时间参数us #define ts_min 250//270*11.0592/12=249//取近似的整数 #define ts_max 304//330*11.0592/12=304 #define t1_min 73//90*11.0592/12=83:-10调整 #define t1_max 156//180*11.0592/12=166 #define t2_min 184//210*11.0592/12=194 #define t2_max 267//300*11.0592/12=276 //***********不采用中断处理:采用查询的方法读卡时关所有中断****************/ sbit p_U2270B_Standby = P3^5;//p_U2270B_Standby PIN=13 sbit p_U2270B_CFE = P3^3;//p_U2270B_CFE PIN=6 sbit p_U2270B_OutPut = P3^7;//p_U2270B_OutPut PIN=2 sbit wtd_sck = P1^7;//SPI总线 sbit wtd_si = P1^3; sbit wtd_so = P1^2; sbit iic_data = P1^2;//lcd IIC sbit iic_clk = P1^7; sbit led_light = P1^6;//测试绿灯 sbit led_light1 = P1^5;//测试红灯 sbit led_light_ok = P1^1;//读卡成功标志 sbit fengmingqi = P1^5; /***********全局变量************************************/ uchar data Nkey_a[4] = {0xA0, 0xA1, 0xA2, 0xA3};//初始密码 //uchar idata card_snr[4]; //配置字 uchar data bankdata[28] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; //存储卡上用户数据(1-7)7*4=28 uchar data cominceptbuff[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};//串口接收数组ram uchar COMMAND; //第一个命令 uchar COMMAND1;// //uint temp; uchar j,i; uchar myaddr = 8; //uchar ywqz_count,time_count; //ywqz jishu: uchar bdata DATA; sbit BIT0 = DATA^0; sbit BIT1 = DATA^1; sbit BIT2 = DATA^2; sbit BIT3 = DATA^3; sbit BIT4 = DATA^4; sbit BIT5 = DATA^5; sbit BIT6 = DATA^6; sbit BIT7 = DATA^7; uchar bdata DATA1; sbit BIT10 = DATA1^0; sbit BIT11 = DATA1^1; sbit BIT12 = DATA1^2; sbit BIT13 = DATA1^3; sbit BIT14 = DATA1^4; sbit BIT15 = DATA1^5; sbit BIT16 = DATA1^6; sbit BIT17 = DATA1^7; bit i_CurrentLevel;//i_CurrentLevel BIT 00H(Saves current level of OutPut pin of U2270B) bit timer1_end; bit read_ok = 0; //缓存定时值,因用同一个定时器 union HLint { uint W; struct { uchar H;uchar L; } B; };//union HLint idata a union HLint data a; //缓存定时值,因用同一个定时器 union HLint0 { uint W; struct { uchar H; uchar L; } B; };//union HLint idata a union HLint0 data b; /**********************函数原型*****************/ //读写操作 void f_readcard(void);//全部读出1~7 AOR唤醒 void f_writecard(uchar x);//根据命令写不同的内容和操作 void f_clearpassword(void);//清除密码 void f_changepassword(void);//修改密码 //功能子函数 void write_password(uchar data *data p);//写初始密码或数据 void write_block(uchar x,uchar data *data p);//不能用通用指针 void write_bit(bit x);//写位 /*子函数区*****************************************************/ void delay_2(uint x) //延时,时间x*10us@12mhz,最小20us@12mhz { x--; x--; while(x) { _nop_(); _nop_(); x--; } _nop_();//WDT_CONTR=0X3C;不能频繁的复位 _nop_(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void initial(void) { SCON = 0x50; //串口方式1,允许接收 //SCON =0x50; //01010000B:10位异步收发,波特率可变,SM2=0不用接收到有效停止位才RI=1, //REN=1允许接收 TMOD = 0x21; //定时器1 定时方式2(8位),定时器0 定时方式1(16位) TCON = 0x40; //设定时器1 允许开始计时(IT1=1) TH1 = 0xfD; //FB 18.432MHz 9600 波特率 TL1 = 0xfD; //fd 11.0592 9600 IE = 0X90; //EA=ES=1 TR1 = 1; //启动定时器 WDT_CONTR = 0x3c;//使能看门狗 p_U2270B_Standby = 0;//单电源 PCON = 0x00; IP = 0x10;//uart you xian XXXPS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 led_light1 = 1; led_light = 0; p_U2270B_OutPut = 1; } /************************************************/ void f_readcard()//读卡 { EA = 0;//全关,防止影响跳变的定时器计时 WDT_CONTR = 0X3C;//喂狗 p_U2270B_CFE = 1;// delay_2(232); //>2.5ms /* // aor 用唤醒功能来防碰撞 p_U2270B_CFE = 0; delay_2(18);//start gap>150us write_bit(1);//10=操作码读0页 write_bit(0); write_password(&bankdata[24]);//密码block7 p_U2270B_CFE =1 ;// delay_2(516);//编程及确认时间5.6ms */ WDT_CONTR = 0X3C;//喂狗 led_light = 0; b.W = 0; while(!(read_ok == 1)) { //while(p_U2270B_OutPut);//等一个稳定的低电平?超时判断? while(!p_U2270B_OutPut);//等待上升沿的到来同步信号检测1 TR0 = 1; //deng xia jiang while(p_U2270B_OutPut);//等待下降沿 TR0 = 0; a.B.H = TH0; a.B.L = TL0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; TR0 = 1;//定时器晚启动10个周期 //同步头 if((324 < a.W) && (a.W < 353)) ;//检测同步信号1 else { TR0 = 0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; goto read_error; } //等待上升沿 while(!p_U2270B_OutPut); TR0 = 0; a.B.H = TH0; a.B.L = TL0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; TR0 = 1;//b.N1<<=8; if(a.B.L < 195);//0.5p else { TR0 = 0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; goto read_error; } //读0~7块的数据 for(j = 0;j < 28;j++) { //uchar i; for(i = 0;i < 16;i++)//8个位 { //等待下降沿的到来 while(p_U2270B_OutPut); TR0 = 0; a.B.H = TH0; a.B.L = TL0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; TR0 = 1; if(t2_max < a.W/*)&&(a.W < t2_max)*/)//1P { b.W >>= 2;//先左移再赋值 b.B.L += 0xc0; i++; } else if(t1_min < a.B.L/*)&&(a.B.L < t1_max)*/)//0.5p { b.W >>= 1; b.B.L += 0x80; } else { TR0 = 0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; goto read_error; } i++; while(!p_U2270B_OutPut);//上升 TR0 = 0; a.B.H = TH0; a.B.L = TL0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; TR0 = 1; if(t2_min < a.W/*)&&(a.W < t2_max)*/)//1P { b.W >>= 2; i++; } else if(t1_min < a.B.L/*a.W)&&(a.B.L < t1_max)*/)//0.5P //else if(!(a.W==0)) { b.W >>= 1; //temp+=0x00; //led_light1=0;led_light=1;delay_2(40000); } else { TR0 = 0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; goto read_error; } i++; } //取出奇位 DATA = b.B.L; BIT13 = BIT7; BIT12 = BIT5; BIT11 = BIT3; BIT10 = BIT1; DATA = b.B.H; BIT17 = BIT7; BIT16 = BIT5; BIT15 = BIT3; BIT14 = BIT1; bankdata[j] = DATA1; } read_ok = 1;//读卡完成了 read_error: _nop_(); } } /***************************************************/ void f_writecard(uchar x)//写卡 { p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(232); //>2.5ms //psw=0 standard write if (x == write_COMMAND0)//写密码:初始化密码 { uchar i; uchar data *data p; p = cominceptbuff; p_U2270B_CFE = 0; delay_2(31);//start gap>330us write_bit(1);//写操作码1:10 write_bit(0);//写操作码0 write_bit(0);//写锁定位0 for(i = 0;i < 35;i++) { write_bit(1);//写数据位1 } p_U2270B_CFE = 1; led_light1 = 0; led_light = 1; delay_2(40000);//测试使用 //write_block(cominceptbuff[4],p); p_U2270B_CFE = 1; bankdata[20] = cominceptbuff[0];//密码存入 bankdata[21] = cominceptbuff[1]; bankdata[22] = cominceptbuff[2]; bankdata[23] = cominceptbuff[3]; } else if (x == write_COMMAND1)//配置卡参数:初始化 { uchar data *data p; p = cominceptbuff; write_bit(1);//写操作码1:10 write_bit(0);//写操作码0 write_bit(0);//写锁定位0 write_block(cominceptbuff[4],p); p_U2270B_CFE= 1; } //psw=1 pssword mode else if(x == write_COMMAND2) //密码写数据 { uchar data*data p; p = &bankdata[24]; write_bit(1);//写操作码1:10 write_bit(0);//写操作码0 write_password(p);//发口令 write_bit(0);//写锁定位0 p = cominceptbuff; write_block(cominceptbuff[4],p);//写数据 } else if(x == write_COMMAND3)//aor //唤醒 { //cominceptbuff[1]操作码10 X xxxxxB uchar data *data p; p = cominceptbuff; write_bit(1);//10 write_bit(0); write_password(p);//密码 p_U2270B_CFE = 1;//此时数据不停的循环传出 } else //停止操作码 { write_bit(1);//11 write_bit(1); p_U2270B_CFE = 1; } p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(560);//5.6ms } /************************************/ void f_clearpassword()//清除密码 { uchar data *data p; uchar i,x; p = &bankdata[24];//原密码 p_U2270B_CFE = 0; delay_2(18);//start gap>150us //操作码10:10xxxxxxB write_bit(1); write_bit(0); for(x = 0;x < 4;x++)//发原密码 { DATA = *(p++); for(i = 0;i < 8;i++) { write_bit(BIT0); DATA >>= 1; } } write_bit(0);//锁定位0:0 p = &cominceptbuff[0]; write_block(0x00,p);//写新配置参数:pwd=0 //密码无效:即清除密码 DATA = 0x00;//停止操作码00000000B for(i = 0;i < 2;i++) { write_bit(BIT7); DATA <<= 1; } p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(560);//5.6ms } /*********************************/ void f_changepassword()//修改密码 { uchar data *data p; uchar i,x,addr; addr = 0x07;//block7 p = &Nkey_a[0];//原密码 DATA = 0x80;//操作码10:10xxxxxxB for(i = 0;i < 2;i++) { write_bit(BIT7); DATA <<= 1; } for(x = 0;x < 4;x++)//发原密码 { DATA = *(p++); for(i = 0;i < 8;i++) { write_bit(BIT7); DATA >>= 1; } } write_bit(0);//锁定位0:0 p = &cominceptbuff[0]; write_block(0x07,p);//写新密码 p_U2270B_CFE = 1; bankdata[24] = cominceptbuff[0];//密码存入 bankdata[25] = cominceptbuff[1]; bankdata[26] = cominceptbuff[2]; bankdata[27] = cominceptbuff[3]; DATA = 0x00;//停止操作码00000000B for(i = 0;i < 2;i++) { write_bit(BIT7); DATA <<= 1; } p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(560);//5.6ms } /***************************子函数***********************************/ void write_bit(bit x)//写一位 { if(x) { p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(32);//448*11.0592/120=42延时448us p_U2270B_CFE = 0; delay_2(28);//280*11.0592/120=26写1 } else { p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(92);//192*11.0592/120=18 p_U2270B_CFE = 0; delay_2(28);//280*11.0592/120=26写0 } } /*******************写一个block*******************/ void write_block(uchar addr,uchar data *data p) { uchar i,j; for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)//block0数据 { DATA = *(p++); for(j = 0;j < 8;j++) { write_bit(BIT0); DATA >>= 1; } } DATA = addr <<= 5;//0地址 for(i = 0;i < 3;i++) { write_bit(BIT7); DATA <<= 1; } } /*************************************************/ void write_password(uchar data *data p) { uchar i,j; for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)// { DATA = *(p++); for(j = 0;j < 8;j++) { write_bit(BIT0); DATA >>= 1; } } } /*************************************************/ void main() { initial(); TI = RI = 0; ES = 1; EA = 1; delay_2(28); //f_readcard(); while(1) { f_readcard(); //读卡 f_writecard(COMMAND1); //写卡 f_clearpassword(); //清除密码 f_changepassword(); //修改密码 } }
标签: 12345
上传时间: 2017-10-20
SIM7600C 全网通4G模块软硬件设计技术资料包linux驱动SIM7500_SIM7600 Series_AT COMMAND Manual_V1.01.pdfsim7600C-CE.zipSIM7600CE_SIM7600C 硬件设计手册_V1.01.pdfSIM7600CE_SIM7600C-PCIE_Hardware_Design_V1.00.pdfSIM7600CE_SIM7600C_Hardware Design_V1.01.pdfSIM7600CE_SPEC CN_201607.pdfSIM7600CE_SPEC EN_201607.pdfSIM7600CE_TAC_86147703.pdfSIM7600C_SIM7100C_Hardware Comparion_V1.00.pdfSIM7600C_SIM7100C_硬件差异文档_V1.01.pdfSIM7600C_SPEC CN_201607.pdfSIM7600C_SPEC EN_201607.pdfSIM7600C_TAC_86147603.pdf
上传时间: 2021-11-09