Chapter 1. Creational Patterns Chapter 2. Behavioral Patterns Chapter 3. Structural Patterns Chapter 4. System Patterns Chapter 5. Introduction to Java Programming Language Patterns Chapter 6. Java Core APIs Chapter 7. Distributed Technologies Chapter 8. Jini and J2EE Architectures
标签: Patterns Chapter Behavioral Creational
上传时间: 2014-02-02
This program uses the database created by MakeAPIDB. It opens a connection * to a database using the same property file used by MakeAPIDB. Then it * queries that database in several interesting ways to obtain useful * information about Java APIs. It can be used to look up the fully-qualified * name of a member, class, or package, or it can be used to list the members * of a class or package.
标签: database connection MakeAPIDB program
上传时间: 2013-11-25
JavaTV Program source code Need to play Windows Media files and streams, mpeg4 video or DVDs in java? Access WDM capture devices? Control a firewire DVCam? Then maybe this can help you. dsj is an ongoing project to provide a java wrapper around Microsoft s DirectShow API. It offers a set of high level classes that give java easy access to functionality widely missed by java programmers and also lets you dive deeper into the interiors of Windows core api for 2D media. On the java side dsj tries to keep things open as possible - you may use it standalone or let it feed data into JMF or other APIs.
标签: Program Windows streams JavaTV
上传时间: 2013-12-17
The Java Cookbook is a comprehensive collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for anyone programming in Java. Developers will find hundreds of tried-andtrue Java "recipes" covering all of the major APIs as well as some APIs that aren t as well documented in other Java books.
标签: comprehensive collection practical solutions
上传时间: 2014-01-16
本教程详细审查了袖珍版 Java 2 平台 (J2ME),它主要面向在 Java 编程及面向对象设计与开发方面有深厚背景的中级开发者。 您可以首先了解 J2ME 的背景并研究 J2ME 的配置和简表。随后,逐步建立您的开发环境,用于开发 J2ME 应用程序。 本教程将向您介绍一些课题如 K 虚拟机 (KVM),和 KJava API -- 用于关联连接有限设备配置 (CLDC) 和使用 CLDC 的移动信息设备简表。之后您将构造一个简单的应用程序来看看您能用 J2ME 做些什么。您将使用 CLDC 和 KJava 开发一个基本绘图应用程序以及一个小型 MIDP 应用程序。
上传时间: 2015-08-15
Using a holistic approach to teaching developers the ins-and-outs of GNU/Linux programming using APIs, tools, communication, and scripting, this book introduces programmers to the environment from the lowest layers to the user layers.
标签: ins-and-outs programming developers holistic
上传时间: 2013-12-23
goText is a program for mobile phones that allows you to send text messages over GPRS/EDGE/UMTS. It was made in Java (J2ME) MIDP 1.0 CLDC 1.0 and so avaible for all java mobile devices.
标签: messages program goText allows
上传时间: 2015-09-02
JDiff is a Javadoc doclet which generates an HTML report of all the packages, classes, constructors, methods, and fields which have been removed, added or changed in any way, including their documentation, when two APIs are compared. This is very useful for describing exactly what has changed between two releases of a product. Only the API (Application Programming Interface) of each version is compared. It does not compare what the source code does when executed.
标签: constructors generates packages Javadoc
上传时间: 2015-09-06
This book explains many powerful PEAR packages for maximizing your PHP development productivity for accessing and displaying data, handling dates, working with XML and Web Services, and accessing Web APIs.
标签: productivity development maximizing for
上传时间: 2015-10-08
功能更强的基于J2ME的蓝牙程序,本程序说明如何使用蓝牙 API 和可视编辑器的一组 MIDlet。 需要:MIDP 2.0、Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology 1.0 (JSR 82)
上传时间: 2013-12-26