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  • 在cdma2000移动通信系统中空中接口部分使用CAVE进行身份认证。


    标签: cdma 2000 CAVE 移动通信系统

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • CDMA 认证算法 CAVE算法 C 语言源码

    CDMA 认证算法 CAVE算法 C 语言源码

    标签: CDMA CAVE 算法 源码

    上传时间: 2017-02-19


  • A "code-what"? Unless you have spent some time working in the area of reverse engineering, chances a

    A "code-what"? Unless you have spent some time working in the area of reverse engineering, chances are you have not heard of the term "codeCAVE" before. If you have heard of it, you might not have read a clear definition of it or quite understand what it is or why it is useful. I have even asked seasoned assembly programmers about the term before and most of them had not heard of it. If it is new to you, do not worry, you are not the only one. It is a term that is scarcely used and is only useful in a reverse engineering context. Furthermore, is it "codeCAVE" or "code CAVE"? I am not quite sure, but I will try my best to refer to it consistently as a "codeCAVE". A space may sneak in there from time to time

    标签: engineering code-what chances reverse

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • 写号步骤: 1、将手机连通CDMA Workshop 2.7

    写号步骤: 1、将手机连通CDMA Workshop 2.7,在security选项卡里的 spc中点击读取,将000000填入spc里的方框,点击spc钮选择send, 于是显示spc解锁成功。 2、点击“nam”选项卡,将min填入10位码(就是imsi码去掉46003剩下的),将mcc填入460,mnc填入03,填入imsi15位码,banner填入你想填的字符(我填的中国电信),点击写入即可 3、这一步,就应该写入akey码了(如果不知道AKEY,可以通过电信机房关闭鉴权,但是不推荐这样做,有盗号风险),点击“CAVE”选项卡,在a-key后的方框 填入你的akey,点击写入即可。 4、重启6950,能够打电话了 针对白三角以及1X上网问题,请注意: 1、如果有白色三角漫游标记,通过将PRL由003升级到008解决方法是 :拨##778#,输入SPC码,即000000,点击VIEW 中PRI后点EDIT,将拷贝到机子中的prl文件浏览选到,点击OK升级 2、CDMA 1X无法上网的解决方法: 拨##778#,输入SPC码,即000000,点击VIEW 中M.IP后将“Mobile IP Only ”改为“simly IP only” SPC在内存中的地址:018E:0190(只要输入018E)

    标签: Workshop CDMA 2.7 手机

    上传时间: 2013-12-29
