广嵌GEC2410开发板实验程序及PDF文档 GEC2410实战手册目录 一、基本接口实验 1.1 ARM汇编指令编程实验 1.2 Thumb和ARM指令混合编程实验 1.3 C和ARM汇编混合编程实验 1.4 C编程实现LED控制实验 1.5 ARM启动及工作模式切换实验 1.6 外部中断应用实验 1.7 看门狗定时器应用实验 1.8 PWM控制蜂鸣器实验 1.9 实时时钟及闹钟设计实验 1.10 Nor flash 应用实验 1.11 Nand flash 应用实验 二、人机接口实验 2.1 矩阵键盘扫描实验 2.2 ADC模数转换实验 2.3 TFT液晶屏显示实验 2.4 触摸屏控制实验 2.5 汉字字符显示实验 2.6 SD卡应用实验 三、通信接口实验 3.1 串口通信应用实验 3.2 红外模块控制实验 3.3 IIC 总线应用实验 3.4 TFTP以太网通讯实验 3.5 USB device 实验 3.6 IIS音频接口实验. 四、实时操作系统实验 4.1 U-boot在GEC2410上的移植 4.2 嵌入式linux内核移植实现 4.3 uC/OS-II在GEC2410上的移植 4.4 uC/OS-II应用程序设计 4.5 WinCE的BSP设计及hello world实现 4.6 Nucleus PLUS 在GEC2410上的移植 4.7 Nucleus PLUS应用程序设计 共30个实验
上传时间: 2014-01-27
This article discusses some issues that a typical Windows C++ programmer will encounter when approaching Symbian OS for the first time. Our experience in developing for three successive versions of Symbian OS has given us considerable perspective on what can be difficult when working in this otherwise rich and stable environment. While one reason for Symbian s success may be the desire of many mobile phone manufacturers not to be tied to Microsoft, the other reason is that Symbian has put together a lightweight, elegant system that succeeds in providing a very impressive range of functionality. Here are some pointers to help ease the transition to successful Symbian OS application development.
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