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  • 基于ISA总线与KH-9300的数据采集系统

    介绍基于ISA总线与KH-9300的数据采集板卡的设置,详细说明8254定时计数器及8259中断控制器的结构特点、工作方式、控制字等,探讨中断类型、中断处理程序、中断矢量表及其填写。重点讲述使用TorboC编写中断服务程序的方法,应注意的主要问题及程序测试的结果。 Abstract:  The settings of KH-9300 data acquisition board based on the ISA BUS is introduced,the structural characteristics,working methods,control characters of the timing counter 8254 and interruptioncontroller 8259 are explained in detail.The interruption type,interrupt handling programs,interruption vector table and its filling also are discussed.Further,great emphasis is put on the method of interrupt service program compiled by Torbo C,the main issues that should be noted,and the results of program testing.

    标签: 9300 ISA KH 总线

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 微处理器dsPIC33F在微机保护装置中的应用

    数字信号处理器dsPIC33F集多通道高精度A/D转换、多通讯模式、看门狗、CMOS Flash技术等于一体,其内部可完成所有数据操作,实现总线不出芯片技术。将该处理器应用于微机保护装置,提出基于dsPIC33F微处理器的微机保护装置的设计方案,给出相应的接口电路与软件流程。该设计方案结构简单,性价比及可靠性高,开发周期短,具有一定的实用推广价值。所研制的微机保护装置现场运行效果良好。 Abstract:  The dsPIC33F microprocessor has a plentiful interior resource which contains multi-channel,high precision A/D converters,multi-communication module,watchdog,CMOS Flash technology,and so on.All data manipulations is accomplished interiorly.What is more,it makes the technology that BUS does not go beyond the chip comes into practice.The paper put forwards a design scheme based on dsPIC33F microprocessor.The scheme has the advantages of simple structure,high reliability and shortened exploitation cycle.What is more,it has definite practicality and reference.The microcomputer protection device has been put into operation with excellent effects.

    标签: dsPIC 33F 33 微处理器

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 基于ISA总线的计算机与DSP的通信

    在开放式数控系统结构模型的基础上,研究了基于ISA总线的DSP通信控制原理。采用中断方式完成了PC机和DSP之间的通信。介绍了以DriverWorks为工具开发ISA设备WDM驱动程序的方法,探讨了中断处理、驱动程序与应用程序之间的通信,简要说明了驱动程序的安装与调试。通过调试,系统设计运行稳定。 Abstract:  The ISA BUS and DSP correspondence control principle is investigated in the basis of the existing open architecture numerical control system.The interrupt method is used to realize the communication between PC and DSP based on the ISA BUS.The methods of WDM driver exploitation for ISA device using Driver Works are introduced.The main process of driver program and the keys such as handle interrupt and the communication between the drivers and application are presented.And how to debug and install the drive is explained.

    标签: ISA DSP 总线 计算机

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 基于W77E58的跑步机联网系统的开发

    对于传统的跑步机无法联机组网,保存历史数据,实时调试等问题,介绍了一个由多台跑步机通过RS-232串行总线与上位机相连组成的跑步机联网系统。系统采用W77E58作为下位机核心控制器件,它具有双串行通讯端口,其中一个串口用于与变频器通讯,另一个串口则与上位机相连,构成跑步机网络。 Abstract:  The traditional running machine can not be connected to a network, saving historical data, real time debug etc.In this paper,a new network system which is composed of running machines connected by a RS-232 communication BUS is introduced.In the system,W77E58 is used as a core control unit.W77E58 has two serial ports,one is connected to the inverter and the other is connected to the PC. Thus a network appears.

    标签: W77E58 跑步机 联网系统

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • ADS1110与AT89C51单片机系统的接口电路设计

    针对51单片机系统中常用的A/D转换器价格高、精度低的缺点,介绍TI公司的16 位的带有I2C串行接口的A/D转换器ADS1110的工作原理,给出ADS1110与AT89C51单片机系统的接口电路和软件设计。实践证明,ADS1110具有高性价比和实用性。 Abstract:  According to the disadvantages of high expense and low accuracy of the general A/D converter used in MCS51 microchip system,the principle and working process of a high accuracy 16-bit A/D conversion ADS1110 which has I2C BUS and belongs to TI Company are proposed here as well as the interface of ADS1110 to AT89C51 and software list.It is proved to be high performance index and practicability.

    标签: 1110 ADS 89C C51

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • 基于CC1110单片机公交报站系统的设计

    基于CC1110单片机公交报站系统主要由CC1110单片机最小系统和WT588D语音模块组成,提出了如何实现语音报站,通过无线通信SimpliciTI网络协议实现公交站台的自动播报和OLCD液晶显示公交运行的各类信息。结果表明,该公交报站系统报站准确率99%,价格比同类产品下降了300%以上,系统组成结构简单,提高了系统的抗干扰性和稳定性,也便于携带。 Abstract:  The BUS stop announcement system based on CC1110 MCU is composed of CC1110 MCU minimum system and WT588D voice module. How to achieve the voice announcing is put forward.The BUS-stop will announce automatically and display on the OLCD by means of wireless communication SimpliciTI network protocol. As a result, the BUS station stop announcement systems reported 99% accuracy rate, price of similar products declined by 300% or more, system of simple structure, improve the anti-jamming and stability of the power system, it is also portable.

    标签: 1110 CC 单片机 公交报站

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 基于MAX262的程控滤波器设计

     通过对程控滤波器的理论分析,在研究MAX262的功能和单片机的SPI总线通信的基础上,提出了基于MAX262的程控滤波器设计方案,设计了程控滤波器的软硬件,并给出了测试结果。 Abstract:  By analyzing the programmable filter,the paper puts forward a programmable filter system design based on MAS262 on basic of studying MAS262 features and SPI BUS communication.Software and hardware of the programmmable filter are designed,and the test result is given.

    标签: MAX 262 程控 滤波器设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • 基于CAN总线的数字式自动找平控制系统设计

    对于沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平控制系统来说,数字式控制系统的研制是目前的一个方向。介绍了一种基于CAN总线的数字式自动找平控制系统。该系统以CAN总线作为通信方式,PWM控制信号通过C8051F040单片机内部PCA可编程计数器阵列产生,并具有结构简单、信号稳定、实时性强、易扩展的特点。通过硬件实现和系统运行达到了比较理想的控制效果,验证了系统的可行性。 Abstract:  A digital auto-leveling control system based on CAN BUS is introduced.It uses CAN BUS as the method of communication and creates PWM signals by programmable counter array in C8051F040 microcontroller. The system is simple, stable, real-time and expansive.

    标签: CAN 总线 数字式 控制系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • 基于P87C591的信号采集节点的设计

    介绍了CAN总线和P87C591单片机的特点,给出了基于P87C591单片机的信号采集节点的软、硬件设计,指出了硬件电路设计中应注意的问题,在软件设计中重点介绍了节点初始化、报文发送和报文接收等子程序。 Abstract:  The features of CAN BUS and the microcontroller P87C591 are introduced, and the design of hardware circuit and soft configuration of the signals collection node based on P87C591 are presented. The problems in designing hardware circuit are discussed.Initialization subprogram, transmiting subprogram and receiving subprogram are emphasized in soft configuration.

    标签: P87C591 信号采集 节点

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • PCF8578 LCD图形点阵液晶驱动器芯片简介及封装库

    The PCF8578 is a low power CMOS1 LCD row and column driver, designed to drive dotmatrix graphic displays at multiplex rates of 1:8, 1:16, 1:24 or 1:32. The device has40 outputs, of which 24 are programmable and configurable for the following ratios ofrows/columns: 32¤8, 24¤16, 16¤24 or 8¤32. The PCF8578 can function as a stand-alone LCDcontroller and driver for use in small systems. For larger systems it can be used inconjunction with up to 32 PCF8579s for which it has been optimized. Together these twodevices form a general purpose LCD dot matrix driver chip set, capable of driving displaysof up to 40960 dots. The PCF8578 is compatible with most microcontrollers andcommunicates via a two-line bidirectional BUS (I2C-BUS). Communication overhead isminimized by a display RAM with auto-incremented addressing and display bankswitching.

    标签: 8578 PCF LCD 图形点阵

    上传时间: 2013-10-23
