A data-based tool that can produce questionnaires dynamically which will be used to investigate client information.
标签: questionnaires dynamically investigate data-based
上传时间: 2015-09-15
说明: 此计算机可以计算同时超过多个操作项的什. 例如: y = 3 + 64 * (2 + 3^5) + sinPI 的值, 用括号区分优先级,如果有大量很长的算式需要计算,可以试一下这个计算器. 开发语言: C#语言,用Stack原理实现
上传时间: 2013-12-22
初等数学隶属度 y用初等数学计算隶属度
标签: 计算
上传时间: 2015-09-15
The information in this publication is believed to be accurate as of its publication date. Such information is subject to change without notice and The ATM Forum is not responsible for any errors. The ATM Forum does not assume any responsibility to update or correct any information in this publication. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, neither The ATM Forum nor the publisher make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the completeness, accuracy, or applicability of any information contained in this publication. No liability of any kind shall be assumed by The ATM Forum or the publisher as a result of reliance upon any information contained in this publication.
标签: publication information believed accurate
上传时间: 2015-09-16
在matlab中生成单边指数调幅信号. y=amexpols(N,t0)N生成信号的点数,t0函数的起始点,y返回信号.
上传时间: 2014-11-27
生成以t0为中心的双指数调幅信号 y=amexpo2s(N,t0),N产生信号的点数,t0时间中心,y返回产生的信号.
上传时间: 2015-09-19
生成以t0为中心的高斯调幅信号. y=AMGAUSS(N,t0),N产生信号的点数,t0时间中心,y返回信号产生的信号.
上传时间: 2015-09-19
This code in this directory implements the binary hopfield network. Source code may be found in HOPNET.CPP. A sample training file is H7x8N4.trn. Sample test pattern files are: H7x8D4.TST, H5x8D7.TST, H5x8D7.TST and H5x8D9.TST, Output of the program goes to both the screen and a file, ARCHIVE.LST.
标签: code implements directory hopfield
上传时间: 2014-01-16
对于一个动态系统dy/dt=-y(t)+x(t-m),m为一个时间滞后常量,x(t)、y(t)都是关于时间 t的函数,其中x是一个正态分布的数据集合,可随机产生,这样情况下,如何将系统情况 用样本点表示出来
上传时间: 2015-09-23
lcm display,it use i2c 8576,and it can be used motor etc
上传时间: 2014-11-23