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  • 基于数字信号处理的超声手术刀电源控制电路设计与实现

    目的:自主研制一款超声手术刀电源控制系统,以减少能量的消耗,维持手术刀的正常温度。方法:对超声换能器在谐振附近的等效电路建立模型,并设计基于数字信号处理(DSP)的超声手术刀的硬件控制系统。结果:经对电源控制系统的电路和工作性能测试,生成的电流和电压的有效值等参数,能够及时调整电源的频率,并达到预期的功能指标,使超声手术刀工作在谐振状态。结论:以DSP为核心设计的超声手术刀电源控制系统,测试指标均能够达到预期的要求,能够使系统在谐振状态下工作。Objective: To independently develop a power control system of ultrasonic scalpel so as to reduce the energy consumption and maintain the normal temperature of ultrasonic scalpel. Methods: In this paper, the model of equivalent circuit of ultrasonic transducer nearby syntony was built up, and the hardware control system of ultrasonic scalpel based on digital signal processing(DSP) was designed. Results: Through testing the circuit and work performance of power control system, the series of parameters such as effective value and so on which were produced by this system could adjust frequency of power source in time and attain anticipative functional indicator, and it took the ultrasonic scalpel to work in syntonic situation. Conclusion: The tested indicators of power control system of ultrasonic scalpel based on the kernel design of DSP can attain anticipative requirement, and can take this system to work in syntonic situation.

    标签: 数字信号处理 超声手术刀 电源控制

    上传时间: 2022-04-03


  • think dsp, 基于python的数字信号处理原版

    Digital Signal Processing in Python基于python的数字信号处理原版,对于dsp算法的快速原型验证非常有帮助。

    标签: python dsp

    上传时间: 2022-04-28


  • 基于无迹卡尔曼滤波算法的锂电池SOC估计

    应用无迹卡尔曼滤波算法(UKF)进行锂电池的SOC估计,采用Thevenin二阶RC等效电路模型,对HPPC电池脉冲充放电实验数据进行Matlab处理,得到较为准确的模型.通过在Matlab中编写算法程序,对不同工况的估计值与实际值进行误差估算及对比分析,通过此算法进行SOC估计,得到该算法可有效降低系统误差并纠正SOC的初值偏差.The non trace Calman filter (UKF) is applied to the SOC estimation of lithium battery. The Thevenin two order RC equivalent circuit model is used to process the HPPC battery pulse charge discharge experimental data by Matlab processing, and a more accurate model is obtained. By writing algorithm program in Matlab, the error estimation and comparison analysis of the estimated value and actual value of different states are carried out, and the SOC estimation is carried out by this algorithm. The algorithm can effectively reduce the system error and correct the initial value deviation of the SOC.

    标签: 卡尔曼滤波

    上传时间: 2022-05-03


  • DSP 编程 Think DSP Digital Signal Processing in Python


    标签: dsp python

    上传时间: 2022-05-14


  • 《数字信号处理 》-莱昂斯- 英文第三版

           莱昂斯《数字信号处理(第三版)(英文版)》在Richard G. Lyons所著Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition的基础上进行了改编,针对通信类学校本科教学大纲,删除了教学中一般不涉及的内容,调整了章节顺序,并增加了z反变换、滤波器结构、线性相位FIR滤波器和其结构、模拟滤波器简介的内容,使教内容材更加完整。全书在概述了离散序列和系统的定义和实例之后,详细讨论了离散系统的特性、信号的离散化和离散卷积、z变换、离散时间傅里叶变换和离散傅里叶变换、快速傅里叶变换、数字滤波器结构、以及有限和无限脉冲响应数字滤波器的设计等基本概念和基本理论。书中涉及的数学知识以简明形式给出,深入浅出,易于理解。本书每章都增加了例题、习题和MATLAB例题,以便加强对每章内容的理解和掌握。      书中通过具有启发性的解释和精心挑选的例子,采用易于理解的数学表示方法,循序渐进地对数字信号处理技术加以说明和解释,帮助读者从整体掌握DSP基础,并逐步掌握较高层次的DSP概念和应用。本书特点:包含大量实际直观的例子;强调实际的、日常的DSP应用和解决方案·提供了全新的正交信号处理内容,包括易于理解的三维空间图;包括即使是经验丰富的专业人士也可能忽略的技术方法;涵盖频率采样、内插式FER、CIC等重要滤波器;提供流行的数字信号处理技巧。

    标签: 数字信号处理

    上传时间: 2022-05-22


  • FreeModbus 英文资料

    If register should be written or read.This value is passed to the calback functions which support either reading or writing register values. Writing means that the application registers should be updated and reading means that the modbus protocol stack needs to know the current register values.See also: eMBRegHoldingCB(), eMBRegCoilsCB(), eMBRegDiscreteCB() and eMBReglnputCB().Enumeration values: MB_REG_READ Read register values and pass to protocol stack.MB_REG_WRITE Update register values.Note: Note all ports implement this function.A port which wants to get an callback must define the macro MB_PORT_HAS_CLOSE to 1.Returns: If the resources where released it return eMBErrorCode:: MB_ENOERR. If the protocol stack is not in the disabled state it returns eMBErrorCode:: MB_EILLSTATE.Examples: LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235TCP/demo.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, WIN32/demo. cpp, and WIN32TCP/demo. cpp.his function disables processing of Modbus frames.Returns: If the protocol stack has been disabled

    标签: FreeModbus

    上传时间: 2022-05-31


  • 51单片机驱动ADS1115在1602上显示程序源码

    说明:  基于51单片机驱动ADS1115进行AD采集在1602上显示程序源码(Based on 51 single-chip drive diode for water lamp processing, including driving, testing, C file)

    标签: 51单片机 ads1115

    上传时间: 2022-06-07


  • Arduino中文入门教程+实验代码+中文解说视频

    Arduino是一个开放源码电子原型平台,拥有灵活、易用的硬件和软件。Arduino专为设计师,工艺美术人员,业余 爱好者,以及对开发互动装置或互动式开发环境感兴趣的人而设的。Arduino可以接收来自各种传感器的输入信号从而检测出运行环境,并通过控制光源,电机以及其他驱动器来影响 其周围环境。板上的微控制器编程使用Arduino编程语言(基于Wiring)和Arduino开发环境(以Processing为基 础)。为了让更多人了解Arduino并掌握它,电路城特推出Arduino入门中文教程+实验代码+Arduino驱动安装等。

    标签: arduino

    上传时间: 2022-06-15


  • 路斯特ServoOne手册

    German universities and scientists have repeatedly set the intermational standard in drive technology. Identification and active compensation of natural frequencies in oscillatory mechanics, status controls with monitoring structures incorporating acceleration sensors, adaptive compensation of measurement system deficiencies, self-adjusting detent torque compensation… everything invented with only a single aim in mind: to continue improv-ing the motion control, dynamics, precision and processing speed of your machines. For the industrial applicabability of this technology scientific publications in proceedings and laboratory test rigs are not enough. These features consequenty need to be converted into cost-efficient and easily manageable products. That 's exactly what we have done.So in future, if you should need more than today ' smarket can offer you, now everything isgoing to be alright. With our new high-performance ServoOne drive series you will experi-ence 

    标签: servoone

    上传时间: 2022-06-24


  • 安富莱_STM32-V5开发板_数字信号处理教程(V1.0).pdf

    数字信号处理(DigitalSignal Processing,简称 DSP)是一门涉及许多学科而又广泛应用于许多领 域的新兴学科。20 世纪 60 年代以来,随着计算机和信息技术的飞速发展,数字信号处理技术应运而生并 得到迅速的发展。在过去的二十多年时间里,数字信号处理已经在通信等领域得到极为广泛的应用。 数字信号处理是利用计算机或专用处理设备,以数字形式对信号进行采集、变换、滤波、估值、增强、 压缩、识别等处理,以得到符合人们需要的信号形式。

    标签: stm32 数字信号处理

    上传时间: 2022-07-03
